wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008

Linked List Tutorials

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REMEMBER: You are all required to write-up a tutorial (to be graded). You may either

  1. Create a new tutorial. These tutorials are available if there is no link associated with the tutorial. Those tutorials with links but no asterisks are NOT available.
  2. Improve a tutorial or Improve and Merge Tutorials. These tutorials are available for improvement it is followed by three asterisks (***). These tutorials may have some some merit, but are generally NOT considered as good tutorials (i.e., you should redo them so that they are 'A' Tutorials). Some of the tutorials have multiple submissions. They can all be improved. merge them and add to them.

For examples of how Original Tutorials and Tutorial Revisions will be graded, see the Bits and Bytes Tutorials.

Choose the tutorial you wish to view by clicking on the topic below

10.10 What is a linked list, why do we use it, and how is it different than a struct?
10.35a What is a linked list?
10.20 How do we declare a linked list and how would it be stored in RAM? ***
10.25 Conceptually, how would a link list appear?
10.35 How would a link list actually be set-up?
10.40 How would we find an element on a linked list? ***
10.40.a How would we find an element on a linked list? ***
10.45 What advantages are there to linked lists?
10.55 How do the different types of linked lists compare? ***
10.55.a How do the different types of linked lists compare? ***

This page was last updated on 03/28/06.