wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008

Bits and Bytes Tutorials

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None of these tutorials available for addition or revision. HOWEVER, please look at tutorial 1.1. (a through f) for examples of how original tutorial will be graded, and tutorial 1.30 (1 through e) for examples of how a revised tutorial will be graded.

NOTE: These tutorials will be of great assistance in doing well on the required on-line quiz (which will be graded and will affect your grade) to be taken after this material has been covered

1.1.a What does a BIT stand for? (This is an 'A' Submission)
1.1.b What does a BIT stand for? (This is a 'B' Submission)
1.1.c What does a BIT stand for? (This is a 'C' Submission)
1.1.d What does a BIT stand for? (This is a 'D' Submission)
1.1.f What does a BIT stand for? (This is an Atrocious Submission)
1.10 How many messages we could transmit for a given number of bits?
1.15 How many bits do we need for a given number of messages?
1.20 What do bits have to do with computers?
1.22 How quickly can a computer change the information stored be changed?
1.25 How many bits do we need to group together and why?
1.30.a What is a byte, and why does it contain 8-bits? (Original)
1.30.b What is a byte, and why does it contain 8-bits? (An 'F' Revision)
1.30.c What is a byte, and why does it contain 8-bits? (A 'C' Revision)
1.30.d What is a byte, and why does it contain 8-bits? (A 'B' Revision)
1.30.e What is a byte, and why does it contain 8-bits? (An 'A' Revision)
1.35 What is Parity and how does it help in detecting errors?
1.40 What was the problem with coding sequences and how was it resolved?
1.45 What are ASCII Files?
1.50 What is EBCDIC?
1.55 What is Unicode, why was it is developed, and what problems are there?
1.95 What Short Answer Questions Should I be able to answer?
1.96 What Multiple Choice Questions should I be able to answer?

This page was last updated on 05/11/05.