wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008

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Peeter J. Kirs, Ph.D.
(My last name is Estonian in origin and rhymes with Pierce; My first name is simply Peter, unless you want to get esoteric)
The University of Texas at El Paso
College of Business Administration
Dept. of Info. & Decision Sciences
El Paso, TX  79968
Office (Room 203) Tel:  (915) 747 - 7733     FAX:  (915) 747 - 5126

Email:  pkirs@utep.edu   ( PLEASE include Class in heading)

If you are NOT a student in this class, PLEASE sign the Visitor Guestbook !!!

Welcome!! -- Bienvenidos!! -- Willkommen!! -- Vitan!! -- Bienvenue!! -- Tere Tulemast!! -- Benvenuto!! -- Välkommen!! -- Nameste!! -- Boa Vinda!! -- Mottakelse!! -- Welcome to CIS3355!!!! ---

Course Description: This course has three primary missions:

  1. To familiarize the student with the functioning of the computer, and

  2. To better enable students in the management of data, and

  3. To introduce the student to C/C++ Programming

Computer technology has certainly advanced dramatically since its introduction in the 1940's, yet conceptually, architecturally, and functionally, the changes are minimal. In this course, we take a primitive approach to understanding computer functioning. Beginning with the concept of bits and bytes, we discuss how the computer stores and manipulates data. Once the student has an understanding of where data is stored, and how that data is interpreted, programming becomes merely an exercise in logic. Our approach follows the old adage of "Give a person a fish, and they will eat for a day. Teach them how to fish, and they will eat for a life time."  We are going to learn HOW to Fish!

From an application standpoint, the management of data is vitally important for organizations in order to maintain records, gauge performance, make forecasts, produce information, and discover knowledge. Since the basic data types can only represent a small subset of data, data structures are developed to store, organize, and process data. Data Structures are implemented in C/C++ and the advantages and disadvantages of each structure are discussed.

This page was last updated on 11/03/14.