wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008

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Basic Data Types Tutorials

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2.000 How do you add binary numbers?
2.050 What happens when we add ASCII characters together?
2.075 What is the difference between characters and Integers?
2.090 How do we store numeric values?
2.100 How do we convert from decimal to binary?
2.140 How do we convert from binary to decimal?
2.160 What is Octal, and why is it important?
2.180 What is Hexadecimal and why is it important?
2.200 How are characters stored?
2.220 How do we store integers larger than 255?
2.260 How do we store negative integers?
2.300 What is complementing?
2.320 What is two's complement?
2.340 Which is better: One's or two's complement?
2.360 Are characters stored with a sign-bit?
2.380 What are unsigned integers?
2.400 What components are needed for real numbers?
2.440 How do we deal with issues of precision?
2.480 How do we deal with issues of magnitude?
2.520 What's more important: precision or magnitude?
2.540 How are bits distributed between each of the real number components?
2.600 How do we determine the range of real numbers?
2.650 What if I need real numbers with greater precision or magnitude?
2.900 How can we summarize all of the basic data types?
2.995 What questions should I be able to answer?

This page was last updated on 08/16/06.