How do we determine the range of real numbers ??
Real numbers are characterized by their level of precision, NOT their Range As we have seen, the scheme we have arrived at allows for 7-digits of precision (and some to 8).
OK - But what is the LARGEST
(positive) number we can represent ??
.224 - 1 E +(26 - 1) = .16777215 E +63
A very large number!! What is the SMALLEST (positive) number we can represent ?? .1 E -26 = .1 E -64
A very large number!! However, the point to keep in mind is that we can also represent any number in between, BUT ONLY TO 7 DECIMAL POINTS OF PRECISION!! What if I need real numbers with greater precision or magnitude? That is our next tutorial. This page was last updated on 06/01/05 |