CIS3355: Data Structures
00010. What
advantages does an array of data type struct have over a regular array?? Explain.
00020. It was stated that by declaring a structured
data object, say:
struct newobject { …} we are creating a new data type.
4.0010 How many bytes of contiguous storage would be
required for the array mydata
given the following structure template and declaration:
struct mystuff
char classification, title[13];
int number1, number2,
float fnumb1, fnumb2[7];
double doub1[3];
struct mystuff * mypointer; };
int main()
struct mystuff mydata[12];
5.0004. Given the
following section of code:
struct studinfo {
char studentname[30];
age, credithours;
gpa; };
struct studinfo student[6]
= {{“Christie, Agatha”,, 96, 82, 37324, 3.05},
{“Shakespeare, Bill”, 256,12, 52253, 3.56}, {“Albee,
Edward”, 76, 120, 72689, 2.78},
{“Voltaire”, 56, 82, 64766,
3.75}, {“Chaucer, Geoffry”, 420, 91, 41566, 3.25},
{“Grisham, John”, 46, 24, 66456, 1.57}} ;
command: printf(“%lu\n”,&student[3].weightindrams); yields the output: 7686
What is the value of student[2].name?
What is the value of student[1].gpa?
What is the value of student[6].age?
What is the value of
What the value of &student[0].credithours?
What the value of
5.0010. Given the following sections of C code:
struct emp
char lname[7], dept[5];
short age, class;
float salary;
void main()
struct emp
printf (“%lu\n”,
&employee[2].class); // The output would be 6420
a. What would be printed out by the
command: printf(“%lu”, employee);
b. What would be printed out by the
command: printf(“%lu”, &employee[4].dept);
If the following code were part of the
above program:
int i;
struct emp *rec = employee;
OBTAINED FOR Parts a and b.
Suppose that after the above
the statement printf(“%lu”, &employee[0]);
yielded the output 7500.
Now, inside the program we
find the code:
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
c. What is the value of rec at the end of the loop?
d. At what
address will variable rec
be found?
e. How many
bytes of contiguous storage are required to store the variable rec?
f. What is
the value of variable i
at the end of the loop
5.0030. Given:
struct datatemplate
{ char group[3];
int groupclass;
struct datatemplate *next; };
char main()
{ struct datatemplate data[3] = {{“AB”,76,6741},{“X4”,322,6732},{“6T”,0,6750}};
If we issue the statement: printf(“%lu”, data)
And we receive the output: 6732
A. Show how the data would be laid out in RAM
(in Decimal or in Roman Characters)
B What would be printed by the statement: printf(“%d”, (sizeof) data);
C. What would be printed by the statement: printf(“%lu”, &data[1]);
D. What would be printed by the statement: printf(“%lu”, &data[2].next);
E. What would be printed by the statement: printf(“%d”, data[1].groupclass);
F. What would be printed by the statement: printf(“%s”, data[2].group);
G. What would be printed by the statement: printf(“%d”, data[0].next->groupclass);
H. What would be printed by the statement: printf(“%d”, data[0].next->next->group);