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Your Grade In this class will be based on the following Evaluation Areas:
Quizzes: There will be three in-class quizzes. The best two (2) out of three (3) quizzes will be counted. This means that there will be NO PROVISIONS FOR MAKE-UPS. If you know in advance that FOR SOME EXCUSABLE REASON you will not be able to take a quiz, notify me and we might be able to make alternative arrangements. Otherwise, a missed quiz will mean that it will be the one dropped from consideration. The Best way to study for the quiz is to keep up with the material covered in class and to be able to answer all of the questions asked in the Review Page and Chapter Reviews at the end of each chapter. Note that while the answers to each question are also provided, it doesn't do you any good to check them until after you have attempted to answer the questions. Additional Quiz Information may be obtained at the Course Schedule Page or by going directly to Quizzes. Assignments: Assignments will either receive full credit if turned-in on time or zero (0) if not turned in or turned-in late. Additional Information can be found at the Assignments Page. Tutorial: You will be required to Submit one (1) Tutorial on the Friday BEFORE the quiz which covers that material is scheduled. Additional Information can be found on the Tutorial Page. Projects: You will be required to submit up to 6 Programming assignments. Additional information can be found at the Programming Assignments Page. Attendance: I generally do not take attendance, but every once in a while, I do (especially when it becomes apparent that a number of students are constantly missing class). Each unexcused (without advance notification) absence on the day that attendance is taken will result in a 1-point deduction from your average. Final Exam: The Final Exam will be comprehensive, and will resemble (but will not necessarily duplicate) the quizzes. The best way to study for the final is to fully understand the questions asked in each of the quizzes. To promote review of the quizzes, at least one (1) question asked on one of the quizzes will be duplicated on the final. Additionally, I will hold a review session IN ADDITION TO, AND OUTSIDE OF, THE REGULAR CLASS. The Exact time and location of the review session will be announced prior to the final. Check the University Schedule for the date and time of the exam. You MAY NOT take the exam outside of your regularly scheduled class period.
This page was last updated on 08/16/06.