Business Data Structures |
Assignments [ Home] [INFAQs] [Class Schedule] [Textbook] [Lecture Slides] [Additional Coverage] [Supplementary Material] [Evaluation Areas] [Course Submissions] [Student Information] For the purposes of this course, an assignment is one which you do ON TIME, and get full credit for, or you don't do it (Or don't do ON TIME) and get zero points. They are a small percentage of your final grade, but every little bit helps. Often (unfortunately), the difference is a letter grade. Proportionally (relative to the total points), the assignments are worth:
There are also two Optional submissions: Textbook and Webpage Error Submissions. Whenever you find an error in the textbook or webpage, PLEASE POINT THEM OUT TO ME SO I CAN MAKE THE APPROPRIATE CHANGES!! Check the course schedule for the due dates. This page was last updated on 08/24/07. |