CIS3355: Business Data Structures in C/C++
Dr. Peeter J. Kirs
Fall, 2007
COBA Syllabi Policy Conformation
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NOTE: Complete Course Information available at:
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Instructor Office Hours:
1. Monday (M) From 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
2. Tuesday and Thursday (TR) From 11:50 AM to 1:30 PM
Total Office Hours: 4.5
Instructor Contact Information:
1. Office: COBA Room 203
2. Telephone: (915) 747 – 7733
3. Email:
4. Department Secretary: Ms. Mary Hernandez
5. Secretary Telephone: (915) 747 - 7748
6. Secretary Email:
7. Department Fax: (915) 747 - 5126
Required Textbook and other material:
1. Textbook:
Kirs, P.J., and Pflughoeft, K.A. “Abstract Data Structures for Business In C/C++”. Available for download at:
2. Lecture Slides:
Kirs, P.J. Lecture Slides to Accompany Abstract Data Structures for Business In C/C++”. Available for download at:
3. Additional Material:
Available for download at:
4. Supplementary Material:
5. Recommended Material:
“C++ for Business Programming,
1/e”, John C. Molluzzo,
Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-577594-9
A good Reference Manual on C/C++
Dates for Submission of Assignments:
Actual Course schedule depends on the progress of the class. I would
rather take more time to make sure you understand the material and cover less
than hurry through all of the projected material.
*** Only if you have chosen this option
Drop Deadline With An Automatic “W” : March 18th
Item |
Weight |
Quizzes |
60 % |
Assignments |
8 % |
Tutorial |
8 % |
Projects |
8 % |
On-Line Quizzes |
1 % |
Final Exam |
15 % |
100 % |
Course Grading Scheme:
UTEP Policy on Academic Integrity:
Academic Honesty. Academic integrity
is at the core of the educational mission of the institution. Students are
expected to conduct themselves with honesty and forthrightness in all academic
and personal interactions within the University community. A student who
enrolls at the University must conduct himself/herself in a manner compatible
with the University’s function as an educational institution. Consequently,
conduct that offends the core mission of education is strictly prohibited.
Academic dishonesty is a general term for actions that are not representative
of the student’s own work or in keeping with the directives of the faculty
member assigning the course work. Some of the more common forms (not a
comprehensive list) of academic dishonesty are: cheating, plagiarism, collusion,
the substitution for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in
whole or in part to another person, taking an examination for another person,
any act designed to give unfair advantage to a student or the attempt to commit
such acts.
Violations of University Policy:
Official university policy states that all suspected cases of alleged
academic dishonesty must be referred to the Dean of Students for investigation
and appropriate disposition. Under the
Scholastic Dishonesty: The
University of Texas at
Course Prerequistes: CIS 3235 Minimum Grade: D or CIS
2335 Minimum Grade: D
Course Objectives:
Objectives: |
To develop a Conceptual basis of Data Structures |
To understand Data Structure Usage in Business |
To understand the simplicity and complexity of Data Structures |
To conceptualize directions in technology for the future |
To synthesize material from a variety of sources |
Objectives: |
To judge reliability, integrity, and accuracy of Strucures |
To determine the data types necessary to fulfill business requirements |
To design, analyze, and implement appropriate Data Structures |
To evaluate presentation of information |
Objectives: |
Learn basics of C/C++ |
Learn how to program the Data Structures Discussed |
Become familiar with a what Data Structures are most appropriate for a give
situation |
Design and develop useful Business Applications |
Objectives: |
To translate ambiguity into operating Programs |
To translate complexity into simplicity |
To network electronically |
Statement on Disability:
If you feel you may have a disability that requires accomodations, contact the Disabled Student Services Office
at 747 – 5148, go to the