wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008

Characters vs. Numeric Values

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Site: http://www.pcguide.com/res/tablesASCII-c.html
bulletASCII Table for conversion: This is a good site produced by PCGuide to give knowledge to the PC user. This site could be used for conversion reference because it contains an ASCII Conversion table. The table on this website lists all of the characters in the character set, along with their decimal, binary and hexadecimal number equivalents, so you can also use it as a conversion chart. The ASCII characters 0 to 31 are control characters, not printed characters. They are represented using short forms in the ""Char"" column. The ""Code"" column represents the keystrokes usually used to generate the character on a standard ""enhanced"" PC keyboard. The rest of the columns are self understanding and primary used to convert binary, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers.
Site: http://www.geekpedia.com/prog_ttrls.php?id=1
bulletThis site provides a whole lot of information about data types, most specifically on the integer data types in C/C++. The first two sections have more basic information on data types, like for example defining what a data type is, what it means to be signed or unsigned, etc. As far as the integer data type info goes, it's got way more stuff than I ever wanted to know about integers in C++ that's for sure. It also has information on chars, since chars are just integers with a fancy name, and it talks about different things you can do with the data types using C/C++ like using C to calculate and print out the min and max that a type of integer can hold so that you don't ever have to perform the scary math yourself ever again and stuff like that. It also talks about why and how overflows work. I like this site so much I even recommended it to my mom and sister even they don't know anything about computers.
Site:  http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/47zceaw7(VS.80).aspx
bulletWhat is Data type? To answer this question this page provided a chart with a visual basic type which could be a byte, char, decimals, integer, long and short and also explain the language type and value range of each. The page will help to get a better understanding of data types
Site: http://www.ou.edu/class/hgruenwald/teach/3033/c3/sld066.htm
bulletBasic Data Types: In this Web Site of 66 slides of power point you will find the what is the basic data types. This data type function will tell the computer what size of memory each variable will need. The basic data type in C are the integers types, the size of operator and character variable to name a few. It also mentions the types in which C can be divided into, and its divisions are Scalar types, aggregated types, function types, union types, and void types. basic Data Types also has storage types which are char, sort, unsiged shor, unsigned char, and are used for storage only. To summarize this subject also talks about how it can print the number 10 hex, octal, etc.
Site: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/tut1-2.html
bulletVariables, Data Types, Constants: This reference is a C++ tutorial on variables, data types, and constants. The article give a brief description of identifiers on what and what not to use when considering an identifier. The article also gives a chart of C++ data types with the number of bytes, a description, and range of each data type. Declaring, initializing, and the scope of variables is also discussed. The constants and literals section discusses integer numbers, floating point numbers, characters and strings as wells as defining and declaring constants.
bulletThe Existing fundamental data types in C++: This site gives you an explanation about Data types in C++. It also has a table of the existing fundamental data types in C++, as well as the range of values that can be represented with each one of them.
Site: http://www.geekpedia.com/prog_ttrls.php?id=1
bulletThis site provides a whole lot of information about data types, most specifically on the integer data types in C/C++. The first two sections have more basic information on data types, like for example defining what a data type is, what it means to be signed or unsigned, etc. As far as the integer data type info goes, it's got way more stuff than I ever wanted to know about integers in C++ that's for sure. It also has information on chars, since chars are just integers with a fancy name, and it talks about different things you can do with the data types using C/C++ like using C to calculate and print out the min and max that a type of integer can hold so that you don't ever have to perform the scary math yourself ever again and stuff like that. It also talks about why and how overflows work. I like this site so much I even recommended it to my mom and sister even they don't know anything about computers.
Site:  http://support.entegrity.com/private/doclib/docs/osfhtm/develop/appdev/Appde485.htm
bulletThis website gives you examples of some data types and tells you each one of them mean . Which is good to know the definition and understand what it is that you are reading and studying.
Site: http://members.tripod.com/~JavaScriptForum/basic.html
bullet Basic Data Types in Java. This site might not be the most "Basic" of data type references, but it pretty good in terms of giving (some of) the basic data types used in Java (Java is based on C and C++, although there are quite a few extensions, given that it is intended as a web-based programming language). It is kind of clever in its approach. For example, here is what you will find under the definition of a variable: "Variables are used in cooperation with values. If I have a string, "I smell like potatoes", and I want to manipulate it, or continuously refer to it in my script, wouldn't you think I would get tired of typing it?"
Site: http://www.an.psu.edu/ojj/courses/cpp-lang/basictypes.html
bulletBasic Data Types In this website, you can refer to some of the topics discussed in the class. However, the website does not expand on each topic. It will give you a basic definition and a simple example of such concept. It has some pictures that help the reader understand the concept being discussed. It is simple and goes to the point. I believe this website is intended to be used as a complement of some other material. This website could be used as an example for the tutorials we need to develop.
Site: http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~grant/Teaching/COMP205/basic.html
bulletBasic Data Types: This has an intro to data types. It has good explanation about range, precision, pointers, and much more. In this website you can actually see how and why these things are used.
bulletThis website gives a clear description on how ranges and precision work in regards to floats and unsigned short integers. It's a very helpful site.
Site: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbcn7/html/vbconDataTypes.asp
bulletThis website offers information on basic types of data, their function and how it works. In addition the website also gives information on conversions and tables, as well as other very useful links to find further information.
Site: http://www.cknow.com/tutorcom/term06_bitsbytes.htm
bulletExplains how demicals match up to binary, and explains kilobytes and megabytes.
Site: http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/Cplusplus/More-on-Handling-Basic-Data-Types/ 
bulletthis site explaisns more abour how to convert a value from one basic type to another and How you can define alternative names for existing data types. and some other topics that helps to complement this with we see in class