wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008

Quiz 1A
Quiz 1B
Quiz 1C
Quiz 2A
Quiz 2B
Quiz 2C

Basic Data Types On-Line Quiz

You are required to take a Multiple Choice Quiz for each topic area. The quiz will be graded and will contribute to your final grade.

Select the quiz to take from the list on the Left-Hand-Side based on the following criteria:

  1. Select Quiz 1A or 2A ONLY if your Pseudonym (NOT your real name) begins with a Non-Alphabetic Character (e.g., "0", "&") or the Alphabetic Characters "A" through "C" (uppercase or lower Case)

  2. Select Quiz 1B or 2B ONLY if your Pseudonym begins with the Alphabetic Characters "D" through "M" (uppercase or lower Case)

  3. Select Quiz 1C or 2C ONLY if your Pseudonym begins with the Alphabetic Characters "N" through "Z" (uppercase or lower Case)

If you choose a quiz other than the one you should (based on the criteria above) you will receive a zero (0) for that quiz.

Select the link on the left-hand-side to submit your Multiple Choice Quiz for the topic.

This page was last updated on 01/10/08.