wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008

Student Notices

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There will be times when something occurs outside of class, or I find in formation which I think you should be made aware of. When this occurs, this is where I will post new information. To let you know that there is a note for you, I will also make mention of it on the Marquee on the front page, so you will see it as soon as you log on.

A sample Posting might appear as:

Date Item
09/15/2002 The updated grades have been posted
09/12/2002 I need all new submissions before I can post your grades
09/01/2002 The References Page has been Updated
08/27/2002 Mr. Hernandez has informed me that There was a mistake on last Tuesday's Lecture Slides. I have corrected them. Please see the revisions.

This page was last updated on 08/16/06.