CIS3355: Business Data Structures in C/C++

Dr. Peeter Kirs


Basic Data Types

Short Answer/Problem Questions


NOTE: Checking the answers before you have tried to answer the questions doesn’t help you at all


0010.  How many different combinations can we have when adding binary digits together? What are they?


            See Solution


0020.  Show how you would add the following binary numbers:


a.   1011101 + 101111

b.   1110111 + 101001

c.   1110110100 + 101001 + 111101


See Solution


0030. What happens when we add the add the ASCII characters ‘1’ and ‘7’ together? Why?


See Solution


0040. What is the difference between a character and a numeric value?


See Solution


0050. How do we represent numeric values in binary?


See Solution


0055. How do we represent numeric values from 0 to 20 in Binary (Assume we are using 8-bits)?


See Solution


0060. If you were asked to convert 4,203 inches to yards, feet and inches, how would you do it?


See Solution


0065. If you were asked to convert 52,897,605 seconds to years, months, days, hours and seconds (assume 30 days per month), how would you do it?


See Solution


0100.  Convert the following decimal numbers to binary.


a.   34

b.   63

c.   128


See Solution


0110.  Without actually converting the numbers 84, 137, and 693 into binary, what can we predict about how the numbers will appear in binary?


See Solution


0115.  How can we predict that 7 will be 1112, 64 will be 10000002 and 1023 will be 11111111112?


See Solution


0150.  In what different ways can we express the number 9,76510?


See Solution


0160.  Convert the following binary numbers to decimal:


a.   111

b.   1011011

c.   1111111111


See Solution


0200.  Why do we use octal and hexidecimal?


See Solution


0210.  Create the binary to octal and binary to hex tables.


See Solution


0220.  Why must we use the letters A, B, C, D, E, and F to represent the numbers 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 (respectively)?


See Solution


0230.  Convert the following decimal values to Octal and Hexidecimal:


a.  14

b.   93

c.   3119


          See Solution


0235. Convert the following binary values to Octal and Hexidecimal.


a.  1011

b.  10101110

c.   111111111111


          See Solution


0240.  Convert the following octal values to binary and Hexidecimal:


a.  65

b.  173

c.   3102


          See Solution


0245.  Convert the following hexidecimal values to binary and octal:


a.  65

b.  7B

c.   FFF


          See Solution


0300.  How would the character ‘5’ be stored in RAM (EXACTLY)?


          See Solution


0310.  Why are 8-bits insufficient for storing numeric values?


          See Solution


0320. How do we store integers?


          See Solution


0340. What is the difference between signed and unsigned integers (and characters)? What is the default?


          See Solution


0345. Are signed integers stored differently than unsigned integers?


          See Solution


0347. What is the range of integers?


          See Solution


0350. How are negative numbers stored?


          See Solution


0360. What is one’s compliment? What is two’s compliment? Which do we use and why??


          See Solution


0370.  Show how you would subtract 35 from 76 using both one’s compliment and two’s compliment.


          See Solution


0380.  Show how you would subtract 76 from 35 using both one’s compliment and two’s compliment.


          See Solution


0400.  Express the numbers 76,809.78 and –0.000678 in exponential notation. Why is this useful?


          See Solution


0405.  What three components must we keep track-of in storing real numbers (floats)? Illustrate the components using the real number -809.7032.


          See Solution


0410.  How many bits do we need to allocate to each component?


          See Solution


0420.  What is the value of adding more bits to the mantissa? How can this be illustrated?


          See Solution


0425.  Given the standard number of bits allocated to the mantissa (24), what level of precision can we get and why?


          See Solution


0426.  Suppose we only allocated 18-bits to the mantissa. What level of precision can we get and why?


          See Solution


0430.  What is the value of adding more bits to the characteristic of the exponent? How can this be illustrated?


          See Solution


0435.  What will be the range of the characteristic of the exponent given the traditional 7-bits allocated to it? What does this mean?


          See Solution


0436.  Suppose we only allocated 5-bits to the characteristic of the exponent. What level of magnitude can we get and why?


          See Solution


0450.  What is the range of real numbers?


          See Solution


0460. What if I need more precision?


          See Solution


0465. How are the bits allocated to the data types double and long double?


          See Solution




0999. List all of the different data-types, how many bits are associated with it, the range (for integers), and the level of precision (for real numbers).


          See Solution


1000. Convert the following decimal numbers to binary (assume a 16 bit Short Integer: 1 bit for the sign, 15 bits for the value). If necessary, assume two’s complement.


           a.        100                         d.      ‑87

           b.        978                         e.      ‑5,345

           c.      32,767                     f.       -32,789


          See Solution


2000. Convert the following Binary numbers (1 bit sign, 15 bit value) to Decimal, Octal and Hex


          a.       0,110010111011111                             

          b.       0,001101110111011

          c.       1,010100111001100                           (One’s Complement)

          d.       1,111111111111010                           (Two’s Complement)


          See Solution


3000. Add the following numbers in binary:


          a.       7810 + 7810 using one’s complement

          b.       -AB16 + 708  using one’s complement

          c.       4395 + 647 using two’s complement


          See Solution


4000. You are building a database of addresses. The question was raised as to whether zip codes should be stored as numbers or strings. Explain what the differences are, and what the advantages/disadvantages are for each.


          See Solution


5000. A new machine has been developed which will use a 20-bit register. Reals will be stored with a 1‑bit sign and a 6‑bit exponent. What will be the range for reals? What will be the range for Integers?


          See Solution


5010. I have just built a new machine. It uses a 6-bit character set, which I have grouped together as something I call a ‘snack’. Other than that, the lay-out of data types cor­responds to traditional machine architecture. It uses two’s compliment for negative values. Characters will require 1 snack of storage of per character: given the 6-bits, standard character set will use 1-bit for parity; the extended character set will use all 6-bits of the snack). An integer will use two snacks, of which 1-bit (the left-most bit) will be used to represent the sign. Longs will have twice the storage of integers. Reals (floats) will use 4 snacks: 1-bit for the sign, 6-bits for the characteristic of the exponent, and the remainder for the mantissa.


a.         How many characters can I represent with a standard meal character set?

b.         What is the range of a signed integer?

c.         What is the largest long I can have (the formula is OK)?

d.         What Level of precision will real numbers (floats) have?

e.         Using my snack machine, I issued the command:    int a = -38;

            Show EXACTLY how this will be stored in RAM in my new machine.


          See Solution


5050.   I have invented a new light switch. In contrast to a normal light switch (which is either ‘off’ or ‘on’), it has three positions: Off, Low and High. That means with each switch I can represent three different pieces of information (a ternary situation). I am going to build a computer using this as the micro-switch and applying the same principles as a binary computer.


            My basic unit will be a ‘chomp’ (as opposed to a byte). I am going to include the entire extended ASCII character set in the data type we call ‘char’ using one chomp. I don’t have to worry about parity, since my machine will be perfect.


            I will only have one type of integer.  It will consist of two (2) chomps. All my integers will be signed, and I plan to use one of my three position light switches to represent the sign.


            My real numbers will require three (3) chomps. One (1) switch will be used for the sign (just like my integers). I am going to assign 5 of my light switches to the characteristic of the exponent.



(Note: with the exception of the first question (below) each of these can be answered using a formula (only), although the numeric answers are not too difficult)


1.      How many of my ternary light switches do I need to group together to include the entire extended ASCII character set (i.e., how many switches are in a ‘chomp’)?


2.      What will be the range of integers using 2 chomps?


3.      What will be my range of magnitude using my ‘chomp’ machine?


4.     What will be my level of precision using my ‘chomp’ machine?


          See Solution



PART II. Questions which you should be able to answer, WITHOUT being given the answers.


10010.   Given two (2) binary digits, how many different combinations are there? What are they?


10020.   Add the following binary digits together:


               111010110 + 10010011 + 101 + 10011101 + 1010010011 + 100111011




10040.   Convert 154,816,978,613 seconds to centuries, decades, years, months, days (assume 30 days per month), hours, minutes and seconds