0065. If you were asked to convert 52,897,605 seconds to years, months, days, hours and seconds (assume 30 days per month), how would you do it?


We know there are:


60 seconds in a minute

60 minutes in an hour

24 hours in a day

30 days in a month

12 months in a year


Again, we must collect in reverse order:


52,897,605 % 60    =  45           <= The (remaining) number of seconds

52,897,605 / 60       =  881626  <= The total number of minutes

881626 % 60           =  46           <= The (remaining) number of minutes

881626 / 60             =  14693     <= The total number of hours

14693 % 24             =   5             <= The (remaining) number of hours

14693 / 24               =   612        <= The total number of days

612 % 30                 =  12           <= The (remaining) number of days

612 / 30                    =  20           <= The total number of months

20 % 12                    =   8             <= The (remaining) number of months

20 / 12                      =   1             <= The number of years


52,897,605 seconds is 1 year, 8 months, 12 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 45 seconds