0060. If you were asked to convert 4,203 inches to yards, feet and inches, how would you do it?


We know:


There are three feet in a yard

There are 12 inches in a foot


Therefore, we should first find out how many feet there are (the remainder of this calculation will tell us how many inches remain)


Next we should determine how many yards there are (the remainder will tell us how many feet remain)


NOTE: We are collecting the information in REVERSE order


4203 % 12   =  3        <= The number of inches remaining

4203 / 12      = 350   <= This tells us the total number of feet in 4,203 inches

350 % 3        =  2        <= The Number of feet remaining

350 / 3          = 116    <= The number of yards


So there are 116 yards, 2 feet, 3 inches in 4,203 inches