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New Converting Between Bases References [Home Page] [(In)FAQs] [Class Schedule] [Textbook] [Lecture Slides] [Additional Coverage] [Supplementary Material] [Evaluation Areas] [Course Submissions] [Student Information] Pseudonym: cashmoney007 CommentsThis is a pretty in depth website that shows you how to convert between binary, hex, and oct. It also contains a calculator that can do it for you so you can check your work. Pseudonym: Dr. Horrible CommentsShort and informative website with another calculator that allows: Binary, Ternary, Quintal, Octal, Decimal, Duodecimal, Hexadecimal and Base 36. Pseudonym: Dr. Horrible CommentsShort and informative website with another base convertor Pseudonym: Dr. Horrible CommentsShort and informative website with another base convertor. Pseudonym: quOgVIJTis Comments6M3ABz <a href="">pipdahpcihfu</a>, [url=]yvfwiialzuyo[/url [link=]gdfmjzacvnbv[/link Pseudonym: LABRtpSVN CommentsAll of my qeutsions settled-thanks! Pseudonym: utzWxIYEcHBJf CommentsThanks for that! It's just the answer I neeedd. Pseudonym: iUkmwDwfBzz CommentsThat's a smart way of tihnknig about it. Pseudonym: Home CommentsConverting btw. Bases Pseudonym: CommentsConverting btw. Bases Pseudonym: Mark Comments2ASm4w Pseudonym: Mark CommentsvXIbxc Pseudonym: Mark CommentsnzPBqi Pseudonym: Mark CommentsMuu45S Pseudonym: rSI6YG1Vwl CommentsThis arlctie is a home run, pure and simple! Pseudonym: BKPcgaKj58jR CommentsLisa, Jillian, Susan, and Ja1k1#82y&;Thanes for the welcome back! M.EEllis, thanks for stopping in.kathieSusan, way to go on the book. YOu are such a writer–book two bouncing around your head and you’re not even done with the rewrite of 1! That’s huge to have that draft done. YOu’re so careful with your writing, prob. won’t take anything to revise. Pseudonym: Barnypok Comments |