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This appears to be part of a
textbook on character arrays (I can't figure out the name of the text). It
gives a very nice overview of what strings are, how they vary from numeric
arrays, and has a number of examples in C/C++ of how to manipulate
strings. All-in-all, worth a visit. (Submitted by Peeter Kirs) |
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 | Understanding Strings In COM: This website gives you information about
careers dealing with computer programming. It gives you information on databases and C++ programming. Within the C++ programming link, it provides a number of topics within the C++ programming. One of the topics is about strings. It gives a description of what strings are, as well as show examples of how strings are used in
programming. |
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 | 4.1 string -- Common string operations. It tells of the differnet conversions from atoi, atof, and atol and states the definitions of other terms associated with strings. |
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 | First character in the string is at array index 0.) Unfortunately, few computer ... 17.1. In conventional programs, strings can be accessed directly by the program ...
This web site will perhaps loose you if you have no idea what a String does, or what it is.
According to the author, String handling in C or C++ (the languages that inspired Java) is infamously clunky. Java solves that problem the same way many C++ programmers do: by creating a Sting class. Java's String class enables your programs to manage text strings effortlessly, using statements that are similar to those used in simpler languages like BASIC or Pascal. Java also makes it easy to handle fonts, which determine the way that your text strings appear on-screen. If you have time to spare, this site is for you. |
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 | The website is about c programming. This site is helpful because it offers quizes to increase your knowledge of c programming. Correct answers are also available for review. |
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 | Strings: The website I reviewed for the topic on Strings gave information such as string literals, the ASCII table, and escape sequence. First of all, a string is defined as a group of characters. In order to use a string literal, it must be enclosed in quotation marks. A couple of examples might include: “I love you”, “2,4,6,8” or “Help!”. Then it continues by explaining the ASCII code. It explains how the symbol we see on the screen is different from what is actually stored in the computer. For example, the numeric representation 48 is for the digit ‘0’. In case you ever see the character \ in a string is because it is specifying an escape sequence. What I mean is that C++ will automatically think it has reached the end of the string when it reaches a quotation mark. In case you would like to include the quotation mark on your string you need to include the symbol \ in front of it. For example, cout<< “They called the woman \“crazy\” Betty.””<<endl: will give you “They called the woman “crazy” Betty.” as the output. You will also need to use the escape sequence for new line ( \n ), horizon tab ( \t ), single quotation mark
( \’ ) and others. The website was very informative and described different types of using strings in a program. |
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 | Lecture Slides topic 5: The bible of CIS 3355 @ UTEP","FUNKENGROOVAKNOWLEDGISTIC BABY! |
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 | Strings: Basically a string is a type of variable that stores a set of characters, as described by a web site that I found. This site was very useful and informative, giving a decent explanation of what a string is and how a string operates. This page informs the reader of how to initialize strings and gives example code. It displays the long and short way of initializing strings when programming in C. The page also goes over string functions and how to print out a string and the code for these actions also. A very resourceful page that helped me understand strings, highly recommended to take a look at. |
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 | C++ Strings Functions: This web site is another tutorial found on the Internet that briefly explains the concept of strings. This web site has many different links each one leading you to a particular topic of strings. It’s first few links direct you to the part of the lesson, which briefly shows you how to initialize, compare and assign strings. The lesson explains how to return characters at a given index. This lesson also shows how you could copy characters into an array. The lesson ends by teaching you to return a certain sub string and how to exchange two strings. There are over thirty different functions of strings that are illustrated, defined and explained in this lesson. After briefly defining and explaining each string function, small amount of source code is given to better illustrate how that particular function could look on an actual C/C++ program. This web site could be used as a fast reference while writing in C/C++ to manipulate, construct, initialize or compare strings. It could also be used as a guide in remembering some of the reserved words in C/C++ while dealing with strings. |
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 | Strings and Arrays: The website has a short tutorial on the basics of strings and includes a tutorial on arrays also. The strings tutorial is at the end so you may need to scroll down a little to get to the strings discussion. There is a comprehensive illustration of a problem. |
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 | Chapter 10 Characters and Strings: Here is yet another link from the Teacher Yourself C in 21 days series. This link will direct you to Chapter 10 which includes extensive information of characters, strings, and strings and pointers. The
Teach Yourself C in 21 days series is a fairly extensive series, for this reason I continue to provide direct links for the chapters that are relevant to what we have been learning in class. I hope this will assist those of you who do not have the time to thoroughly review the entire series. This chapter also includes a summary, exercises, and a quiz. |
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 | C Tutorial: Strings: This website is a part of the's C tutorial. This site is a lesson that covers the use of strings in C. It begins by presenting some basic ways to analyze and manipulate string data. . It shows in examples how String data is stored as a null character terminated character array. Then this site continues on to present some C library functions that are useful for string manipulation. It gives you a program to type which you can compile and run. This is a useful for a person who is learning strings. It would be very good practice if you do compile and run the program they give you so you could see how strings work. I highly recommend this site to my fellow classmates. |
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 | Building Character Arrays Using Strings: This is a website from and in this area there is information on strings that seems close to some information we went over in class. I like this website because their examples look very simple and understandable. It shows you how to create a character array and include some examples of common string functions such as the strlen function, the strcpy function, the strcmp function, strcat function, and the strtok function. |
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 | This is a Programmer's Guide for C. I searched on Text Strings and came along this programmer's guide that shows a function called cscope that can be used to change a text string. |
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 | C++ Zone: This web page is certainly a good one. It not only covers C/C++ topics but, also many other programming languages. Tips of the day is one of my favorite link. The discussion board is a good way to get real-time advice from people that are experts in the field. It's worth checking it out. |
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 | C++ strings: This site is all about string and how besides numerical values there are also charecter strings, that allows the representation of characters, like words, sentences, names, texts, etc. this site mentions the initializing of strings, the assigning values to strings. the thing that got my attention in this site is the way in which strings can be converted to other types data types like numbers; it might be useful to translate that content to a variable of a numeric type. in conclusion this is a site that like me help me understand more about strings. |
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 | C++ Tutorial - Lesson 11 Strings: This site has a complete tutorial of the various classes and operations that can be performed or manipulated using strings. |
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 | Converting Strings to and from Integers.
This website gives very good examples of how to code to convert strings to integers or how to convert integers to strings. In addition, it also explains the usage of other functions besides atoi and itoa such as sscanf and sprintf |
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 | Tutorial: Strings.
This particular page tells us what a string is and introduces the reader to strings used in arrays. There are some bits of sample code given so the reader can try it out for themselves. In addition to this helpful information, there are links to an online quiz and to other tutorials on the website. |
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 | C++ strings: Introduction, String Lenght.
Explains what is and how is a string used in C++, giving examples
of how to include the strings in a C program. |
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 | This webpage will define all the possible member functions, non-member function, and operators that the string class has.
This is a very nice and useful website. By the first time, I find a website that will teach exaclty what we need to know. I grade this site as a A++ one.
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 | StringsArrays.
A great website providing easy understaning to those wanting information regarding the use of strings and arrays |
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 | How strings work.
This site further elaborates on Dr. Kirs examples in the slides. |
 | Strings.
Web site provides a broad overview of what a string is. The
description gets a bit detailed, and may be a bit confusing. Though the
definition seems to be great. overall the website would be a great help
to anyone looking for information.