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Fall, 2008

Linked List References

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All Submissions are recorded here. If there are Duplicate submissions (of sites), all sets of comments are recorded. If the submitter wishes to give their name, it is noted.

Site: http://www.eecs.utoledo.edu/~eecs1510/review2/LinkedLists_Stacks_Queues.html
bulletReview Session - Linked lists, stacks, queues. This site presents a snippet of C code code (a Linked List) and then poses a few questions about it. It is similar to a question which you might find in the Review Page of this website. Good Example, Good Questions. Some of the questions might be beyond what is expected in this class (It appears to be from a Computer Science Department at the University of Toledo). Still, if you can answer the questions, you are obviously in good shape in terms of knowing about linked lists. (Submitted by Peeter Kirs)
Site: http://www.geocities.com/sketerpot/lltut.html
bulletLinked List Tutorial. This is a linked list tutorial by Peter Scott. It gives a brief synopsis of what a link list is and how to use it. Sample code is provided with detailed comments.
bulletThis is a site that provides a quick-and-dirty explanation of Linked Lists and how to effectively use them. The site may provide a different point of view for anyone still having trouble grasping the concept of Linked Lists.
bulletThis is a tutorial site created by Peter Scott. Site explains the definition, purpose and the trick to create linked list by using popping and pushing technique. It also shows an example of a linked list program.
Site: http://www.cprogramming.com/
bulletCprogramming.com your resource for C/C++:  Cprogramming.com is a web site designed to help you learn C or C++. In this website you will find many helpful links that will help you understand and answer many of your questions about C or C++. Furthermore, this website provides directory of programming resources, source codes to learn from, or to incorporate into your own programs. Programming FAQ can answer programming questions and most importantly you can get help from Kassamba’s expert programmers. The website also contains a function list of all the standard C++ functions. Some of the links that will be of great benefit include: 1. Getting started with C++ : Will provide answers to questions about C++ programming basics and suggestions on learning C++. 2. Programming tutorials: Include programming tutorials that you can learn from or you can test your programming knowledge. 3. Ask an Expert: Where you get answers from expert programmers. And many more sites. Again, this website will give you knowledge on C or C++. It provides many links that will give you a better understanding about programming.
bulletLesson 15: Singly Linked Lists (http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson15.html): Linked lists are a way to store data with structures so that the programmer can automatically create a new place to store data whenever necessary. Specifically, the programmer writes a struct or class definition that contains variables holding information about something, and then has a pointer to a struct of its type. Each of these individual struct or classes in the list is commonly known as a node. Think of it like a train. The programmer always stores the first node of the list. This would be the engine of the train. The pointer is the connector between cars of the train. Every time the train adds a car, it uses the connectors to add a new car. This is like a programmer using the keyword new to create a pointer to a new struct or class.
Site: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
bulletLinked Lists: This site (actually a tutorial) explains that a “linked list” is a chain of structs or records called nodes, and illustrates how there can be either: single, double, or cingular linked lists and reinforces that we can store anything we wanted, except that it has to be of the same basic data type, as we learned before. The tutorial introduces the usage of pointers to link lists. It demonstrates how to create a temporary pointer and explains how this beginning point is very crucial, because what is stored there will remain there until it is deleted. The walk through is medium to fairly easy to follow as they explain how to add nodes or delete them. I don’t know if we will be learning how to do these things in class, but if so then I guess the site would be a good reference. Although the code looks difficult, mostly it’s because most of us are not familiar with the keywords used.
bulletInverse Reality: I found this website to be the best in regards to linked list. The information that is provided was very detail, yet very easy to understand. The examples that are provided help you visualize to better understand how linked list work and to me this is a big plus. Thanks for the reference.
bulletAn intro to linked lists: This website really gets into great detail on varieties of linked lists and how each of these linked lists are structured according to memory and programming. Very informative how they would show the program first and then explain how the program uses that information and neatly arranges that piece of data in its place. Another thing about this website that it demonstrates how each program can be modified and how it can affect that piece of information.
bulletit is a good reference because it explains how to star creating a linked list and how to modified it.
Site: http://gethelp.devx.com/techtips/cpp_pro/10min/10min0599.asp
bulletC++ Pro helps us with Link lists. This site I found that it was very usefull to me, becasue it help me understand what link lists are really all about. This page is written by a professional in C++, and the text in the page is really neet and readable. The author explains thing in a way that anyone that is starting with C/C++ can understand everything. I found this page to ve very usefull, and also if you would like to see an example of what link lists are you can also find it there.
bulletI really liked this webpage because is very short but informative. If you go into this webpage you will be able to see how clearly they explain what a linked list is. They also describe the difference between a linked list and a array and the advantages that a linked list has over an array. You will also be able to see an example of a linked list.
Site: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
bulletTutorial on Basic C++ Linked Lists: This is a good site that I found on linked lists. It explains the basics of how a linked list works and its advantages. It shows how a link list can be created and maintained. Using a sample code as an example it explains how to add a node, delete a node (at the beginning or end of the list), and how to traversing the list.
Site: http://www.inquiry.com/techtips/cpp_pro/10min/10min0599.asp
bulletAsk the C++ Pro 10-Minute Solutions: This article describes Linked Lists in an easy way to understand. Advantages and disadvantages are given for Linked Lists. They are also compared to arrays. Sometimes understanding one thing helps to understand another when the differences and similarities are seen. A sample program is also given for a Linked List. This helps a programmer to understand how everything is set up because they are able to see what is going on.
Site: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
bulletInverse Reality - Linked Lists: The website gives very good descriptions about linked list. The descriptions are short and to the point. They are not hard to follow and what helps is that code is given to show how some of the linked lists work. Also, the site has some other small visuals to show how information flows with the lists.
bulletThis website describes what a linked list is. It gives a detailed description on what a linked list is . It also provides small examples which are pretty easy to follow.It starts you off with an example of a linked lists and gradually progresses it into a bigger program. You start off with a temp pointer then you add a node, transverse the list and also delete a node. It is a pretty nice tutorial with graphics to demonstrate how lionked lists are created and how they are performed.It is also nice because if you download the Expansion Pack, the tutorial prints out nicely on Adobe Acrobat.You can also get the programs written out for you on Notepad through the the Expansion Pack.It is simple and to the point. It shows the benefits of linked lists and demonstrates how they are important in C/C++.
bulletHow do we add a new node? We can actually add nodes in two possible places, the beginning or the end, although the standard seems to be the end. This makes our linked list act kind of like a que with the head node being the oldest and end pointing to the newest objects. This brings up an interesting subject also. How will we use our linked list? This is what makes the linked list so powerful. We could use it as a priority list where the oldest objects get a higher precedence until deleted from the list. We could also use it as a master listing of items that need to be kept track of at one time, deleting object when they need to be, without using any precedence scheme. Here's some code that will add a node onto the end of the list, and then move the end pointer so that it really does point at the end. CODE: void SLList::AddANode() {Tail->Next = new List; Tail=Tail->Next; } Here we add a node onto the end of our list, then move the Tail pointer to point to the new instance! After this function we can always access our new node through Tail since we allocated a new instance, then made Tail point to it!
bulletThe page title is inverse reality , linhed lists","First of all the page have an introduction the it explains that a linked list is a record of struct. This page is an easy way to understand how linked lists works. It explains the start up, adding a node, traversing the node, deleting a node and before exit. It is a cool page.
Site: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson15.html
bulletCProgramming.com: CProgramming.com is an online tutorial and knowledge base for rookie C Programmers. Lesson 15 on the site pertains to 'Linked Lists'. I found this to to be a very helpful and informative site throughout the class.
bulletThis is a good 2 page tutorial on link list. It is brief and easy to udnerstand. The webiste howeve is not easy to navigate. You can find other tutorials and ifnormation at the following link: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html
Site: http://www.enisoc.com/~cpp/faq/llist/
bulletC++ FAQs - Linked Lists: This page contains good information. It starts by giving a definition of a Linked lists and contains a sample code. It also explains the different types of linked lists and when to use them. It is explained in a very simple way. If you are really interested in C++ you can find a lot of information in this website not only about linked lists.
Site: http://courses.ece.uiuc.edu/ece291/books/labmanual/data-structures-llist.html
bulletChapter 7 Data Structures, Next. 7.3 Linked Lists: This site gives a brief but accurate description of what a link list is and does. It displays an example using illustrations that is very straightforward and is very easy to comprehend. A problem is presented and asks what data structure would be appropriate to use. The use of stacks and queues were mentioned only to compare these to the use of linked lists. At the end of the site, doubly linked lists and binary trees are also briefly mentioned.
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletCreating Linked Lists in C++: This is a good website for the beginner programmer looking for a an excellent starting point. The author of this site is very descriptive and generous to those who may not know too much about what they are doing. It starts of by defining linked lists and then gradually pulled the reader deeper into the material providing examples and some simple code.
bulletThis website is by Richard Bowles. This is a great website to use as references to C and C++ and it also gives some terrific descriptions of link lists as well as many other examples surrounding this topic. He goes into detail about C++ Programming and he is able to clearly define some of the parameters that accompany C++. He is able to define link lists and he gives a superb explaination on how to create link lists. The website itself is set up clearly and easy to follow.
bulletThis site was very informative in explaining what a linked list was. The diagrams to illustrate what a single and doulbe linked list are was helpful. This site is good reference for anyone wanting to know conceptually what a linked list is.
bulletWebsite gives an extremly detail way on how to create a linked list on C++. Website is wonderful becuase it uses very good visuals. And is very easy to understand.
Site: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/LinkedListBasics.pdf
bulletLinked List Basics: This document helps illustrate linked lists by offering explanations, drawings, sample code, and excercises.
bulletThe webpage is easy to follow in addition it has some video links making more interesting to learn about linked lists. The site offers different links and even a PPF documnet that visitors can download for free. This extensive document explains in simple terms how and where to implement linked lists. It give several examples in different programming languages.
bulletThis website is excellent because it provides detailed information on linked list. it also has other links to other websites for more information. This site covers basic structures and techniques for building linked list by using examples of code, drawings, and exercises. This website also helps you understand pointers and algorithms.The website has four sections. 1) Basic list structures and code, 2) Basic list building, 3) Linked list code techniques, and 4) Code examples. This site is very usefull. The author gives you good examples and drawings to help you understand the subject. The info is broken down and easy to understand.
bulletLinked List Basics (http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/): I Think that this is a very good site because it explains the very basics of the linked lists in the C language. It also goes over how a pointer works and this is allocated in memory. It also provides some problems for us to see if we understood the information given to us.
Site: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/105/LinkedListProblems.pdf
bulletTemporary Dummy Node: Temporary dummy node is used at the head of the list during computation. With the dummy node, every node appears to be added after the .next filed of some node. The code for the first node is the same for the other nodes. For permanent dummy strategy, the empty list is not represented by a NULL pointer; instead every list has a heap allocated dummy node at its head.
Site: http://www.inquiry.com/techtips/cpp_pro/10min/10min0599.asp
bulletThis website explains how the author understands linked lists in business data structures and provides the code for it.: I perticularly like this website because it is told by a person that already know and understands it. He also provides the code so that the readers could understand it better.
Site: http://cis.stvincent.edu/carlsond/swdesign/lists/listtabl.html
bulletAdvanced Link Lists: A good and advanced overview of link list with examples. It also gives a plain and simple diagram about classes (not covered in class) and the way that a linked list is incorperated with classes. It has links to some commands that can be utilized within a program regarding different link lists.
Site: http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/false/780/linklist.html
bulletTutorial on Linked Lists: I found this website to be quite informative. It defines what a linked list is and gives examples (binary trees & databases like MS Access). It even explains how elements are addressed in a linked list and provides sample coding for adding or removing an element from a linked list. I would recommend this page to future Data Structure students.
bulletTutorial on Linked Lists. Am excellent Tutorial on Linked Lists. It has C++ function programs where you will be able to see how add element to the head or the tail of a linked list.
Site: http://pegasus.rutgers.edu/~elflord/cpp/list_howto/
bulletDesigning A Linked List Class. I think this web-site provides some basic information about linked list. It also provides information about designing a linked list and how to fix some design errors.
Site: http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rywang/99f126/slides/04th.pdf
bulletlinked lists. OK, but too complicated
Site: http://vergil.chemistry.gatech.edu/resources/programming/c-tutorial/lists.html
bulletData Structures:: Linked lists. The site provided a good starting popint of view on liked list. It was real easy to understand and very compact. It gave very good examples and basically was real easy to read
Site: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnvs05/html/datastructures20_6.asp 
bulletProvides a contrasting view on linking lists. Good reference
Site: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/
bulletThis website explains linked lists well with the use of videos and other means in showing the basics.
Site: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
bulletLinked lists form the foundation of many data storing methods.  
Site: http://cis.stvincent.edu/html/tutorials/swd/lists/lists.html

Gives a thorough run through of what a linked list is and implementation of pointers

Site: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson15.html
bulletDemonstrates what a linked list looks like as well as how to create one
Site: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html

This site gives some easy to follow examples such as how to add or delete a node.

Site: http://stsdas.stsci.edu/bps/linked_list.html
bulletThis website gives a lot of examples and explains how to create one.
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletthe site breaks down the linked lists and gives simple c-code to follow the development of the structure
Site: http://cis.stvincent.edu/html/tutorials/swd/lists/lists.html
bulletVery detailed information regarding linked lists
Site: http://brpreiss.com/books/opus4/html/page88.html
bulletThis is a good site where they show some single-Linked List Variations
Site: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa489548.aspx
bulletAlthough this page is not exactly related to C programming I thought it would be useful to know about kernel programming which used Microsoft Windows.
Site: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~vernon/cs367/notes/4.LINKED-LIST.html
bulletThis website gives people a lot of information of the topic of linked lists and the different types of linked lists with the advantages and disadvantages. It shows examples of diagrams of how linked lists look like and operate. The examples go step by step on how the linked lists work. Its a very long website but when going over the information, it can be very helpful in understanding the idea of this topic.
Site: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
bulletGives introduction to linked lists and how to make one
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletPictures that were available helped put the dynamics of linked lists together. The snipits of code helped when having actually understand the structure of creating a linked list.
Site: http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/Cplusplus/Whats-the-Address-Pointers/3/
bulletFrom this page i confirmed that pointers used up 4 bytes of storage. i wasnt sure for quiz number three so i looked it up adn found it in this website.
Site:  http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/false/780/linklist.html
bulletThis site shows a lot of examples that can be used to understand, clearly, link list.
Site:  http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/
bulletThis article introduces the basic structures and techniques for building linked lists with a mixture of explanations, drawings, sample code, and exercises. The material is useful if you want to understand linked lists or if you want to see a realistic, applied example of pointer-intensive code. Even if you never really need a linked list, they are an excellent way to learn pointers and pointer algorithms.
Site: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/
bulletHas links to other subjects discussed in class, but the great thing about this site is that it has a PDF file dedicated to Linked List, with code examples.
Site: http://www.exforsys.com/tutorials/c-language/c-linked-lists.html
bulletthis website has a tutorial to learn about c programming linked list structures.It talks about the advantages, the types of linked lists and the applications.
Site: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
bulletOf all the references that I looked this is the most useful for me. It has pieces of codes and explanations as well
Site: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/pointers.html
bulletA good site to understand and to review what we saw in class. It gives a good image examples. It is a good option site to study for the exam, because it covers the topics thought in class
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletvery cool website
Site: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
bulletThis website is a basically a description and tutorial of linked lists. The tutorials are very successful at describing how linked lists work
Site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list
bulletI chose this page because it helped me to understand this concept and besides it offers a good explanation
Site: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/LinkedList.html
bulletThis is an interact webpage which it is very interesting
Site: http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/false/780/linklist.html

Long tutorial about linked lists

Site: http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/linkedList.html
bulletThis website is very specific and detailed about explaining what linked lists are and what are other names that it is found under.
Site: http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/linkedList.html
bulletThis website is very specific and detailed about explaining what linked lists are and what are other names that it is found under.
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletthis site show how to create linked lists, it basically tells you that linked lists are chains that follow a command, and always go together.
Site: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
bulletThis website is pretty good, although I would have liked to see more examples. It basically describes what linked lists are and how to make various changes to the list. It also gives you some programming codes to use in C++ when using linked lists. Overall, it’s a good website if you just want a simple overview on linked lists.
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletI think is a good very good website. It explaines everything about Linked List, how it works, defenitions and simple explanation with visual aids for better understanding. Makes it easy to understand and only provided necessary information
Site: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson15.html
bulletThis website offers samples of code, and gives the definition of linked lists.
Site: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/
bulletThis provides acces to a pdf file that covers linked lists ver throughly.
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletIt goes through a one whole example of how a linked list is created with diagrams as well
Site: http://www.mycsresource.net/articles/programming/data_structures/linkedlists
bulletI understand the linked list concept.
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletthis is a very good site with very clear explanations and great graphics
Site: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/
bulletThis article introduces the basic structures and techniques for building linked lists with a mixture of explanations, drawings, sample code, and exercises.
Site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list
bulletThis site provides the basic overview of linked list.
Site: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/105/LinkedListProblems.pdf
bulletShows you basic techniques, problems and solutions on linked list.
Site: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/LinkedListBasics.pdf
bulletthis is a good review of what we covered in class
Site:  http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/linkedList.html
bulletA nice site that gives you the meaning and some other links to get into more detail on linked lists.
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletA linked list is a data structure which is built from structures and pointers. It forms a chain of "nodes" with pointers representing the links of the chain and holding the entire thing together.
Site: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
bulletWalks you through a linked list
Site: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103
bulletthis site Includes examples, drawings, and practice problems, and solution code
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletThis website gives you a good idea on how to create a link list for a program in c++. It gives you code as well as brief explanations.
Site: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson15.html
bulletvery helpful
Site: http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/LinkedList.html
bulletLinked lists in java
Site: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
bulletWhat is a linked list? A linked list is a data structure which is built from structures and pointers. It forms a chain of "nodes" with pointers representing the links of the chain and holding the entire thing together. A linked list can be represented by a diagram like this one:
Site: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/LinkedListBasics.pdf
bulletThis document introduces the basic structures and techniques for building linked lists with a mixture of explanations, drawings, sample code, and exercises. The material is useful if you want to understand linked lists or if you want to see a realistic, applied example of pointer-intensive code.
Site: http://www.inquiry.com/techtips/cpp_pro/10min/10min0599.asp
bulletlinked lists stores items. one of the advantages is that can be quickly insert it and delete it.

This page was last updated on 01/16/08.