Binary Tree References
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Site: |
 | Binary Trees: Part 1.
This is another tutorial taken from the
same website I referenced in the C/C++ References. Not much more to say
about it, other than it is an excellent tutorial about what binary trees
are. It also has a lot of excellent C/C++ examples of how to use Binary
trees, with, of course, examples of recursion in traversing the tree.
Excellent Site. (Submitted by Peeter Kirs) |
 | Binary Trees: Part 1: This site gives an overview of what a Binary Tree is and the steps in creating one on C Programming. An example of a simple implementation of a Binary Tree code is given to better understand how one works. The code implements: the struct, or class, defined as a node; functions (like insert, search, and destroy_tree functions) in order to delete the tree to conserve memory after the profram has finished; and the root which allows for NULL. This information in this site is pretty understandable and walks you through each step slowly and carefully.
 | Binary Trees Part 1: I thought that this website is very helpful. It gets straight to the point and describes what a binary tree consists of. Also describing what a binary tree is and what the nodes mean. It also has a graphical representation of a binary tree, showing the lowest values to the left ane the highest values to the right. |
 | The site contained alot of useful information about various topics, it is intended primarily for C/C++ programming. |
 | This site is very concise about binary trees, reader can find all the information to get a better idea of this topic, and also it gives you an example of using binary trees in C++. In other words, is very complete. |
 | I think it is a very useful website. It explains not only about binary trees in simple terms that i
could understand, but it talks about C programming in gen |
Site: |
 | Introduction to binary trees by Stanford University:
This website besides containing the definition of a binary tree, includes C/C++ coding on how to build, insert, and lookup a binary tree. I liked this site because it also contains problems ranging from low to high difficulty and includes solutions.
(Submitted by Ana Cristina Jimenez) |
 | Binary Trees (by Nick Parlante): This article introduces the basic concepts of binary trees, and then works through a series of practice problems with solution code in C/C++ and Java. There are four different sections all related to Binary Tree. In the first section you will learn about the Structure of the Binary Tree. Which includes: Binary Search Tree Niche, Strategy, Typical Binary Tree Code in C/C++, Lookup (), Pointer Changing Code, and Insert (). The second section consists of 15 problems, which enable the user to figure out. Section three is where the solutions to the 15 problems are located. And the fourth section holds problems with solutions to the Java versions. All material was gathered by Nick Parlante and is located in the Standford CS Education Library. The site also gives the user access to the Standford CS Library where the user can look at other related articles. This is an excellent site to refer too. |
 | This site is very helpful because not only does it explain the concept of Binary trees, but it also offers a series of practice problems with solutions in C that allow the reader to better understand and to put the knowledge to practice. It explains what a binary search tree is and how it is fast at insert and look up. Very conveniently the website also offers an introduction to Java Binary Trees with also some problems and Solutions, this might not be important for the class but it certainly is interesting and doesn't hurt to introduce ourselves to it. |
 | This article introduces the basic concepts of binary trees, and then works through a series of practice problems with solution code in C/C++.
 | I found this website to be extremely useful. The website contains information on binary trees, diagrams that help represent them, as well as practice problems with solutions written in C/C++. It also provides a list of additional links that take you to websites that discuss binary trees, pointers, and more practice problems. Overall the website was a great help. |
 | This site offers an in depth look at binary trees in c and c++ programing. In addition to this there is a section that adresses many problems with binary trees as well and solutions to these problems in both c as well as java. |
 | I found this website very helpful. It tells you how to create a branch tree and how to create a program in C++. Gives very good examoples. |
 | Its an easy four section review on how the binary trees work. |
 | I thought this site was a very good review for anyone seeking information about binary trees. The site offers many downloads and detailed examples to follow. For instance, the introduction to binary trees includes all the terminology which makes it very clear to what they are referring to. Another feature I thought was good, is that it includes other C++ topics like Linked List problems and Pointers. The website offers a three minute animated video that shows the basic structure, techniques, and pitfalls of using pointers. The website is packed with links that provide additional information other than just for C++, but other languages like C, Java, Ada, and Pascal. All education CS material is collected from Stanford courses and distributes them for free.
 | This site gives a perfect example of how a binary tree works in C++ and other applications. The site explains the nodes and why it's set that way. |
 | Website is a very long website. Has a ton of information. May be to
much to handle. Give exact details |
Site: |
 | Easy to understand: This website is very useful. It gives you the basic information of binary trees. It is very easy to understand even if it is the first time you see a binary tree. |
Site: |
 | National Institute of Standards and Technology - Binary Trees:
I thought this website seemed very useful when I tried to learn about binary tress. First, I know it looks a little empty, and boring, but it provides just the right information to get you started. The website I provided offers just the plain definition of binary trees. But, if you click the hyper-linked words, you will find more thorough information. For example: if you click under tree, it will give you the definition of a tree and then present a drawing of a tree. The tree is labeled clearly for the visitors to see. Then go back, and click under children. It will again, send you to the definition page, and so on. It provides a basic definition, and a formal definition. This website also includes suggestions in case you were looking for something more specific. For example, it tells you: See also: complete binary tree, full binary tree. Finally, I just want to add that the links are updated and I had no problems surfing through it. It is brief, simple, and easy to learn.
 | The web site contains an abundant amount of information about binary tree's, and everything else that deals with them and is linked to them. Such as the different types of trees for example the AVL, splay, threaded, and randomized binary search trees. It also contains various links and even some lecture notes. |
Site: |
 | A Complete C tutorial for spanish speakers.
I found this website which is comparable to in it's completedness and detailed information, although in Spanish. I believe this could be useful for bilingual people. |
Site: |
 | Balanced Binary Tree. Site very easy to read and understand, it also gives you visual illustrations. |
Site: |
 | Animated Binary Tree. This is a very simple applet that lets you practice building binary trees. You can enter in positive integers and the applet will position the elements correctly in an animated form. This site is great if you are having a difficult time learning how binary trees are produced. |
 | This is a very helpful site, because since it's animated you can see how integers are been placed on the binary tree. This site can be of great help if you didn't understand how a binary tree works. |
Site: |
 | Introduction to Binary Trees. This site is helpful in explaining some of the concepts of binary trees, it also gives good illustrations. |
Site: |
 | This website provides you with the basis of what is makes up a binary tree. Is has a good visual representation of how to establish a binary tree. It also provies you with some review questions on binary trees. |
 | Lesson about Binary Trees: This is a great website that will help you understand more about binary trees. It helped me out a lot! It has great explanations with sections of coding as well. |
 | The Webmaster Resources. This page provided definition and explanation in depth about binary tree and how to construct binary tree. It equipped with graphical example of how to sort in binary tree. In addition, it also provided an example of a programming source code. This page will be a good page if we like to acquire more about additional information of binary tree.
 | Binary Trees: This website gives a definition of binary trees, gives some illustrative examples of nodes and gives exercises. They also provide illustrative C code to define node and create a binary tree. |
 | This website provides a description to
binary trees and also some includes a code to see how binary trees work:
This website should be very helpful to understand binary trees better. It gives a brief explanation of how trees work and how pointers are used. I really like the fact that code was given so you could try out a tree for yourself. |
 | Binary Trees in C++. This is a very good wedsite to better understand how binary trees work and to learn a little bit further on the topic. It has a very clear definition and explanation of how binary trees work and on how to use them. I particularly liked this website because it has very clear diagrams and a lot of code that you can look at to better understand how binary trees are used in c++. It covers a little more information than what we covered in class. |
 | This website gives a description of what a
binary tree is and gives a few examples of how it works. I thought that the website was very usefull. I actually looked at it while I was studying for the final quiz and it helped me out a bit. It's cool when you can get a different perspective on things from another source. |
 | Good discussion of the effects of differing
binary trees, including those that have been discarded. Good discussion of the effects of differing binary trees, including those that have been discarded. |
Site: |
 | This site is very intersting because in a table contents divides the different types of usages of the trees specially the binary trees you see topics like binary tree searching, binary tree insertion, and binary tree deletion. and its graphics are good to have a better understanding of every topic. |
Site: |
 | Wikipedia which is the most frequent web enciclopedia on the net, talks about the basic concept of binary trees. For a person who doesn't know what is a binary tree it really explains it in short way but it is accurate.
Site: |
 | Might be good for this who are visual learners |
Site: |
 | This site is a great introduction to binary trees. It has good examples of binary tree diagrams and also has some examples on the basic binary tree code in C++. It talks about the strategy on nodes and pointers within the binary tree. It also states the problems with the binary tree, which includes the combination of pointers and recursion. |
Site: |
 | The binary tree is a fundamental data structure used in computer science. The binary tree is a useful data structure for rapidly storing sorted data and rapidly retrieving stored data. A binary tree is composed of parent nodes, or leaves, each of which stores data and also links to up to two other child leaves which can be visualized spatially as below the first node with one placed to the left and with one placed to the right.
Site: |
 | With the help of a java plug-in this website shows a nice and neat animation of a binary simply put in a series of number and the program will give you the result itself. check it out is really cool. |
Site: |
 | WE HAVE SEEN how objects can be linked into lists. When an object contains two pointers to objects of the same type, structures can be created that are much more complicated than linked lists. In this section, we'll look at one of the most basic and useful structures of this type: binary trees. Each of the objects in a binary tree contains two pointers, typically called left and right. In addition to these pointers, of course, the nodes can contain other types of data. For example, a binary tree of integers could be made up of objects of the following type: |

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