Real Numbers
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Site:,1410,15855,00.html |
| Borderland Developer Network. This particular web site article was intended to give an overview of Floating Point Numbers made by the Borland Developer Support Staff for their product Borderland C++. The article starts off by explaining and understanding how an IBM-PC Stores a Number. The article continues on how to compliment a number when dealing with negative integers. It shows you how a computer uses negative integers to subtract two positive numbers through complimenting and addition of two binary numbers. It also talks about Significant Digit Precision Accuracy. This is the part where it talks about the size of the mantissa digits and how many we should allocate the available bits to them. It later goes off to the more complicated coding of the program C. Some of the information I found to be very informative but a lot of it I found to be somewhat confusing from what we have done in class. There is a part where in converts the number –4 to binary using 8 bits as being 10000100. (It’s using the left-hand bit to represent that it is negative) In class we have learned that –4 in an 8-bit sequence would look like 11111100. Overall, I think this article helped me out because it made me ask more questions about conversion and hopefully be able to learn more from my answers. |
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