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Each of you are to
prepare one tutorial on a very specific topic. The topics are to be
selected from the Tutorials,
and should appear similar to the 11 Tutorials (Not counting the "Questions you
should be able to answer" section). I have prepared for the Database
Foundations Section.
Each tutorial
should be written with the intent of assisting the reader understand that topic.
That's what the term tutorial means. Imagine yourself as the TA in this class,
and you are approached by a student who says "I just don't understand what an
ERD is!". Explain it to the student IN TERMS S/HE WILL UNDERSTAND.
Each Tutorial
must anticipate questions and address them. You will notice that in my
tutorials, I am constantly asking questions like:
So Databases have no disadvantages ???
Try to anticipate a question a student might have about each area
and answer accordingly.
Each tutorial
should be 2-3 pages in length. There may be some pages that require more,
and some that require less. It depends on the topic. You should FULLY cover the
topic chosen.
Each tutorial
should be based on the overheads (but NOT limited by them). If
you need to get information from additional sources, you are encouraged to do
I will allow you
to choose your own topics using the Tutorial
Topics Submission Page. However, each person must choose two different
topics. Topics will be assigned on a first-come-first-serve basis. If someone
requests a topic that has already been assigned, I will notify them and ask them
to choose another topic.
I would prefer
that you send me your tutorials as an HTML file. I have provided you with some
information on How to
use Front Page. REMEMBER that if you have graphics in your tutorial, you
MUST also send me the graphics files.
All tutorials are
due 1 week before the quiz which will cover that topic. Check the
Course Schedule for due dates.

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