CIS4365: Database Applications
Fall, 2017

Course Enrollment
Topic References
Group Submissions
Research Paper Subs.
Presentation Evaluations
Course Comments
UTEP Oracle 9i
UTEP Oracle 10g Notes


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For the purposes of this course, an assignment is one which you do ON TIME, and get full credit for, or you don't do (Or don't do ON TIME) and get zero points. They are a small percentage of your final grade, but every little bit helps. Often (unfortunately), the difference is a letter grade.

Proportionally (relative to the total points), the assignments are worth:

CE: Course Enrollment: 2 pts.
RF1-RF6: Topic References: 2 pt. per topic
G1-G4: Group Submissions: 3 pts. Each
P1-P4: Research Paper Components: 5 pts. each
RC1-RC6: Refereeing Comments: 5 pts. each
C1-C2: Course Comments: 2 pts. each

This page was last updated on 08/24/03.