How to Make Your Presentation More Effective
The City of Sunnyvale recently
installed equipment to enhance audio/visual presentations in the City
Council Chambers. This information is intended to help you create and
choose materials for your presentations. The materials presented will
appear on the monitors in the Chambers and possibly
broadcast through KSUN (the government access cable
channel.) |
Materials |
- Items, including three-dimensional objects, can be displayed on our
document camera overhead projection system. When possible, use landscape
- Photographs: Non-glossy finishes help to reduce glare.
- Use a minimum letter height of ½" inch for handwritten materials.
- Bring your slides loaded into a standard carousel in the order you wish
them to be displayed.
- The electronic slide projector can zoom and focus.
Video Cassettes
Videotapes are generally used for special presentations only.
Submit VHS format videos for review to the appropriate City staff office
at least three working days prior to the meeting. Contact numbers are listed
at the end of these guidelines.
Videos should be no more than 10 minutes in length.
PowerPoint |
- Bring a diskette containing the .PPT file that has been saved in a
Windows95, PowerPoint97 or lower format. Larger presentations can be
compressed using the "Pack & Go" feature within PowerPoint.
Use a simple color scheme. Don’t use too many colors on one slide.
Color-perception problems are common so avoid combinations of brown/green,
blue/black, and blue/purple.
Use one of the built-in PowerPoint themes to give your presentation a
uniform look.
- Use a bold font (Arial Rounded Bold works well) with thick lettering.
- Use a minimum of an 24-point font.
- Limit the number of bulleted points to 3 per slide.
- Limit the number of lines per bullet to no more than 4 lines each.
Limit graphics - too many can
clutter and detract from your presentation.
Microphones |
- A hand-held microphone and a
hands-free lapel microphone are available.