Distance Learning vs. Classroom Learning


I.                   Distance Learning


A.     Defining Distance Education


1.         Basis

2.         Focus

3.         Design


B.     Need for Distance Education


C.     Evolution of Distance Education


D.    Misconceptions of Distance Education


E.     Key Players in Distance Education


1.         Students

2.         Faculty

3.         Facilitators

4.         Support Staff

5.         Administration


F.      Technological Options


1.         Voice

2.         Video         

3.         Data

a.             Computer-assisted Instruction (CAI)

b.            Computer-managed Instruction (CMI)

c.             Computer-mediated Education (CME)

4.         Print


II.                Impact of Distance Learning


A.     Rate of Effectiveness


B.     Cost vs. Benefits


C.     Advantages


1.         No classroom capacity restraints

2.         learner controlled

3.         flexibility

4.         on demand learning


D.    Disadvantages


1.         costs of hardware, software

2.         no face-to-face interaction

3.         risk of technical malfunctions

4.         security concerns


III.             Classroom Learning


A.     Defining Classroom (Traditional) Learning


B.     Essentials


C.     Rate of Effectiveness


D.    Advantages


1.         face-to-face interaction


E.     Disadvantages

1.         fixed location

2.         fixed time

3.         professors dictate discussion

4.         higher cost


IV.              Conclusion