CIS4365: Database Applications
Fall, 2017

What Types of DBMS are there??

There are five types of DBMS structures that we will take a look at (although not all will be considered in the same detail). Because each one requires some discussion, they are listed here with links to further discussion:

  1. The Hierarchical Model, This was the original Model that IBM used in its IMS.
  2. The Network Model. The second type of DBMS available. It expanded on the hierarchical model.
  3. The Relational Model. As already mentioned, this is Codd's view of how data should be stored and manipulated (the model still remains the most popular one).
  4. The Multidimensional Model. An extension of the relational model, but one which will probably be overtaken by ,,,
  5. The Object Oriented Model. This is a refinement of the Relational Model, and no doubt will become the standard in the future.


This page was last updated on 02/26/04.