Fall, 2017 |
Pseudonym: safasasf Good_Pointsfjgfgjfgjfgj Bad_Pointsfgjfgjfgjfgjfgjfg WebisteCommentsfgjfgjfgjfgjfgj Pseudonym: paydirt Good_PointsI think its a useful course I think using Oracle and SQL is way better than Access. I really like the SQL it so easy once you get to know it. I think the use of the slides helps out tremendously so we can understand what you are discussing versus trying to hurry and take down notes. I think so far the workload has been fair not to much not to little. I think making us work in groups is always good. I also think that the exams are fair and the grading is fair. Bad_PointsI don't think anything is ugly just time consuming. The research paper is difficult and time consuming. I like doing everything else and I would have liked to do more with databases versus writing a paper. WebisteCommentsI think getting rid of the paper would be great and I think maybe partnering up with the IT department to maybe have groups be a part of some database projects with them. I think we would learn a lot more that way. But its a good course everything is fair and I think that you understand that we are adults and you don't treat us like children like other professors. Pseudonym: Akane Good_PointsThe best part of this course is thatDr. Kirs gives us practice questions for the exam. I hate it when other teachers make it their goal to confuse students so they can do lousy on the exam, or when the exam has nothing to do with the homework or lecture. I also like that we go over problems in class, eventhough it confuses me sometimes when I don't understand the question, at least I'm thinking (and I'm awake). Bad_PointsThere are too many links on the website. Sometimes it takes a while to find a description on what's supposed to be turned in. I guess it takes practice or some getting used to it. I also don't like ERD's. We should also cut down on the slide shows. They are too long. Instead we should go to the calc lab together and practice using SQL. We can reserve one of the rooms and you can ask us to create some tables and let us figure out SQL for retrieving information. WebisteCommentsWe should have all day Friday to turn in homework because most people get out of work at 5:00. All week students go to work all day and then go to school at night. I don't know of anybody taking a class on friday night so usually that's the student's day off. And its not like the homework gets checked and posted on the web on Friday (or Monday)anyway. Also in class, Dr. Kirs should pass out (or on power point) problems for us to solve in class (on our own, not as a class), like ERD problems. Give us time to solve it on our own, and then show us the answer to see if we did it right. I think this is better than going through a long slide show where I know I'm going to just be spaced out, thinking about food, wondering when he's gonna let us take a break, or praying that he's gonna let us go early. I also think that if we have time, we should go to the calc lab and practice using other types of Oracle, not just Oracle 8. Pseudonym: kwu492 Good_PointsThis course is very well structured and stimulates the full participation of the student. Hands-on experience for a course of this nature is a must and the course content provides the student with the necessary practical application. What I do also appreciate is the research paper project and the idea of simulating a real research paper production process. Although our time is pretty is short for a proper research paper production, the idea is really great and I am really thankful to you to provide me with this experience. Bad_PointsAlthough, I do really like the reserach paper process, the time allotted for the project is not sufficient to produce a high-quality research paper (from my perspective). Full-time work and family responsibilities are making this process difficult. Moreover, the course schedule is pretty loaded (which I appreciate cos' I know it is an extra workload on you and your TA), however it is possible to unload some assignments to put more emphasis on the research paper project (just an idea). WebisteCommentsApart from the comment I did make in section 2, I do have no additional comments. Thanks. Pseudonym: aceone Good_PointsI like the fact that we are going over all the material covered in detail in class. For example the ERDs and the SQL commands. The various examples have really helped me understand the topics better. I also like the fact that the student standings are being kept up to date. This lets me know where I stand with the grades. Bad_PointsSo far I have nothing to complain about in this course. There is a lot of work to be done, but with the proper organizational skills it can be done. I am enjoying the class. WebisteCommentsApart from the comments made above I do not have any suggestions to make about the course. I am enjoying and learning a lot from this course. Pseudonym: javes Good_PointsI think overal the course is well organized, and that we can cover a lot of material over a presentation. Bad_PointsI think all the concepts should be more applied in class, not just the theorical part also the practical part. More excercises in class. WebisteCommentsI think there should be lab sessions or exercises in class to practice the concepts. I think the assignments should be more related to the course content, like instead of a research paper make project, or development of a database application step-by-step. Pseudonym: barohi Good_PointsThe introduction was very informative. Online quizes hepled alot. Bad_PointsThe second exam was tough. I dont know anything about symphonys and did not know what does where. We should have had an introduction to sql in the calc lab. WebisteCommentsInitially classes should be conducted in calc lab so that students can get a feel of oracle with the TA to assist us with coding questions. Pseudonym: pichirilo Good_PointsWhat I like about the course is that the small portion of programming, I have learned a lot. They are simple but very knowledgeable. I very much like the fact that we have to search for tutorials and develop our own. Bad_PointsI do not like the fact that I have to go to the business lab to do my homework. I would much rather work off home. WebisteCommentsI think the course can be improved by designing a more organized user friendly website. I had a hard time finding information.I could not find the part where it mentions that all assignment are due friday at 5p.m Pseudonym: Moglie Good_PointsI really like the fact that you post all the assignments on the web and submit most of the assignments on-line. I really easy for me because I'm always working with a computer and I can often check the assignments... Great !!!!!!!! Bad_PointsThe bad thing is that you web page is a little unorganized, it seems that you have all the links in different sections; it is hard to find the right pages. I always have to navigate through several pages before reaching the page that I'm looking for. WebisteCommentsMy comment for you is to encourage you to improve your web page; I mean the organization of the links and the sections. It is better to have just several main links like Course, Assignments, and Material. And under each category likes related to that category. Also it will be useful to have a site map in your web page.... Pseudonym: Rockets Good_PointsThe best part is the professor’s humor. I like SQL. Bad_PointsThe content is fine. However, the due date of homework is sometimes inconvenient.It might be helpful to give us a few days more to finish the homework. WebisteCommentsIt would be interesting for us to explore the most recent development in database information together. Pseudonym: Rockets Good_PointsThe best part is the professor’s humor. I like SQL. Bad_PointsThe content is fine. However, the due date of homework is sometimes inconvenient.It might be helpful to give us a few days more to finish the homework. WebisteCommentsIt would be interesting for us to explore the most recent development in database information together. Pseudonym: chango Good_Pointsdoesnt feel as pressured as systems analysis last semester. Bad_Pointsthe classes drag on and on, would be nice if you would cut them 30 mins short or so. WebisteCommentshow about a pizza outing one of these days? Pseudonym: Primo Good_PointsThe best part of the course, for me, would be that everything anyone needs to find about the course, it can be finded on the course web page. Also all answers to the review questions are complete and self-explanatory. Bad_PointsThe bad part of the course would be that we did not have a chance to go to the computers and have a lab session on sql, where all doubts about it could be answered directly by the professor or TA. WebisteCommentsMore interaction between TA and student would be helpfull. Pseudonym: sage1x Good_PointsI like the projects we are working on. This gives a great feel of real-world applications. Bad_PointsThe research paper should be substituted for more hands on work. Also, there are way to many assignments. I feel like we can't concentrate enough on certain subject matter before moving on to something else so quickly. WebisteCommentsSome topics require much more practice to master, they should be emphasized a bit more in this course. Pseudonym: survivor7 Good_PointsI like the class web page. It is available all the time. I can reference it to study, look assignments, news, know classmates. So, it has a lot of information not just syllabus and Power Point presentation. Sometimes, I think that I am taking an distance learning class. Bad_PointsThere are some errors in the Web site which is not much but it does give a bad impression. WebisteCommentsI think that the tutorials should be individual presentations. I do not believe that the students are looking at the tutorials because of the lack of time. Maybe with presentations, the students who write the tutorials can explain better or answer questions if necessary. Pseudonym: chessy Good_PointsThe best part was the question was picked from the review questions. Bad_PointsSince we discussed about the hockey team I did not expect that question and did not read. WebisteCommentsI think more in detail SQL Projects will be great. Pseudonym: texasholdem Good_PointsThe powerpoints are great. Also, there is so much information on the website (i.e. links, review questions, etc.), it is really a great resource. Bad_PointsToo many assignments! I think that the research paper, oracle project, and group database project are all great assignments, but there just aren't enough hours in the day to do each of them justice. One of them should go!! Speaking of ugly, the second test was rather ugly. The symphony erd was not intuitive at all, sure wish I had gotten to that one on the practice problems. Some of the sql questions were a bit over the top! WebisteCommentsEliminate one of the major assignments. Cut out some of the links on the otherwise fine website. Other than that, it is a great course. Pseudonym: ARAZ Good_PointsI like the organization of the class and the website, which is very informative and contains very useful sections such as the topic reviews and the tutorials. Bad_PointsWell the part that I dislike the most -- and I know this may not be your fault -- is the time of the class. It's very late and by 8 pm sometimes I just can't concentrate anymore. WebisteCommentsI think it would be useful to have practice sessions or more practice exercises in SQL, because that's also very important, not just the theory. Pseudonym: meno Good_PointsThe best part of the course is its website. The website has a lot of support for the students. We are able to find information to help us with our assignments. Bad_PointsThe professor mentioned that if we understood the initial project problems and had no problems with it, that we should be fine for the exam. The 2nd exam included many questions and the use of SQL commands that were not in the project. WebisteCommentsMore hands-on exercises like the initial project. Pseudonym: sunny Good_PointsAt the begining of the course, we were optimistic that the course would give us some solid insight into a field so that we would feel rich in our knowledge. We were led to be optimsitic about course teaching us something good as foudnation in its field. The good thinig about the course is that the Professor has created good amount of sildes with course contents and review questions. Bad_PointsThe course aims high but delivers very low. The course failed to teach us the subject, per se. It is solely dependent on internet, and having long class on one single evening, it is not creative and good idea. A student is becoming more of a clerk because of the evaluation components than be creative, develop curiosity and excitement. There is so much redundancy in evaluation components that objective of each component fails at the grassroot level. There should have not been any research paper component and it is not adding to the process of learning. The second quiz paper was not well designed, it was confusing. The time given for submitting assignments is unreasonably very less. Frequent unavailability of some help from TA of teacher keeps us confused. Projects also are not designed to make us learn in objectiv way. There is so much redundancy in using similar meaning terms and topics on website that it makes a student very confusing to search for information. The course is not tough but the way it is administered, has made it tough. WebisteCommentsFollowing might help meet the course objectives: 1. Remove research paper component. 2. Reduce different kinds of proejct and keep 1 or 2 components to build upon each other. 3. The date of assignment to begin should be from the date of the topic covered in the class and due within next one full week including weekends, instead of Mon to Friday period. The due time should be 12 midnight on the due date, instead of 5 pm on Friday. Most of the people are working in day time, and it becomes difficult to keep up with time. 4. Do not design the evaluation components to be inter-connected and inter dependent on other students. 5. The submission of components on due time should not be that stone carved and rigid. People have their genuine reasons not be able to submit in time. 6. The Second test should not be counted since it was very confusing. 7. The calc lab should have more open hours after work hours to meet the needs of those who are working in day time. It closes too early on many days. Pseudonym: surfgirl Good_PointsI think so far we have covered a lot of material in great detail, and the projects I believe that are going to consolidate all the things we have learned so far, which is something very good. Bad_PointsI can't think of anything bad at this moment. So far this curse has meet my expectations. WebisteCommentsAs I mentioned before, the navigation menu can be improved, because it can be confusing sometimes. Pseudonym: chilidog Good_PointsI have enjoyed trying to figure out the sql questions. I also had no idea what what was involved in data bases and this has been very interesting. I also like the way you have the information on the web, that really helps. Bad_PointsI am still having some real problems with erd's. Some of it is my fault because I had to miss that class and some of it seems to be just the possible variations and interpretations of them. WebisteCommentsI think more on erd's would really help. Maybe it is just me but I need more there. Lots more wxperience with sql is also needed the problems in the initial project had no relationship in difficulty to the problems on the test and I really think that could be improved. Pseudonym: snoopy Good_PointsI really liked the initial project because it helped me learn sql programing and as a hands on study guide for the test. I also liked having the test questions taken from the review. Bad_PointsThe term paper seems to be a little too much to deal with given the database programing project and the material to learn. I also don't really see how it relates to what is going on in class. Also our lack of experience with databases gets in the way of our ability to do a good job. WebisteCommentsThe level of difficulty of the second exam didn't relate to what was covered in class or assigned as homework. Some of the links were from previous classes and it was confusing and time consuming to reach the desired page. Pseudonym: P-chan Good_PointsI love the fact that the lecture notes are posted on the web. This allows a dedicated student to come to class prepared. Bad_PointsThere does not seem to be adequate time in which to complete the research paper. Without being able to devote enough time, the papers will not reflect the true potential of the student. WebisteCommentsI find the website a bit hard to navigate and cannot differentiate between the additional material and additional coverage links. Also, I would like to see a bit more time spent on SQL and Oracle. Pseudonym: EVH Good_PointsI think the best part of the course for me, are the power point slides. I like the way they explain the subjects and they are very helpful in studing for the test. The review questions are also very good and help me to prepare for the exams. I think over all the whole website is a very useful and easy to understand learning tool. The web site is filled with everything you need to know about this class. Bad_PointsI think there is alot of work to turn in every week. Being a graduate student I have two other classes and work to juggle, along with the demand of meeting these deadlines. The research paper is a time consuming project and combining this with all the other work for this and other classes is a very difficult task. WebisteCommentsI think that this class should drop the research paper and focus more on sql and learning all about databases. I also think that some of the class time should be spent in the lab. The professor needs to be more available by phone or email. Due to the amount, of work some of the work can only be turned in on the day it is due so if problems come up the professor needs to be available for help. Pseudonym: Gotti Good_PointsThe best part of the course is that it really doesn't really turn you into a Database Administrator but it does makes you learn the whole database concept. Bad_PointsWell, i guess the bad and the ugly part of the course is that it has too many assignment to complete, that sometimes i forget its due yet. WebisteCommentsI think the course can be improved if only we can have more practice on SQL. Pseudonym: Tamagotchi Good_PointsQuestions can't be compared to part 1 from assignment. Bad_PointsQuestions too long, and it can't be compared to Part 1 from assignment. WebisteCommentsBetter leave this part with a N/A. Pseudonym: Dr.Feelgood Good_PointsThe best part of this course so far is the practice we are getting with the initial project, that i think is really helpfull to a lot of us in class very practical. Bad_PointsThe thing that i have more problems is the due dates, i think they should be moved to sundays, for my part i work from monday trough friday so my free days if there is such a thing is saturdays and sundays which i use primarily for school work so friday deadlines are really hard for me to keep although i try i have eventually failed in turning in assignments due to this. WebisteCommentsThat's all i have to say about that Pseudonym: foglive Good_PointsI like the way this class encouraged me Bad_PointsI do not like that this does not have a hands on training part WebisteCommentsI think that if we can practice more in class will be better instead of just litening to what the same slides say Pseudonym: certs Good_PointsThe good thing about the class is easy to turn in assignments via web. This course also gives a good background on database design. Bad_PointsThe bad part of this course is there is not that much interaction with programming, mostly is design. WebisteCommentsMore interaction with SQL coding. Pseudonym: remy12 Good_PointsPowerpoint slides make it easy to learn material. Bad_PointsIt's hard to know what's due and when since course schedule is not always followed exactly week by week. WebisteCommentsProper updates to website. Pseudonym: CobalTiger Good_PointsThe powerpoint slides are easy to follow and entertaining to read. Dr. Kirs makes the information interesting and provides real world examples that clarify the material. Bad_PointsThe course schedule is not followed and has created an unnecessary sense of urgency to finish all projects at once at the end of the course. WebisteCommentsIf the course schedule cannot be strictly followed, maybe drop Initial Project. Pseudonym: Gaseld Good_Pointsthe best part is when we start the program Bad_Pointsthe exam is very difficult and you need to study hard to get a good grade WebisteCommentsi think we need more practice on doing programming Pseudonym: Del Sol Good_PointsFirst Exam was good reasonable theory Bad_PointsSQL stuff should be less instruction and more hands on. WebisteCommentsSQl needs to be done all in the LAB so that we can get a hold of the commands and be able to troubleshoot errors better Pseudonym: Nanners Good_PointsI particularly like the actual programming portion of the course. Bad_Pointsthe lectures, like every class, are not the most stimulating portion of the course. WebisteCommentsMore lab time where students can see how the actual programming is done and can practice as it is taught. Pseudonym: Maranon2 Good_PointsThe best part is the hands on application of the course. I really liked going to the lab and applying what I learned. Bad_PointsThe thing I disliked most about the course is that it isn't taught in a computer lab. I think I would have learned more if it had been taught in a computer because I could learn theory and then apply it immediately. I learn best by hands on application. WebisteCommentsThis course should be taught in a computer lab! Pseudonym: ladybug21 Good_PointsI enjoyed learning about SQL since many companies use it to create databases. I can add on a basic skill to my resume. Bad_PointsI think this type of class needs to be taught hands on. Lecturing only bores the class and that is why no one ever shows up. More time in the lab should be made so we can learn about what SQL is all about. WebisteCommentsMore time in the lab and less time lecturing. Pseudonym: iceman Good_PointsThe powerpoint presentation. Bad_PointsWe need more lab time for asking questions on the projects. WebisteCommentsMore lab time. Pseudonym: iceman Good_PointsThe powerpoint presentation Bad_PointsNot enough lab time WebisteCommentsMore lab time Pseudonym: Viper2111 Good_PointsI believe the best part of the course is the amount of information that is available to learn. Bad_PointsThe bad parts of the course I feel is like any course which you do not have time to learn all important information. The course goes very fast and most of the information has to be practiced on a computer, but about 1% on the class is on a computer. More hands on activities are needed. WebisteCommentsI believe that you need to push students to bring a labtop the first day of class and teach Oracle. Also give out homeworks regarding SQL and ERD's that could be used to help you on the test. Pseudonym: KKgdBBMA Good_PointspAyexj <a href="http://yiwazryanglf.com/">yiwazryanglf</a>, [url=http://vtmffslpstdy.com/]vtmffslpstdy[/url [link=http://xxkxwqlezvdl.com/]xxkxwqlezvdl[/link http://ohlkvryqeryv.com/ Bad_PointspAyexj <a href="http://yiwazryanglf.com/">yiwazryanglf</a>, [url=http://vtmffslpstdy.com/]vtmffslpstdy[/url [link=http://xxkxwqlezvdl.com/]xxkxwqlezvdl[/link http://ohlkvryqeryv.com/ WebisteCommentspAyexj <a href="http://yiwazryanglf.com/">yiwazryanglf</a>, [url=http://vtmffslpstdy.com/]vtmffslpstdy[/url [link=http://xxkxwqlezvdl.com/]xxkxwqlezvdl[/link http://ohlkvryqeryv.com/ Pseudonym: jack daniels Good_Pointswell, I would like to be a database administrator so the thing i liked best about this course is that you gave me the insight and fundamental skills I will need to acquire this position in the future. ultimately, I would like to master SQL and i can tell you one thing for sure, it's a lot more simple than object-oriented programming, which is what i wanted to do prior to enrolling in this course. haha Bad_PointsThe bad: let's see... well, i mean there wasnt really anything bad about the course. well, actually, i can complain... It's a shame that we only have a semester to master sql, RDBMS, etc... in just one semester but then again, i think thats what our leisure time is for, to learn on our free time. WebisteCommentsImprovements can come from more hands on activities. Pseudonym: El matador Good_Pointsthe class itself is very interesting due to the fact that I like this subject alot Bad_Pointsdont like that the class is all lecture most of the time WebisteCommentsthe course would be better of and far more interesting if there was more hands on training that we could do speacialy with SQLS Pseudonym: rae Good_Pointsits all new to me. Bad_PointsIts ALLLLLLOT of information to learn. WebisteCommentsFormat of the class. Wish we had more hands on time with SQL and do something other than just lecture. The website is also hard to navigate and I really never know when things are due and what exactly to do sometimes. Pseudonym: Robot16 Good_PointsProfessor Kirs explains everything in detial, maybe too many things in detial. Bad_PointsNot knowing when to post the assignments to the website and not knowing our grade. WebisteCommentsImpoving the posting of grades and letting us know when to post our assignments. Pseudonym: DBMS Good_Pointscoarse is really good and teaching is also good Bad_Pointsnoting bad everything is so good. WebisteCommentsnothing to be improved Pseudonym: lJxOHaiimxfWhDV Good_PointsSurpirisnlgy well-written and informative for a free online article. Bad_PointsSurpirisnlgy well-written and informative for a free online article. WebisteCommentsSurpirisnlgy well-written and informative for a free online article. Pseudonym: DUes8YIW7cI Good_PointsHeck yeah bay-ebe keep them coming! Bad_PointsHeck yeah bay-ebe keep them coming! WebisteComments |