Fall, 2017 |
Pseudonym: Gaseld CommentsGOOD PAGE TO PRACTICE AND LEARN Pseudonym: amfu Commentstutorial to understand the principles of SQL Pseudonym: classof09 CommentsThis site has downloadable pdf files for future reference. Pseudonym: waitingplace CommentsI found this article interesting because if gives all types of sql commands and explains what those commands are for. It also has training on sql as well Pseudonym: Gaseld Commentsgood page to understand more about SQL Pseudonym: penacho4 CommentsThe website explains you what SQL is, the history and the scope & extensions. It also gives you examples of how SQL looks like. This is an interesting website to look at. Pseudonym: hericosi CommentsThere are tutorial depending on what level are you in, it's a very interesting website Pseudonym: Del Sol CommentsProvides Definitions, History, Language Elemets and Criticism Pseudonym: pink CommentsThis website was a very helpful website for me. It helped me understand SQL better and what it is used for. Pseudonym: ermo27 CommentsThis page provides an overview of SQL. It includes what it is, and also have the basic commands and examples. Pseudonym: Strider CommentsGreat website for SQL tutorials with examples and videos to help you understand SQL using Oracle. Pseudonym: cloud77 CommentsProvides basic sql commands and shows you how to use them Pseudonym: Quato CommentsA simple guide to learn SQL language and concepts. Pseudonym: rav117 CommentsBrief information on SQL Pseudonym: D Mo CommentsThis website goes over Cobol, which is one of the oldest types of SQL's. Although Cobol is becoming obsolete it still is used by some people/businesses and this site gives a good little overview of it. Pseudonym: Maranon2 CommentsThis is a great one page "cheat sheat" with a short FAQ page on SQL and then a command list. Pseudonym: Viper2111 CommentsThis is a complete tutorial on SQL. Complete course on SQL. Very informative and well organized. Pseudonym: aab05 Commentsthis is a good reference because the web page shows explanations of the concepts and tutorials to understand better sql Pseudonym: Rainbow AB CommentsThis website helps us to understand how to use SQL every step such as tutorials, and examples. Pseudonym: yourmother CommentsThis SQL tutorial will teach you how to use SQL to access and manipulate data in MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, Sybase, DB2, and other database systems. Pseudonym: cobalt1130 CommentsThis is a decent article that give a general description of SQL and has the capability for any individual to grasp the basis of SQL. I would recommend this article to anyone lost in this section. Pseudonym: eam09 CommentsIts a tutorial on SQL Pseudonym: etnh CommentsAn easy to view listing of commands, and other SQL related material that is easy to access and review.. Pseudonym: Lakito CommentsWhat is SQL? The Structured Query Language is used in manipulating data stored in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). SQL provides commands through which data can be extracted, sorted, updated, deleted and inserted. SQL has the full support of ANSI (American National Standards Institute), which has laid down certain rules for the language. SQL can be used with any RDBMS such as MySQL, mSQL, PostgresSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, Sybase, Ingres etc. All the important and common SQL statements are supported by these RDBMS, however, each has its own set of proprietary statements and extensions. Pseudonym: sisqo :) CommentsThis seems like a pretty good reference for anyone trying to learn SQL. It provides a lot of examples. Pseudonym: ninersfan CommentsDscription of SQL and its components Pseudonym: Doppelgänger CommentsInformative since they relay information about Oracle 9i and SQL Pseudonym: sf49ers CommentsMore in-depth details about SQL and very interesting to read. Pseudonym: ladybug21 CommentsThis website gave beginner tips in ways to manage themselves easily when working with SQL. A few of the tips included, picking the right kind of environment, how to edit very easily, being a productive SQL user by using SAVE FILE which saves a buffered SQL statement to a file, setting your formats correctly so you can read the statements more easily, and how to save your preferences. Pseudonym: cobalt1130 Commentsthis is a decent website that gives examples of what the commands of SQL are . is very interactive and i say is a good ite to learn what each command is and how to use them. Pseudonym: Princess Lazzara CommentsThis website was great because it provides SQL demos, quizes, references, and data types and can be used by both beginners and experts. Pseudonym: Rav117 CommentsWebsite contains all the different SQL releases and information on the application and its features and relative suite of utilities. Pseudonym: mak85 Commentsgood website gives examples and tutorials of SQL Pseudonym: Robot16 CommentsThis website is very informative and provides different ways of showing date vales. Pseudonym: Dalastdon32 CommentsThis article gives the definition of SQL and a brief history of it. It also provides other useful links that show how to use this system. Pseudonym: Dalastdon32 CommentsThis tutorial starts by explaining SQL's history and what it does. It also has additional tutorials on creating an SQL. Pseudonym: LeMose CommentsI like the website it is very helpful Pseudonym: jack daniels CommentsThis article, for the University of Indiana, provides you with information on what SQL's are. Pseudonym: lIDyEfPGM CommentsflWthY <a href="http://lycckyjuqxbg.com/">lycckyjuqxbg</a>, [url=http://vfrhjzipavpr.com/]vfrhjzipavpr[/url [link=http://ueydcdhsnofm.com/]ueydcdhsnofm[/link http://amfcllpqigup.com/ Pseudonym: Rubble V CommentsWiki's explanation of MS SQL Servers Pseudonym: jack daniels CommentsThis site provides an intense understanding of what an SQL from its origin to its implementation. Pseudonym: Menina CommentsSimple tutorial for SQL step by step. Pseudonym: ROUGHNECK NINE ONE CommentsIt provides a list of all SQL Commands. Pseudonym: rae CommentsVery informative site. Pseudonym: superkalel CommentsThis website provides a table of the SQL statements and does the convert to the SQL syntax. This website is helpful. Pseudonym: tesla CommentsThis website describes the many kinds of advanced SQLs. It also gives some examples of many kinds of sqls like sql min, sql top, sql null, sql limit, and many more Pseudonym: adriano5 Commentsthis site shows how to use the Union function. Pseudonym: viggo010 Commentsthis website gives you examples to use sql commands. I used this website to solve most of the individual project questions Pseudonym: veTYJaMfmBSYdGJTocD CommentsThat's an ingneiuos way of thinking about it. Pseudonym: s81ISORKLAfs CommentsYour answer lifts the inltielgence of the debate. Pseudonym: Barnypok Comments |