CIS4365: Database Applications Fall, 2017 |
Pseudonym: wito_loko CommentsThis page is dedicated to Dr. Dobbs advises regarding databases. This link specifically will give many advises as to what bad design mistakes are the most important, that way we don’t make those basic mistakes Pseudonym: aceone CommentsThis web page gives you a background on database design. It gives a good basic explanation on database design. Pseudonym: Rockets CommentsThis website focus on system development life cycle. It is a good site to review SDLC. Pseudonym: ARAZ CommentsThis is the webpage of Orange&Black, a software consulting company, however, it includes links in which several components of the database creation process are explained in detail, clearly and concisely at the same time. Among the interesting topics covered you can find logical design, physical design, software testing and maintenance, how to write good code, etc... I found this site very useful. Pseudonym: texasholdem CommentsThis site is a pdf file to an interesting white paper. What I think is interesting about this paper is that it describes how to use Oracle Designer/2000 Case Tool in the context of the Systems Development Life Cycle to design a database in Oracle. Pseudonym: navi CommentsIt's also good to know common mistakes so we don't do them. Pseudonym: larn CommentsTen connon mistakes made when desining databases. A very good list that all designers should have handy when creating databases. Pseudonym: certs CommentsI wouldn't recommend this website for someone wanting a thorough explanation on database design. This website is only good for expert DBA wanting a checklist to make sure the basic design criteria is met. Pseudonym: mona CommentsThis approach , takes a sample database and explains the vraius stpes involved along with the guidelines for database creation Pseudonym: jhony Commentsexplains the basic concepts to create a sound database Pseudonym: Gally CommentsThese three article series is a step-by-step guide towards a general design approach for a database Pseudonym: ultimatum Commentswe can find an abundance of advice on how to improve your design in order to create high-volume, fast-performing databases Pseudonym: ultimatum Commentsintroduction and brief explanation was very good,.. Pseudonym: Raver CommentsI think this is a good URL because it not explain how to design a database but instead, it states the 10 mistakes we can make when design a database. It is pretty interesting web site. Pseudonym: flyhigh1883 CommentsThe web site shows the major errors that may occur during database design, if unattended.This is a useful tool for beginners in database design. Pseudonym: asdfghjkl Commentsits given the basic concept of the database design and various topics under it Pseudonym: Del Sol Commentsdiscusses themes regarding database modeling, normalization techniques, primary key considerations, programming strategies, DBA problems (and solutions), and many other issues relating to building database models that will form the basis of high-performing databases Pseudonym: Quato CommentsTips on how to design a database when using MySQL. Pseudonym: Gaseld Commentsgreat web that show you how to avoid mistakes when programming Pseudonym: Strider CommentsThis websites describes the basic understanding on db design and explains the best ways to create and maintain your designs. Pseudonym: aab05 Commentsit provides a guide to create the database design Pseudonym: Maranon2 CommentsSometimes it's easier(at least for me) to remember the should nots. This is a good list of what not to do when designing your database. Pseudonym: Viper2111 CommentsVery interesting article, it informs not only on Database Design, but how important security is to this concept. The article also gives important information at securing a database by looking at the various layers that are involved is an effective approach. Pseudonym: superman Commentsvery helpful site Pseudonym: ladybug21 CommentsThis article discusses what database design is, the content and adding value, a little of computer and information technology, legal consideration, marketing analysis, pricing, marketing, quality assessment and control. Pseudonym: ninersfan CommentsA few tips and tutorials to help us understandd databases Pseudonym: jack daniels CommentsBefore you set up a new database, usually you spend a lot of time at the white board. This article gives you some basic tips. Pseudonym: Dalastdon32 CommentsThis page describes everything involved in Database design, from making the ERD, to Normalization, to the physical design structure. Pseudonym: rae CommentsA very informative guide to database design. Pseudonym: HzRPOJBGkqsZpZz Commentsm2fQl0 <a href="">hsylofwemrwi</a>, [url=]ghmbtefxkpky[/url [link=]xwzfyxoskifm[/link Pseudonym: wolves CommentsA nice tutorial with some Do's and Dont's when designing a database. Pseudonym: izchxfsrvba CommentsxwTRp3 <a href="">luwvyqynojcx</a>, [url=]uxnzbgextuee[/url [link=]szvdmyicnsrf[/link Pseudonym: superkalel CommentsThis website is helpful because it breaks down the Database Design steps. Pseudonym: viggo010 Commentsit gives many different types of mistakes made while designing Pseudonym: QGRRDwRpCks CommentsRyan,I have been trying to check out your sewbite since I got your newsletter. What is going on? It doesnt let me in. Hopefully it will work soon, I am anxious to see some pictures of your travels around Africa. I hope all is going well for you in Kenya.Peace,Kim Egypt YAV Pseudonym: Mark CommentsfSeUVK Pseudonym: FwR4llIj9HI CommentsAn innleligett answer - no BS - which makes a pleasant change |