SQL References
All Submissions are recorded here. If there
are Duplicate submissions (of sites), all sets of comments are recorded. If the
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Site:http://www.cs.unibo.it/~ciaccia/COURSES/RESOURCES/SQLTutorial/sqlcont.htm |
 | SQL - Structured Query Language","This website is great for learning some of the basics of SQL. It is written by chapters and breaks down the different topics pertaining to SQL in an easy to read format. |
 | This is a self-paced tutorial, which takes you through all the important elements of SQL up to and including sub-queries and correlation. |
Site: http://www.dcs.napier.ac.uk/~andrew/sql/ |
 | A Gentle Introduction of SQL","Interactive SQL tutorial.
SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Access.
SELECT statements including joins and functions.
In this web page you can find almost any thing you need to know about SQL such as:
I really recommend this web page if you need help. |
Site: http://www.1sqlstreet.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=423&lngWId=5 |
 | SQL In Simple English - Part 1","At last! An SQL tutorial made just for people like me. This site was listed as winning a contest for the site www.1sqlstreet.com back in April 2002. The tutorial begins with an intro to SQL, then follows an example using a simple table and the basics of inserting, deleting, and updating. It also gives many uses to the SELECT statement and implements mathematics. This site has enlightened my learning experience and I recommend it to anyone learning SQL. |
Site: http://www.sqlcourse.com/ |
 | SQL Interpreter and Tutorial","It provides a little introduction into the basic SQL commands and provides easy to understand SQL instructions. You can also practice what you learn using the online SQL interpreter after submitting your SQL commands. This website has good tutorials on varies SQL basics such as selecting, inserting, updating and dropping your tables. The website also has additional topics on SQL statements. For those who are already familiar with SQL, this would be a good refresher and reference site. |
 | A good Tutorial that has some examples and gives you the ability to practice what's on the tutorial as you go along. |
 | I highly recommend this website. I like the fact that information is very basic, simple and very straightforward. The information is not difficult to understand even if you never heard of SQL. That is the impression I got from visiting this site. |
 | A complete SQL reference for beginners and can help to practive with examples. |
 | It ia a great site. It goes slowly through an interactive training of SQL. It goes slowly which is good so that all users can work with it. It also gives good examples. It also has examples and it lets you practice exercisses. It also has an interpreter which will interpret you code and check your work. It is really great I give it a 10!!!!! |
 | Great place to learn more and practice commands at the same time. |
 | This website is an introductory SQL tutorial that not only provides easy-to-understand SQL instructions, but it allows you to practice what you learn using the on-line SQL interpreter. This course includes a table with topics like What is SQL?, Table basics, Selecting data, Creating tables, Inserting into a table, Updating records, Deleting records, Drop a table, Advanced Queries, Standalone SQL interpreter, and Database Links. |
 | I liked this site, contains a lot of useful information. |
Site: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp |
 | SQL tutorial","With this SQL tutorial you will learn how to use SQL to access, define, and manipulate the data in a database system, like Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, and others. |
 | These are very awesome people who’ve put a page together to help with the basics of SQL. This page is very good to bookmark for questions about SQL. I personally learned SQL statements 4 years ago from this page. |
 | This is a good place to go to if you want to practice for the exam, and to see how much you really know about SQL. In this site you will find explanations on using SQL. You will also find some examples and quizzes. Just go to the website above, then on the right side of the screen click on SQL quiz under QUIZZES. You will be asked twenty questions and there is no time limit. |
 | SQL is an ANSI standard computer language for accessing and manipulating databases! This web page is a SQL tutorial where anyone can learn how to use SQL to access, define, and manipulate data in Oracle, DB2, Sybase, Informix, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, and other database systems. This web site is very cool since it also contains answers to questions that we may commonly have regarding this topic.
 | It is a very good site for SQL tutorial and explains lots of basics and gives introduction about it. Conducts lot of good quizzes and exams to help learn the language better and provides professional updates, guidance and certification in the language. |
 | Very good site to get started in the field of SQL. |
 | In this website you can find a very good SQL tutorial. At the left hand side of the screen there are hyperlinks that allow you to jump directly to the explanation of certain SQL statements, such as select, where, insert, etc. Furthermore, there is a section called "Try It" in which you can actually see the results from a query to a database. |
 | This is a wonderful website providing information on the basic concepts of SQL along with its utility. The tutorial is divided in to three parts: The basic one advanced one and a demo part. The navigation between the links is very easy and fast which makes it a comfortable tool for beginners to learn SQL. |
 | W3schools is my favorite website for learning many of the aspects of web development. Their SQL section is for beginners, obviously, but offers excellent examples and sample code to get you started on the features of the SQL language. |
 | Gives basic introduction and run down of main sql key words and uses. |
 | I like this site very much, as it provides tutorials for most of the software languages. |
Site:http://www.cs.unibo.it/~ciaccia/COURSES/RESOURCES/SQLTutorial/sqlch1.htm |
 | Basics of (SQL) Structured Query Language","This web site is a complete self paced tutorial which takes you through all the important elements of SQL. One of the site's objective is to introduce the main concepts of data storage and retrieval in the context of database information systems. The web site also gives information on files, databases and database management systems. |
Site: http://www.sqlcourse.com/ |
 | Introductory SQL Tutorial","I think this page can be very helpful to anybody who's starting to work with SQL. The page is basically an interactive on-line tutorial that takes you step-by-step through some of the SQL basics. It will provide results for you to check how good you did on each practice. A good thing about this is that when you're finished with the topics on this course you can continue to another course. Best of all, is that it's free. |
Site: http://sirius.cs.ucdavis.edu/teaching/sqltutorial/ |
 | Oracle / SQL Tutorial on the UC Davis DBIS website","Oracle/SQL
Basics. |
Site: http://www.orafaq.com/faqsql.htm |
 | Oracle SQL FAQ","This webpage contains references to SQL commands, FAQ's, and IT industry. |
Site: http://www.developersdex.com/sql/ |
 | Developersdex.com: SQL ","This is a great directory website to go to regarding SQL. Plus it also refers you to several other links for SQL. |
Site: http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/sqlnut/chapter/ch04.html |
 | SQL in a Nutshell","This web site’s title suites it perfectly – the contents is a broad overview of SQL, including definitions of terms, detailed explanations of functions, and examples using code. The web site also provides an alphabetical listing of Microsoft SQL Server-supported functions, as well as an alphabetical listing of the SQL functions specific to Oracle. Some of the information contained in this web site may come in handy for our class projects. |
Site: http://www.jcc.com/SQLPages/jccs_sql.htm#Prototype%20Databases |
 | JCC's SQL Standard Page","This website gives information on the standards of SQL. It provides prototype databases and publications relating SQL. |
http://www.sqlcourse.com/ |
 | SQL Interpreter & Tutorial with Live Practice Database","I liked this website and will reference it again. It is a mini course on SQL. It has examples, definitions, how to select, and create tables and much more. |
Site: http://www.sqlcourse.com/ |
 | This provides a tutorial on SQL and creating tables.","Excellent tutorial on learning the basics of SQL. |
Site: http://www.baycongroup.com/tocsql.htm |
 | An extremely comprehensive site that explains all faces of SQL programming, from an introduction to data manipulation. |
 | This site contains SQL tutorial. All the concepts are well defined and explained using simple examples. This is a good place to start for some one learning SQL for the first time. |
Site: http://sqlzoo.net/ |
This website is very good for SQL beginner.
One of the basic interactive SQL tutorial.
Interactive SQL tutorial, including examples and many links to quick references on how to perform actions in SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Access. It also contains exercises for the user, and answers are provided for some of them. In general, the explanations and examples shown are detailed and understandable, and the links are very informative.
This site has tons of SQL info. Also helpful in that it has separate information on how to use SQL with SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and MS Access. |
This is a great page where we can interact with the SQL commands using online exercises that allows us to see how each SQL oommand works using predefined tables provided by the page itself. |
This is a very intuitive site that has tutorials that allows you to see the commands creates and what the results are. It makes it easy to understand SQL! |
Site: http://www.sql.org/ |
 | This site is an all in one resource that will help those using or wanting to make use of an SQL database find the resources and reference materials they are looking for: an sql tutorial, manual, introduction, SQL hosting provider, or someone to help them out. Their materials are currently limited to MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, mSQL and Microsoft SQL, as well as materials that are applicable to any SQL server or relational database. |
 | This site is an all in one resource that will help those using or wanting to make use of an SQL database find the resources and reference materials they are looking for: an sql tutorial, manual, introduction, SQL hosting provider, or someone to help them out. Their materials are currently limited to MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, mSQL and Microsoft SQL, as well as materials that are applicable to any SQL server or relational database. |
Site: www.sqlcommands.net/ |
 | This site is a good referance for looking up SQL commands and thier function. |
Site: http://sqlcourse.com/intro.html |
 | This is a nine page, interactive SQL tutorial. It encapsulates the basics of SQL including table creation. The tutorial also gives good examples of the SELECT statement and query constraints. I would highly recommend this website for someone needing guidance on creating queries in SQL.
 | This site provides really all the information needed for a beginner with examples and basic description. I liked it . |
http://www.intermedia.net/support/sql/sqltut.asp |
 | This web page gives the detailed description of Structured Query Language(SQL) version 4.11.
It explains all the Data Definition Language(DCL) statements and Data
Manipulation Language(DML) statements.
It even gives details about the indexes, Joins , Normalization and
other advanced concepts too.
So this would be a good user manual for all SQL students. Finally the
FAQ's at the end of the page are also very interesting. |
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