Relational Database Management Systems References
All Submissions are recorded here. If there
are Duplicate submissions (of sites), all sets of comments are recorded. If the
submitter wishes to give their name, it is noted.
 | Database Management Systems (by
Philip Greenspun, part of
Philip and
Alex's Guide to Web Publishing)
An Excellent overview of DBMS. It talks about what is wrong with flat file
systems, what you need in Transaction Processing, Finding data, the RDBMS
and its history, and Other topics (Submitted by Peeter Kirs) |
Site: |
 | What Is an Oracle Relational Database
This website describes a database, and its fields and records.It
illustrates the layout of an Oracle database table and it explains how
primary keys keep the records unique. It also explains the concepts of a
relational database and a foreign key. |
 | Some faculties and departments are already using Oracle applications in their day-to-day operations. As time goes by, more and more information users will be working with an application based on Oracle database technology. If anyone gets the opportunity to be a member of an application development team, he or she will become familiar with the workings of Oracle and relational databases. Other users may have to learn about this database management system through their own experience. This website is for readers who, as of yet, have no access to Oracle databases but have a yearning for learning what they're all about.
Site: |
 | Databases This website describes what
a candidate key is and how it is used. It also provides examples for the
candidate key. |
Site: |
 | This site is dedicated to the Oracle
Professional This site has a library(white papers), some code, and
links to other sites. Is not very detailed but may have some useful
information. I do NOT recommend this site as a first stop but may contain
some hard to find subjects. |
Site: |
 | Using Primary Keys in a Database This
website has a good definition of primary key and gives a logical example,
as well as other RDBMS keys and their examples. |
Site: |
 | The Relational Database Model overview
This web site provide an overview if the relational database model such
- what the relational database model is
- intensions and extensions
- attribute domains
- keys
- operations with relations
I liked this web page because it helps you understand the concepts
and also it provides examples of how the relational database model is
create. |
Site: |
 | This site has the best definition of RDBMS
I’ve seen on the Internet. The site also gives us a few examples (and
links to other examples) of how and why RDBMS is being used.","This site
has a good, clear-cut definition of RDBMS. On top of that there are
several examples of why it is being used, some of the more popular
versions of RDBMS, and several links that have additional information to
help users more. |
Site: |
 | ITS Database Services This website is
sponsored by the University of Texas at Austin. The website features an
overview of Data Modeling, and offers specific information regarding
Relational Modeling, Database Design, Data Objects, Basic Schema, Primary
Keys, Attributes, Hierarchies, Integrity Rules, Data Integrity, and a many
more topics. Each link has an overview that provides a basic definition of
the topic, as well as more specific information about each topic regarding
its use. Examples in the form of charts, graph, and programming code are
given. At the end of each topic discussion a summary is given highlighting
the most important concepts. |
Site: |
 | What Is an Oracle Relational Database?
This site gives a great example about how an RDBMS is used. While the
author made use of the names from the cartoon ""The Flintstones, it was
not only simple to compare how the two tables were provided and linked but
it was a bit entertaining. I recommend that anyone studying how RDBMS
works should visit this site. It's a short example and therefore easy on
the eyes and brain. |
Site: |
 | Introduction to Relational Database
Design This webpage is good for learning the basics of relational
database design and all the terminology associated with it. The author
illustrates in a way that beginners will get a good grasp of the topics in
a short time and be able to design and understand how one is put together.
The webpage is easy to navigate through and is basically meant for this
topic. |
Site:,,sid13_gci214260,00.html |
 | This is a terminology reference page
presented by search, a TechTarget site for Database
professionals. This seems like a good page to have bookmarked for
emergency Quick reference. |
 | This provides a clean and understandable explanation about RDBMS |
Site: |
 | This site provides some of the basic
RDBMS principals. Covers such areas as entitities, relationships,and
attributes. It also has information on SQL such as creating tables and
querying. |
Site: |
 | Introductory Lesson on Concepts of RDBM
As the title suggests this website is just an overview of the basic
concepts of RDBMS. It provides brief explanations of topics such as:
o what the relational database model is,
o intensions and extensions
o attribute domains
o keys
o operations with relations
Also, it contains great visual examples that make it easy to understand
the concepts. |
Site: |
 | Compilation of the best free online
readings about RDBMS Great website for Linux RDBMS/database
administrator, database designer/developer, or simply a Linux user with
database ambitions, you'll find links to valuable resources here:
articles, papers, and books on various aspects of relational database
management. |
Site: |
 | Foil 37 Join Operations This web page
shows how JOIN operations work and how a select operation combines rows
from 2 or more tables and how each returned row contains data from more
than 1 table |
Site: |
 | The only online dictionary and search engine
you need for computer and Internet technology.","This is a very complete
website for technology, it contains information on basically anything you
need to know about it; networking, programming, internet commerce,
software, hardware, web development, operating systems, etc. |
Site: |
 | Mixing Tuples And Objects Object/Relational Databases Are All
the Rage, But Do The Reall Fullfill A Need?","I liked this website because
it is a easy to read testimonial by Application Architect, David S.
Linthieum. He gives further insight on programs like Oracle Corp., Sybase
Inc., Smalltalk, Java and
C++. |
Site: |
 | The site is great. Its really informative and it covers everything. It contains an article that expalins the history of relational databases. It also have 12 steps that developers need to know. It discusses Normilization etc. It was great and it was an easy read. There are no graphics or any fancy stuff just great information. It could use a more appealing look but its great. |
 | Contains useful and detailed information on database design, including basic rules and examples. It also contains many references to other papers and websites related to this topic. |
Site: |
 | Chosen not only for clear and concise nature, this reference links to other great pages (try the hot link for the DBMS – you won’t be disappointed!). The brief description of the rational database management system will make more sense once you have a clear understanding of general database management systems. |
 | This site provides a definition of relational database management system (RDBMS) |
Site: |
 | This site was a bit confusing at first, but after looking around for about 20 minutes I finally figured it out. It has a number of RDBMS links and support sites.
Site: |
 | This website is focused on databases for Linux. It has good information about SQL databases and it is interesting to read the author's comments about the SQL problems. |
 | This site has information about relational database systems, primarily dealing with those database systems available under Linux.
 | THis website provides enough information to the starters.The main falvour of this web site is that it dela swith RDBMS in Linux environment. |
 | It is benificial |
 | This is a very good cite explaining about the basic RDBMS information.It gives many web referneces for to know and also mentions about few books to be followed. |
Site: |
 | It is very comprehensive online information library with original research papers from the first RDMS originator (and from others in the field) about the orgin and evolution of RDMS and other database sytems. Various aspects of databases' structure, architecture, languages, fundamentals and rules about RDMS and other databases are diescussed. It also gives information about different platforms and interfaces for various dbms languages and discusses the future development of object oriented RDMS. |
Site: |
 | I recommend this website not only for quiz review, but also as a great way to start of with using SQL commands. Here you have examples of how to use the commands, a brief description of what they do and out puts they produce. One of the most important things to do before starting is to make a diagram of what your database will look like. It is also important to know that in order to fill up the database with information it is very important that you create an adequate table. This website will guide you step by step on how to construct your table. Creating any table is not that easy because you have to figure out your datatype, how many character you will need (size, or syntax), and how to insert primary and foreign keys. After you have created your table, then you can begin to fill it in with data. Other feasible information include instructions on how to insert data into a table, delete records, drop a table from a database, and how to select data from a database. |
Site: |
 | I enjoyed visiting this site. It is directed towards to Linux rather than given a general overview about RDMS. Which based on previous information and class discussion, most RDBMS are somewhat similiar. This website is very informative. It provides a littel bit more that class lectures. |
Site: |
 | This hyperlink will take you to an Adobe Acrobat publication that is title “Database Design for Mere Mortals A Hands-On Guide to Relational Database Design” by Michael J. Hernandez out of the University of Texas at Austin. It is a 30 page in simplified explanation of what is a Relational Database and the common terminology associated with. This publication is broken up into 14 chapters that are easy to follow and understand. If you are having trouble understanding this particular concept, I highly recommend you READ THIS. |
Site: |
 | I do recommend this site to all my fellow classmates. Apart from providing the RDMS basics, the essay provides the reader with the challenges and advantages of this approach. Possible alternatives to the RDMS technology are also provided in the essay in addition to references.
 | The web site is an informative resource which explains not only the basics of RDBMS, but also various complex issues associated with it. It uses a number of flow charts and diagrams to visualize the concepts and provides worked out examples to demonstrate RDBMS tools and their usage. Besides, the site provides links to references and suggested reading topics which address further complex issues. |
 | Pretty good site to know about relational databases. It has in-built links for key words which helps user in knowing information about them by cliking on the link. |
Site: |
 | This web site helps introduce the idea of dynamic web sites. Of course this talks only about oracle, but I think what is important of this article is the fact of being able to use a central database for link definition in web pages and have all pages of a corporation refer to this information to reflect the link. This allows for easy update throught out the entire site and easy link organization. After all, isnt'it annoying to have a web site with a broken link? |
Site: |
 | This site provides with an overview of relational database from its definition to the concept of how it works with an example.I found this site very interesting giving lot of basic information about relational databases and funny cartoons for each explanation and site also provides links for further references. |
 | This site is a kind of article in where we can found valuable information about how the RDBMS was being considered by many programmers stating that this is a kind of spreadsheet (as the excel has) where a lot of people can manipulate data simultaneously. Moreover, it explains how RDBMS works by stating a great example using SQL environment to help us to figure out the way tables are related and structured in such a way that data manipulation are easily manipulated. |
 | Describes the basics of database management and the need for relational databases. |
Site:,295582,sid41_gci1087688,00.html |
 | THis website contains all required information for a person who is new to databases.THis website gives detailed description of Relational model, Datbase Structures,design and finally Normalization. |
 | This website works as a quick starter for those who are new to relational databases. It states with the basics of RDBMS and ends with the advanced concept like Normalization . This website covers concepts relating to relational databases and its fundamentals ,database structure, design and finally normalization the essence of RDBMS is also introduced.
 | This website goes over various aspects of modern RDBMS systems giving very valuable links to other sources. They go over the relation model, database structure and design, normalization, and working with RDBMS systems. The webpage is concise and effective. |
Site: |
 | THis website gives information about SQL for wbe nerds and also gives detailed description of different concepts starting from data modeling to data warehousing. |
Site: |
 | Introduction to everything about relational databases even common terminology. This article is fairly well written but may prove difficult for a beginner to understand. |
 | A quick reference to relational databases... |
 | Using this website we can try to build our own basic knowledge on databases and learn some new stuff.
Site: |
 | A brief history of RDBMS and how it it relates to IT Management. |
 | This web contains a brief description of modern RDBMS. The contents are well organized and written into 8 simple articles. The papers start with describing early desire of man to organize vast amount of available data and goes on to illustrate emergence of database and gradually RDBMS and other types of databases. It also discusses different types of RDBMS products their differences.
The article is from the perspective of IT Management, and examines the collective series of resources available to IT Management with regard to database management systems. |
 | Article 1- In the beginning was the Code.
Article 2-Emergence of the Database Management System (DBMS)
Article 3-Emergence of the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
Article 4-Under the hood of the Modern RDBMS
Article 5-Change Management and Systems Environments
Article 6-The Generic Change Management Flowchart
Article 7-Future change management
Article 8- The Future Technology of the RDBMS Environment ...
 | A Brief History of Modern RDBMS Technology
& Information Technology Management Practice |
Site: |
 | This reference is a website that offers info on relational databases; their functionality; and security. MySQL examples are used. I think this is a good reference to use for this class. |
 | This website describes what a database and a what a relational database are. It also describes some attributes that are included with relational databases. |
Site: |
 | Saheltech provides consulting services oriented to build e-business presence, software tools, creating and promoting e-commerces.This website offers a good database design services which helps to manage store inventory, customers list, business transactions, analyzing marketing campaigns results and more.They help their customers in designing database applications according to standards supported by all major relational database management sytems(RDBMS) and other database packages which include
Microsoft Access,postgre SQL,Microsoft SQL server,MySQL server,Oracle server.This website also has many links on the top of the portal which provides its customers to access the links easily.Some of them are training,web-design providing the data base design,Ajax,flash,dreamweaver tutorials,Management,Blog customization,resources containing several directories,e-books,magazines information. |
Site: |
 | is a website which builds powerful systems for collecting, storing, and retrieving information that match the needs of their staff, clients and customers — turning raw data into meaningful tools.
This website provides the most flexible way of storing and retrieving its employees records .Basically it uses a relational database and stores more information using less overall storage space, with less effort, and for less money.It has designed its database with most powerful technologies namely Microsoft SQL server,MySQl,Transact SQL,Microsoft Access,Ado.Net,Jet SQL.ADO .Net.olszak strictly adhere to three core values in everything that they do Integrity in their work, Respect for their clients,Leadership by example.On the left side of the portal it gives the clear description about the website web application design, application solutions include project management tools,intranets and extranets,e-commerce systems,blogging systems.
Site: |
 | It has a very useful tutorial that goes into depth about relational databases. It's nicely put together.
Site: |
 | This website explains what a database system is. Also all the types of databases that existed. This is a good webiste to read to understand what database management sytem is in great detail. |
Site: |
 | Webpage shows information about primary and foreign keys. It describes why we use, and should use both keys. Detailed explanations are available for students, the lenght of the article is fine, and it has pictures to facilitate the understanding for these subjects. |

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