Database Foundations References
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Site: |
 | Database Basics
This is a really good, easy to understand, site. It is
part of the Research Instruction On-line (RIO) series at the University of
Arizona. This page has links to the following topics:
A really nice tutorial for anyone interested
in any of the topics listed (Submitted by Peeter Kirs)
 | RIO-Research Instruction Online from The University Of Arizona
Library. This is an awsome idea. Why cant Utep have this kind if site for its students.
(Anonymous Submission) |
Site: |
 | A nice overview by
Tim McLellan |
 | This article is available for personal and public non-commercial use and may be referenced or reproduced, in whole or in part by any means.
Site: |
 | Web Developer's Virtual Library - Introduction to Databases for the Web. The home page for this web site is a table of contents which is broken down into four parts: 1)Basics, 2)Retrieving and Manipulating Data, 3)CGI Interfaces to SQL Databases, and 4) JAVA Database Connectivity.
Beneath each section is a list of individual topics. All users have to do is click on the topic heading in order to link to a page with information on that particular topic. Some of the information given is simple definitions, but as users get into the more detailed topics, definitions, as well as examples, graphs, and even tutorials are given.
The home page also includes a side bar with a section on ""Hot Topics,"" which includes links to information about subjects such as HTML, ASP, and XML. The side bar also includes sections on e-commerce news and announcements for upcoming conferences and expos. There is a great deal of information on this page, and I think this website will come in handy as a study tool for this course. |
 | Contains everything you may need for web development, from Authoring help, design tools, graphics, to discussion forums. |
Site: |
 | This describes the reasons why companies are moving toward switching their DBMS to
Oracle. Because of the strength that companies are obtaining with their customer base, they are searching for ways to improve their customer service. This article provides excellent points to companies that perhaps should consider ""migrating"" to Oracle. |
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 | The University of Washington's Database Research Group. The main features of this site that I liked are that it has links to several topics we have discussed. The topics are we are concerned with are: data mining, data integration, and model management. Each link has a brief definition or description of what the topic is, there are several links to various projects on the subject, links to the members who have worked on that particular part of the project, as well as project alumni, and publications from those who have participated in this project. Unfortunately, I was not allowed access to many of the journals that they had published or the journals were not able to download properly. |
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 | Introduction to Databases for the Web. This is a great overview of the types of databases there are plus there is much more information regarding databases. |
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 | North American History This website would be a good reference relating to Rockwell's Moon Project. This website talks about North American History with relation to boeing. |
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 | Digital Libraries: Metadata Resources This website is a great tool to use when wanting to know about metadata. It has the definition as well as general resourses and indices to use in order to find additional information. |
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 | Database Dictionary This site provides students with a database dictionary that contains basic terminology that students could reference if they were taking an introductory course in database management. The navigation is simple and the terms that are defined are listed so all you need to do is click on the term and it will be defined for you. You can look at all the terms that are defined by scrolling down the page also. Some of the terms defined are database, dbms, field, flat file, SQL, etc. |
Site: |
 | Database essentials, tutorials, news by IT professional Mike
Chapple. Good site to find answers to basic questions about databases. A good example is the microsoft access db fundamentals page. |
 | I see a lot of terms that we use on Section 1 Database Foundations. And, it is easy to read and concise ( 3 Web pages). There is also additional database information on other areas if you want to learn more. |
Site: |
 | The title for this webpage is database basics. This website describes what a database is and its foundations. It is fairly brief but also to the point. |
 | This site is great its like a tutorial about databases. It even has like questions to challenge you. It is very informative and very friendly. Its a very interative site. It has links to what ever you need. It has a glossary in case you don't understand something. Its really good except for lack of graphics. |
 | Gives a brief instructional slideshow on databases and quizzes to chick your knowledge. |
Site: |
 | Introduction to Oracle9i description page, A very good introduction and description of the emerging systems from Oracle. The page requires visitors to register for some information though registration is free. The site provides links to trade journals and other articles describing the use of the system and some companies using the software. Articles appear to be somewhat biased but is to be expected on the developer companies site. If you are going to be involved with databases, I recommend this reference.
Features on the site:
Transaction Processing
Data Warehousing
Content Management
Site: |
 | UNIX Sytems and Technical Services (Alchemy). In this page Stanford University is announcing their new product suite named Alchemy by the Information Management Research (IMR). This program suite consists of two main programs: Build and Search. The suite is a Windows compatible application that can be used to build document databases that provides several options of retrieval and output, such as computer generated reports that can be available on-line. Alchemy does not require any database management or programming skills, or client/server experience to operate. Also, its databases can be accessed using SQL and are compliant with the Open Database Connectivity (OBDC). The Search suite is a full-featured Windows client used for read-only access to the documents databases that have been created with the Build suite. It is important to point out that the databases can be viewed by many simultaneous users. Finally, Alchemy is an ideal candidate for storing and managing large volumes of images, computer report files (COLD), MS Office files, PDF’s, AutoCAD and other common PC files, and includes all the functions necessary for indexing, archival, query, retrieval, viewing, printing and routing via e-mail. |
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 | Databases from scratch. In the mid-70s, computer databases were in their infancy stage. Around 1970 a researcher called Ted Codd developed the “relational data model”, which would become the foundation of modern database technology. During this time databases for end users were uncommon. Databases are used for managing and manipulating structured information. According to this web site, some examples of databases are club membership lists, customer lists, library catalogues, business card files, and parts inventories. There are two types of databases, single and multi-file databases. In order to create and maintain a computer database, you need a database program, called a database management system, or DBMS. Some are designed to manage single-file databases, while other programs are designed for more complex multi-table systems. These are known as relational database programs or RDBMSs. Either way, before creating a database, you need to look at the information you want to store and the ways you want to retrieve that information before you start working on the computer. This will prevent you from creating a poorly structured database. |
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 | This site's aim is to help readers learn about data warehousing and decision support (i.e., business intelligence) systems.
I liked this website on Data Warehousing Information Center. It gives you insight on publications on the subject. What I liked the most was the section on Rants and Raves which are personal essays about books and knowledge about Data warehousing. |
 | This site is a collection of some practitioner's essays on data warehousing, decision support, and business intelligence. This site also offers a variety of links where anyone can find any answer about data warehouses. Also, If you are new to this field and you like to get into this new field this site suggests a variety of books to Read like "Building the Data Warehouse" by W. H. Inmon, "The Data Warehouse Toolkit" by Ralph Kimball, "Data Warehouse from Architecture to Implementation" by Barry Devlin, and "Data Warehousing in the Real World" by Sam Anahory and Dennis Murray. |
 | This web site includes simple-to-read information/tips, practical knowledge and references in regards to Data Warehouses. However, it does not include technical details pertaining to the subject. |
Site: |
 | This web site contains an article that defines What Is an Oracle Relational Database?","I liked this article because it contains the following:
- Introduction
- What is a Database?
- Oracle Tables
- Primary Keys
- Relational Databases
- Foreign Key
- Lookup Table
Also, I liked this article because it shows you how a database is use in Oracle. |
Site: |
 | I liked this page beacause it decribes the history of the databases as well as an introduction of it.The first part describes some of the key elements of the technology with an emphasis on database normalization. The second part will describe a less theoretical approach to database design, as well as provide an introduction to the SQL language.
 | This web site gives a nice introduction to relational databases. Of particular interest is the section on Codd's Twelve Rules for relational databases. The site also covers the concept of Normalization. Finally, the site also has numerous links to other database articles that may be of interest. |
 | A very good introduction to Datbase basics and correct database practices. |
Site: |
 | It is very good site that deals with basics of the development and functioning of database systems in the world. It also gives good understanding about the mechanism of creation of dbms with good practical excercises. It also deals with architecture of dbms and application of various languages and parellal cumputing in dbms. |
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 | I like this website because on the menu on the side it covers many topics e.g. it gives an Introduction, The value of data and databases, Understanding Database Terminology, Characteristics of Databases, An Introduction to Database Management Systems, Types of Database Management Systems, Manipulation and Query Languages, Data Security and Recovery, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, and Data Marts, Database Development Process, and a Wrap-Up.
Site: |
 | According to this site, there are two main types of databases; a flat-file database and a relational database (which we will be using in class). This is a good site because it gives you set the background for some of the stuff you will encounter when using Oracle and what its intended purpose is (incase you get frustrated when creating a database). The type of database that is best suited for you will depend of what type of data is used, how much of it is needed, and how frequently will it need to be accessed.
The flat file database is suitable for small amounts of data and storing simple lists and data values, but it can get difficult and costly when replicating more complex data structures. A major problem is that it is very prone to corruption because of the lack of a locking mechanism that can identify when a file is in use or being modified.
The relational database (MSSQL and Oracle) have a more logical structure (remember the online quiz, first question) in the way data is stored. The “relation” comes from links between tables allowing for complex structures, data sharing, and decrease in data redundancy. One main advantage is that a well designed database should be able to have no duplication and allow for database integrity and file size reduction. These types of databases also have function “built in” to help retrieve, sort and edit data in different way as needed.
There is also more information of Relational Databases available as well as links to other website if you do not find information that you need.
Site: |
 | I thought it was very interesting. To me it appeared to be written like a story tale. It did not provide just the information but rather made it interesting to make me keep on reading.
 | This website supports the Data Base developers and administrators with tools most of tools available for BDs. It has some handy information about a wide variety of data bases from DB2 to Oracle. It also provides the users with tips and tricks that can be used in writing queries and using some resources. It also high lites the latest techniques and technologies. It also gives sample code for some tasks that might be useful while dealing with data bases. It also has a forum where people can post their queries and get help and suggestions from experts and other people. Discussions are also available in this website. In spite of all these points i like this website and recommend to check this website. This is a good and informative website.
 | The site offers code and screenshots. Its interactive for a quick reference. |
Site: |
 | This hyperlink will take you to an Adobe Acrobat file that is title “Search Strategies for Electronic Information Resources” which gives an overview to:
• Electronic information
• What is a database?
• Types of databases
• Boolean Logic
• Nesting
• Other search operators
• Subject Searching vs.
Keyword Searching
• Field Searching and
other advanced search
The descriptions are made pretty sweet and easy to understand with the help of the diagrams.
• Electronic information
• What is a database?
• Types of databases
• Boolean Logic
• Nesting
• Other search operators
• Subject Searching vs.
Keyword Searching
• Field Searching and
other advanced search
strategies |
Site: |
 | This site introduces you to the idea of what SAP is all about and how it can help a business integrate data and share knowledge through their system. This basically helps enforce the idea of databases as the solution for information sharing and control that we are covering in class.
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 | The site explains the benefits of organizing data into databases. Also briefly explains with examples fundamental concepts of databases such as defining database, relationships between tables, key value, indexing, queries, views, triggers, and stored procedures.
Site: |
 | The website is pretty useful for the beginners in database .It provides the information about databases history,creating databases,about different types of databases,database design and also discusses the basics of SQL. |
Site: |
 | This is a wonderful site explaining the fundamental concepts of Database using simple real life examples. Here, Information is provided in an ordered format and links are given for the terms used which leaves no difficulty to understand the concepts. Additionally, there is a ‘database dictionary’ which could be used to explore the terminologies. Certainly it is a handy tool for the beginners in Database design. |
 | This website explains the basics of databases. It has definitions of the basic terms used in databases, shows how to create a database using commercial software, gives tips on data entry and queries. Good website overall. |
 | This site seems like it was created by students. It has a lot of basic information about databases and how to create one. It is in a blog format and very easy to read and understand. |
Site: |
 | This is a very valuable course material for database students. It Presents all the necessary information for those who want to jump into RDBMS after finishing this basic database course. Everything in this website is well structured and perfectly ordered with most relevant section headings. The most suggestible course material to start with giving every minute detail of every concept including SQL queries, indexing and also covers concepts related to different types of database. |
Site: |
 | This is a great pdf file called Oracle Database Foundations where one can find a lot of information about Relational Database Concepts, Object Relational Databases, Relational Database Functions, and SQL statements to learn how to create, delete, and manipulate tables using SQL, how to create views, and security issues. |
Site: |
 | This is an informative website with different information from various sources regarding DBMS. There is a lot more in-depth information than what was referenced on class lecture slides. Good explainations and easy to comprehend! |
Site: |
 | This website lays out some basic database fundamentals. It has basic information to get you started and also includes links to other resources. Some of the topics covered include database software options, database primary and foreign keys, and an introduction to SQL language queries.
 | This site would be ideal for some one who is not tech savvy and new to IT related stuff. It explains database in simplest of terms and cover all the basics. |
 | This website is for novice users and provides the "basics" of database applications; database definition; and related articles. This a useful "quick guide" for someone who seeks a generalized description of databases (a introductory approach). |
Site: |
 | This site gives basic knowledge of database and is organized into different chapters laid out in easily navigable web pages. All the basic concepts are explained in simple terms.
The site also has practical exercises, including an online quiz for testing your knowledge, actual University
exam papers for you to formally test yourself and gain exam experience, and an online SQL environment for executing your own SQL from the safety of your own home. |
Site: |
 | This website maintains database development,custom database application software that could run on the internet, custom e-commerce software,custom web software that includes Microsoft.Net Technology,ASP,admin control,Integrated MSSQL database etc.The website portal is well designed and it is provided with the several links for the easy navigation to its customers.On the left side of the portal it has several links namely software products,software solutions,custom software,custom software development,custom accounting software,custom barcode software,custom business,custom database software,custom e-commerce software which enables the users of the website to go through the softwares and run their applications.Apart from all these it has many links for the programming tools namely,ASP programming,e-commerce software development and e-commerce software solution. |
Site: |
 | Ellipse design is a computer consultancy/web design consultancy which specialises in database driven webdesign,mainly using coldfusion and ASP.This site also offers an Internet consultancy service,provides IT training in web design,database design & internet technologies.This specialises in database driven web design.It provides an alternate way to develop webpages that is by using database.These websites are written using a scripting language such as ASP or coldfusion.Other than database driven web basing it also provides the development of webpages using HTML, as for small projects and where there is no much frequent change there is no such need to develop a database and maintain it.It helps to develop internet strategy and based on the customer requirements,and the impartial advice is provided on internet related matters.The most impressive feature that this website is it provides to improve the functionality of the existing site.It examines the provided existing website & sends a report outlining potential problems & also the possible improvements.The website portal has several links provided on the right side of the portal.It has website design,internet consultancy,database design,e-commerce,training,maintenance and website promotion.These links help the user in developing the webste efficiently.
Site: |
 | Its a nice link which provides us with answer to "howw to plan and arrange a database ? How a database should be ? e.t.c" in a more descriptive manner alongwith the technical terms used in a databases and if you proceed to next page through the link at the very end of the leads us to indroduce to normal forms, sql, and much more... I think its a good reference for starters like us. |
Site: |
 | The web site describes what a relational database is. A relational database is a shared repository of data. A database management system is essentially a collection of interrelated data and set of programs to access this data. This collection of data is called a database. Relational database can be used to represent complex relationships among data as well as to retrieve and update related data easily and efficiently. Database systems support single as well as multi-user environments. The web site show the 12 Codd's rules for a truly relational database system. |
Site: |
 | This webpage is simple and pretty easy to understand about database fundamentals. Even though it is not very deep in concepts, it is good for the beginners like me to understand the basic concepts. It also has links to other websites so that it is easy to search for information that we cannot find on this website. |
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 | It is a good site for the people/organization who want some funding to develop their organization. It is also good for the people who are looking to give funds. This site is more valuable for the people who are trying to run a non profit organization like me. |
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 | The site has good articles about DBMS. The paper gives a good outline about the database integrity and its investment in datamodeling and coding of data integrity, about performance of server-side integrity constraints. |
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 | This website is really useful for understanding what a database is composed of and offers several links that help better understand database foundations. This website offers links for several definitions as well. |
 | This site is very brief and right to the point. It tells you what a database is and what it can do. |
Site: |
 | I found this website to be very helpful in explaining the different types of database models that there are. It gives you a full explanation on them and includes a few links and tables as well. |
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 | This webpage has really good information about the history of CODAYSIL. It may be not a long article but it is really complete. Good images and explanations |
Site: |
 | This tutorial explains what a relational database management system is. It describes the basic functions that are supported and introduces database design concepts including database normalization. |
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