If I assume that a character is stored in RAM, and I go to that address, what will I find there?


First, let us remember how characters are stored in RAM; when we make the statement in C or C++ char character1 we are, first of all, asking for 1 byte of storage in RAM or 8 bits. By default characters are signed, this means that when evaluating the contents of that location the computer looks at the first bit and analyze if is a negative or nonnegative value (0 = nonnegative and 1= negative). After this, the computer proceeds to evaluate the remaining 7 bits to see what numeric value is stored in that location and then match this value to the ASCII table. A variant to this is if we declared the following unsigned character1, This statement will result in the computer taking all 8 bits and evaluating the numeric value stored in that location and looking for the matching ASCII character in the extended character set table.


Now let’s see what happen when we write the statement char character1 in C or C++. When we run the program, 1 byte of storage is allocated and given the name character1. If we go to that particular address we will notice that there is something there. How can this be if we have not initialized the variable?


Contrary to other programming languages C and C++ do not clear the contents of an address when a variable is assigned to a particular address. Other programs, like Cobol, when allocating a variable to an address, get rid of whatever is stored at that particular address.  C and C++ keep whatever value is stored in that address until we actually set a value to the variable.


Let us look at the following short program and see what the output is to better understand this concept.



#include <stdio.h>


void main()


            char character1;


            printf("This is what is stored in character1 %c\n", character1);





As mentioned before, C and C++ will give us an output of whatever character was stored at that location.


On the other hand, let’s see what happen when we initialize the variable character1


#include <stdio.h>


void main()


            char character1='A';


            printf("This is what is stored in character1 %c\n", character1);





Once again C++ gives us the output of whatever the contents of character1 were, because we initialize it with the character A that is our output.


One more time for reviewing sake, if we assume that a character is stored in a particular location in RAM and we go and look at that address we will find 1 byte or 8 bits. The contents of that particular address are determined by whether if we have initialized the variable or not. If we did initialize it the contents will be whatever value we assigned to the variable; if, on the contrary, we did not initialize the variable we will get whatever value was stored at the location.



Now let’s test your understanding with the following questions:


If we see the following statement unsigned char how is the computer going to evaluate the contents of that location?


Answer: The statement unsigned char will result in the computer evaluating all 8 bits to come out with the numeric value stored in the location.


Why do we get such strange output when printing out the contents of a declared variable? And why that this happen?


Answer: Because by declaring a variable we are only requesting a location in RAM, we are not initializing it. Therefore, when printing out the contents of that variable, C++ will give us whatever character was stored there before. Remember that C and C++ do not clear the contents of the location in RAM when allocating an address.


Characters, by default, are signed.


            A- True                       B- False


Answer: True, by default characters are signed.





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Programming in C and C++


Reading characters in C++