wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008

What is the maximum/average number of sequential searches needed in finding an element in a array?

The number of searches required is dependent upon the number of elements in the list.

The formula to determine this is as follows:


           The Maximum number of searches required is:         (n+1)


                              The Average number of searches required is:        (n+1)/2


(Where n = the number of elements on the list)


like I said, the number of searches in a array required  is dependent upon the number of elements in the list. To illustrate:


No. of Elements                      Maximum No. of searches                  Avg. No. of searches    

5                                                            6                                                             3

50                                                           51                                                          25.5

500                                                        501                                                         250.5

5000                                                      5001                                                       2500.5

50000                                                     50001                                                    25000.5


If all elements are to be examined, a sequential search is preferred over a binary search.


Some good references are:




A sequential search is less complex and requires less comparisons than binary searches.


Review Questions:


1. What would be maximum number of searches in an array containing 20 elements?

a)      19

b)      20


c)      21

d)      22

(Correct answer is c)


2. What would be the average number of searches for the same No. of elements as question 1?


a)      10

b)      10.5

c)      11

d)      11.5

(Correct answer is b)


3. In which circumstance is sequential search preferred over binary search?


a)      When list contains more than 30 elements.

b)      When specific elements are sought.

c)      When all elements are to be examined.

(correct answer is c)


4.how does a sequential search differ from a binary search?


Answer: sequential search is less complex and requires less comparisons.