wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008


Pseudonym: Computer Teck Man
Webpage: Class Schedule
Date: 01/16/08
Time: 07:23:36 PM


For week 1, where it says Cource Enrollment the link is off when you click it, it says page not found.

Pseudonym: 4845X16
Webpage: course submissions
Date: 01/23/08
Time: 11:56:25 AM


Class enrollment, I made several attempts last week to enroll, even over the weekend still no go. Then recently it finally accepted my enrollment submission. At least I saw it go through when I clicked on the submission button. But looking at the class standings my pseudonym does not appear even though the page has a last updated date of 1/22/08. please let me know what can be done.I have emailed the professor already about this.

Pseudonym: 4845X16
Webpage: Course Submisions/ Class Enrollment
Date: 01/28/08
Time: 09:42:09 AM


Please help me, I have persistently entered my class enrollment information for over a week now, today's date is 1/28/08. My pseudonym still does not appear on the class roster(class standings). This is impacting my grades since I have no way of getting feed back on my submissions for online quizzes referrences etc...I have sumitted Quiz one, I have submitted a reference on EBCDIC, and of course my class enrollment all within the time frame required. We are starting the third week of class.

Pseudonym: rockfer
Webpage: http://www.pkirs.utep.edu/cis3355/Short%20Answer%20Questions/Basic%20Data%20Types/BasicDTAns0030.htm
Date: 02/11/08
Time: 07:26:52 PM


In the addition you are missing a Zero right after "therefore"

Pseudonym: rockfer
Webpage: http://www.pkirs.utep.edu/cis3355/Short%20Answer%20Questions/Basic%20Data%20Types/BasicDTAns0040.htm
Date: 02/11/08
Time: 07:29:07 PM


you misspelled "store" .... It does mean, however, that we need to "srore" the two data types in a different fashion.

Pseudonym: Computer Teck Man
Webpage: http://www.pkirs.utep.edu/cis3355/RAMAllocation.htm
Date: 03/14/08
Time: 08:58:42 AM


None of the submittied reference are showing up. I just submitted mine yesterday and it did not show up even though I got the confermation page.

Pseudonym: rockfer
Webpage: http://www.pkirs.utep.edu/cis3355/Short%20Answer%20Questions/RAMAllocQuestions/RAM70010b.htm
Date: 04/14/08
Time: 11:40:02 AM


Decimal number 89 in ASCII is actually character "Y" not "X" The answer to the question is "Y"

Pseudonym: JBmflTUheKNIZIPN
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Date: 11/29/12
Time: 06:57:34 PM


Back in my day, we had every other answer liestd in the back of the book. It has been awhile, but I think it was the odd ones. The teachers of course knew this, so skewed heavily toward even, or at least checked to ensure you were doing as well on the even as the odd. As long as only some of the answers are liestd on Hotmath I absolutely can see the value. Students can not only check their work (as we did with the odd answers) but can check and see where and why they went wrong if they miss an answer. The teachers just need to be aware at how students can abuse it, and make some modifications.

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Date: 11/30/12
Time: 10:49:46 AM


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Date: 12/09/12
Time: 06:57:48 AM


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Date: 12/14/12
Time: 12:36:55 AM


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Date: 12/21/12
Time: 12:55:10 AM


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Date: 12/23/12
Time: 02:15:48 AM


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Date: 12/25/12
Time: 12:24:54 AM


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Date: 12/26/12
Time: 12:29:48 AM


Henry, that was a great article and I like the perspective. This is exactly the kind of discussion I was hoping to start with these questions.I do, however, have to disagree slightly. Kids will inevitably turn into teens. I have met so many teens who have a passion for Jesus and have a true relationship with him, but have no idea what that really means! They don’t know why they believe certain things, they just do. In today’s increasingly hostile towards Christians world, I don’t think we do ourselves any favors by being uneducated. It’s the old “Faith seeking understanding.” We believe, but then we must learn to understand why we believe it.The best part about apologetics for me is that it doesn’t show our faith as weak; rather, it shows that our faith can stand up to even the deepest scrutiny. I have yet to meet someone who, using proper science and investigation, can give a convincing argument against my faith that Jesus is the Son of God. <a href="http://www.findmbaonline.com/">college online</a> <a href="http://www.getcheapestinsurancenow.com/">online car insurance</a>

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Date: 12/26/12
Time: 12:29:51 AM


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Date: 12/29/12
Time: 12:49:20 AM


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Date: 12/29/12
Time: 12:49:22 AM


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