wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008

Pseudonym: Computer Teck Man
Website: http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/false/780/linklist.html
Title: Linked List Tutorial
Date: 04/25/08
Time: 08:29:27 PM


Tells you what is Linked list is. Show you how it looks like and how to write it in c code.

Pseudonym: gaseld
Website: http://www.trap17.com/forums/data-structures-linked-list-t52685.html
Title: Data Structures linked list
Date: 04/28/08
Time: 02:11:53 PM


explain you how to use linked list

Pseudonym: stardog
Website: Intro to linkd lists
Title: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
Date: 04/29/08
Time: 01:41:24 PM


I enjoyed this site because it gave a brief explanation of linked lists.

Pseudonym: arnaryi
Website: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
Title: Intro to Linked Lists
Date: 04/29/08
Time: 01:49:28 PM


this article discusses linked lists on an introductory level. it describes how linked lists are a chain of structs or records called nodes. each of these nodes are equipped with two members. one will point to the next item or node in the list. single linked lists only point the the next item and not the previous. Double or circular linked lists are ones that are able to point to the next or previous items or nodes on a list.

Pseudonym: Sport
Website: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
Title: Linked Lists
Date: 04/29/08
Time: 02:03:33 PM


Linked Lists are chains of records called nodes. A chain of these records could contain any information that the user wants to save. Every node has at least two members, and does not have to be linear. A structure is able to be stored anywhere in memory. First of all the user needs to set link pointers to a location in memory. Nodes can be added causing the linked list to act if it was a que.A node may also be deleted from a linkedlist by making a small change to the account.

Pseudonym: efrimix
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson15.html
Title: Singly linked lists
Date: 04/29/08
Time: 02:19:21 PM


this page explains that Linked lists are a way to store data with structures so that the programmer can automatically create a new place to store data whenever necessary.

Pseudonym: safadoo25
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list
Title: linked lists
Date: 04/29/08
Time: 03:23:56 PM


General description of linked lists with some historical background information. Good illustrations of concepts comparing various types of linked lists. Comparison between arrays and linked lists followed by c code examples.

Pseudonym: chulo12
Website: http://gethelp.devx.com/techtips/cpp_pro/10min/10min0599.asp
Title: Linked Lists
Date: 04/29/08
Time: 09:04:30 PM


It is a good description of what linked lists are and how they work using c++. It gives some of the advantages that linked lists offer and an example of how to use it.

Pseudonym: rockfer
Website: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
Title: Linked list tutorial
Date: 04/30/08
Time: 10:13:55 AM


explains several snippets to do linked lists

Pseudonym: bass5hartke
Website: http://www.functionx.com/cpp/articles/linkedlist.htm
Title: linked list is a technique of creating a list with the ability to add, delete, or retrieve items. Additional operations can also be provided to a more elaborate list such as finding an item, deleting an item, etc.
Date: 04/30/08
Time: 01:21:54 PM


I liked this website because it helped me understand and get a better visual on how linked list works! Not sure if it will help others!

Pseudonym: keko10
Website: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/LinkedListBasics.pdf
Title: Linked Lists Basics
Date: 04/30/08
Time: 04:44:50 PM


Is a pdf file tnat explains basic link structures and techniques and also provides examples very helpful

Pseudonym: Pixelation
Website: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
Title: Creating Linked Lists in C++
Date: 04/30/08
Time: 11:04:51 PM


Includes a graphical representation of how linked lists work

Pseudonym: Napalm_R
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_lists
Title: Linked list
Date: 04/30/08
Time: 11:21:39 PM


This is a wikipedia entry for Linked Lists

Pseudonym: icequeen
Website: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
Title: C++ linked lists
Date: 05/01/08
Time: 07:02:18 PM


This site is a basic tutorial on linked lists in C++. It includes plenty of pictures and sample code.

Pseudonym: icequeen
Website: http://www.inversereality.org/tutorials/c++/linkedlists.html
Title: C++ linked lists
Date: 05/01/08
Time: 07:02:59 PM


This site is a basic tutorial on linked lists in C++. It includes plenty of pictures and sample code.

Pseudonym: ochoa11
Website: http://cis.stvincent.edu/html/tutorials/swd/lists/lists.html
Title: Software Design Using C++
Date: 05/01/08
Time: 08:56:22 PM


This web page is from a computing and information science, and in this page defines what is linked list adn explain and gives us examples in the C++ program and implemntation of pointers.

Pseudonym: wizard
Website: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
Title: Creating Linked Lists in C++
Date: 05/01/08
Time: 10:06:51 PM


Has great graphics as well as example programing.

Pseudonym: lizard
Website: http://www.eecs.utoledo.edu/~eecs1510/review2/LinkedLists_Stacks_Queues.html
Title: link list
Date: 05/02/08
Time: 11:30:58 AM


this site looks like a page full of codes for students to go in and take a look. that will really help in taking the exam and finsihing up the projects.

Pseudonym: Bettyboop
Website: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/
Title: Linked List Basics
Date: 05/02/08
Time: 10:27:54 PM


Has a PDF file on Linked list and C++

Pseudonym: Lightbit
Website: http://www.relisoft.com/book/lang/pointer/6list.html
Title: C++ In Action: Linked List
Date: 05/08/08
Time: 10:20:56 AM


This website explains about linked list/pointer with picture and sample codes.

Pseudonym: GOTINAD
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list
Title: Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Submitter: Daniela Ito
Date: 05/08/08
Time: 02:13:46 PM


Provides a very complete information about linked lists and anything relalated to it such as; exmaples, definitions, types,etc.

Pseudonym: Copernicus
Website: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/LinkedListBasics.pdf
Title: Linked List Basics
Date: 05/08/08
Time: 03:22:18 PM


Explains what the purpose of a link list is and what it looks like.

Pseudonym: oleic*~
Website: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/linklist/linklist.htm
Title: Creating Linked Lists in C++
Date: 11/21/08
Time: 12:49:03 PM


Defines what a linked list is and how it works.

Pseudonym: penacho4
Website: http://www.nist.gov/dads/HTML/linkedList.html
Title: linked list
Date: 11/24/08
Time: 10:07:18 AM


This is a good website cause its explains what a linked list is.

Pseudonym: st@r
Website: http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/103/
Title: Linked List Basics
Date: 11/25/08
Time: 10:41:49 AM


This article introduces the basic structures and techniques for building linked lists with a mixture of explanations, drawings, sample code, and exercises. The material is useful if you want to understand linked lists or if you want to see a realistic, applied example of pointer-intensive code.

Pseudonym: meezan85
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list
Title: Linked List
Date: 12/03/08
Time: 10:18:09 PM


This is great site to get information on linked list in c/c++. This site provides a great definition as well as great examples of linked list.

Pseudonym: meezan85
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_list
Title: Linked List
Date: 12/03/08
Time: 10:29:25 PM


This a great site to get information on linked lists in C/C++. This site provides a great definition as well as great examples of linked lists.

Pseudonym: ExtZmCJyzkXvxoi
Website: http://sezxgzxvxfir.com/
Title: iLwSUdrGUkuTVRHV
Submitter: QIDjfnMP
Date: 04/29/10
Time: 11:17:31 AM


nwSc7m <a href="http://fcdogrmfwdnq.com/">fcdogrmfwdnq</a>, [url=http://dflekiufkewk.com/]dflekiufkewk[/url [link=http://gvvrtknhpyaf.com/]gvvrtknhpyaf[/link http://dkgmitiesygz.com/

Pseudonym: xJnweWQVQqKYBngyZ
Website: http://www.google.com/
Title: hukzgYbjCis
Submitter: TiZIWcmw
Date: 04/17/11
Time: 08:14:39 PM


Ppl like you get all the barnis. I just get to say thanks for he answer.

Pseudonym: WTzxUStrOrbBlwEfExq
Website: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003407077057
Title: BDJlWppBi
Submitter: qEJRuwVERAs
Date: 11/29/12
Time: 11:14:19 PM


Hi!I'm glad I browsed trhough the noFollow list of nic's blog, otherwise, I wouldn't have stumbled into this blog. Me, Bong, and my better half, Jennie, are newbie bloggers. Great blog and we've subscribed to get the latest. Thanks.

Pseudonym: gNAPogfxOzoWNMNn
Website: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003407066959
Title: eQDxDQMd
Submitter: ZxUYkbruWf
Date: 11/30/12
Time: 10:51:05 PM


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Pseudonym: Dream Body
Website: http://www.dreambodystore.com/
Title: Dream Body
Submitter: Dream Body
Date: 05/18/14
Time: 08:30:18 PM


Linked Lists

Pseudonym: Home
Website: http://www.dreambodystore.com/
Title: Home
Submitter: Home
Date: 05/19/14
Time: 02:04:46 AM


Linked Lists

Pseudonym: Home
Website: http://www.paiyoujitea.org/
Title: Home
Submitter: Home
Date: 05/22/14
Time: 06:07:51 PM


Linked Lists

Pseudonym: paiyoujitea
Website: http://www.paiyoujitea.org/
Title: paiyoujitea
Submitter: paiyoujitea
Date: 07/01/14
Time: 11:30:49 PM


Linked Lists

Pseudonym: SZ8mSYMVGlZh
Website: http://gawpqamcwf.com
Title: Ya quisiera el McGre
Date: 04/25/17
Time: 10:30:15 PM


Ya quisiera el McGregor haber tenido tu aventura con este viajeNo hay que olvidar que McGregor no viajaba solo, sino con un séquito con coche incluido de sopeotrTu voto: 0&nbsp; 0