wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008












Pseudonym: asdasd
Website: asdasdasasdasd
Title: asdasdasdasdasd
Date: 07/08/04
Time: 01:26:41 PM



Pseudonym: chacon
Website: http://www.possibility.com/Cpp/CppCodingStandard.html
Title: C++ Coding Standard
Date: 07/08/04
Time: 04:40:08 PM


This website has a complete information about the C++ program. It would be very usefull for those persons that want to learn more about it and want to solve problems about it.

Pseudonym: Astolio
Website: http://www.glenmccl.com/tutor.htm
Title: C++ Tutorials
Submitter: Carlos
Date: 07/09/04
Time: 04:13:35 PM


The best fiture of this website is that is real easy to navigate and to find the necessary links. The site offers different links to several C++ topics, in addition the site seems to be quite simple however it has a lot strings to it.

Pseudonym: yakimaya
Website: http://cplus.about.com/library/weekly/aa050102a.htm
Title: C++ Tutorial - Lesson 10: Arrays and Vectors
Date: 07/12/04
Time: 11:05:48 PM


This website provides a continuous information about array from the definition to how to use array. This is a good reference for a beginner.

Pseudonym: shortyjf
Website: http://www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~pjbk/pathways/cpp1/node175.html
Title: Arrays in C++ programming
Date: 07/13/04
Time: 10:09:47 PM


This site provides the reader with a good basic idea of what arrays in C ++ programming are all about. The site gives a simple definition and a good example to help understand what arrays are. Also this site offers information on such topics as: declaration of arrays, accessing array elements, initialization of arrays, and arrays as parameters of functions. Along with these topics the site makes available two program examples. Since arrays and strings are very similar this website also includes a little bit about the topics of strings in C++, string input, and string output. The website also has a summary about its contents and provides review questions and exercises.

Pseudonym: jaztin
Website: www.cs.indiana.edu/~mestell/C/ch08/ch08.htm
Title: This website covers the definitionof an Array, Using Numeric Arrays. What Is an Array? Single-Dimensional Arrays. Multidimensional Arrays .
Date: 07/14/04
Time: 10:26:17 AM


I think that this is a well organized website, it covers all the main points of Arrays and it gives you online exercises and quizes.

Pseudonym: Firearms
Website: http://cplus.about.com/library/weekly/aa050102a.htm
Title: C/C++ Tutorial on Arrays and Vectors
Date: 07/14/04
Time: 07:44:35 PM


This site is a very informative tutorial on the many uses of arrays and vectors. It goes into detail about each, and the site has links to many other C/C++ tutorials as well.

Pseudonym: ceterisparibus
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/begin.html
Title: Getting Started with C++
Date: 09/09/04
Time: 05:46:45 PM


This web page is very friendly; it explains step by step how to use c++ in a very easy language, no technical words or extra-research is needed, everything is at the website.

Pseudonym: Black Monkey
Website: http://www.cppreference.com/
Title: C/C++ Reference
Date: 09/14/04
Time: 06:46:33 PM


This site is very helpful for those who want to begin programming with C/C++ because there is a list of different things that you can add in your C/C++ program such as time, date, and many other things that would improve your program. Also it lists the ASCII chart so you might refer to it whenever you need it. In other words you'll find here all the functions and basic things about C/C++ to start

Pseudonym: skaut
Website: http://cplus.about.com/library/blctut.htm
Title: C Programming Tutorial
Date: 09/17/04
Time: 12:44:05 PM


This tutorial features a series of lessons designed to teach you the basics of C programming

Pseudonym: strong06
Website: http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html
Title: Learn C++ Today
Date: 09/22/04
Time: 03:13:05 PM


This is a very user friendly website helping people to begin using and understanding C++

Pseudonym: UTEP
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Array#Advantages_and_disadvantages
Title: Advantages and disadvantages of arrays.
Date: 10/06/04
Time: 12:05:46 AM


This website is very helpful to understand what an array is. It gives good definitions and good examples. It talks about one dimensional and multi dimensional arrays as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using arrays. It is a very interesting site and it is easy to understand. Furthermore, the website explain the uses of arrays in good detail.

Pseudonym: Black Monkey
Website: http://www.geocities.com/stonervill/ch08.htm
Title: Teach Yourself C in 21 days
Date: 10/14/04
Time: 12:49:51 PM


This page explains in detail what is an array, and gives examples of how the arrays can be used in C

Pseudonym: animus
Website: http://richardbowles.tripod.com/cpp/cpp13.htm
Title: Array Definition
Date: 10/14/04
Time: 02:56:54 PM


This web page is an excellent source for understanding arrays. The concepts are very clear and it has great illustrations. These give a very good idea of what an array is.

Pseudonym: ceterisparibus
Website: http://mathbits.com/MathBits/CompSci/Pointers/Arrays.htm
Title: Pointer with Arrays
Date: 10/14/04
Time: 06:10:06 PM


Excellent website, this will help us to understand how pointers work. Take a look!!

Pseudonym: aeey
Website: http://www.strath.ac.uk/IT/Docs/Ccourse/subsection3_6_6.html#SECTION0006600000000000000
Title: C programming tutorial
Submitter: viyada marruffo
Date: 10/19/04
Time: 09:32:40 PM


This site shows an example of how array is written. It also has an example of mulit-dimension array and how to write them. In addition, this site includes other subjects, which we are covering in class such as string and character etc.

Pseudonym: strong06
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Title: The C Plus Plus Tutorial
Date: 11/19/04
Time: 03:27:42 PM


The website is a great training tool for those who are not familiar with C++. I used it for several of the projects throughout the semester.

Pseudonym: alpha
Website: http://www.codeguru.com/
Title: Program like the best at Code Guru
Submitter: jesus aveitia
Date: 11/30/04
Time: 09:03:26 AM


i picked up on a lot of new ideas, about programming language

Pseudonym: spyder31
Website: www.daniweb.com
Title: C and C++ Programming Forum From beginner to advanced
Date: 01/27/05
Time: 03:41:07 PM


I think this will be a beneficial website because it provides tutorials, book reviews, and code snippets

Pseudonym: homer
Website: www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/C++/
Title: Detailed step by step tutorial for C/C++
Date: 02/24/05
Time: 08:59:32 PM


The website is helpful for any one trying to understand C/C++. It gives good examples that are logical and helpful and many links to other files.

Pseudonym: vulcan
Website: http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/C++/
Title: How to program in C++
Date: 02/25/05
Time: 12:52:13 AM


This site shows you how to program in C++ from a beginners stand point. This site is very helpful if you have never used C++.

Pseudonym: Flash
Website: http://msdn.microsoft.com/visualc/default.aspx?pull=/msdnmag/issues/05/03/catwork/default.aspx
Title: C++ at Work
Date: 02/25/05
Time: 08:39:25 AM


Talks about CStaticLink, something that seems very helpful for those more advanced. Article seemed to be very informative for the question that was posed. Author gave additional hints and gave good descriptions as to what one needed to do.

Pseudonym: Vulcan
Website: http://www.phim.unibe.ch/comp_doc/c_manual/C/CONCEPT/arrays.html
Title: How arrays work
Date: 03/03/05
Time: 11:12:47 PM


This site is an excellent reference on how arrays work as int or float.

Pseudonym: BABS
Website: www.aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/CPP7018.html
Title: Title Numeric Array.
Date: 03/09/05
Time: 01:07:45 AM


While I was trying to get a better understanding of numeric arrays I decided to look it up on the internet. However I came accross this website and it seems to be from a chapter of a book. I actually thought this would give me a better understanding of how they work or a more precise definition however, the text was not comprehendable for someone who has never taken a class like this. I really think it was hard to comprehend as well as not written for someone who has never had proir knowledge to numeric arrays.

Pseudonym: tyler durden
Website: http://math.nmu.edu/programming/c/c_034.htm , http://www.rvc.cc.il.us/classes/plc/Cexample/CExample4.htm ,
Title: Not Working
Date: 03/10/05
Time: 02:09:44 PM


The websites that I gave the linkk for do NOT work

Pseudonym: tyler durden
Website: http://www.array.com
Title: Not related
Date: 03/10/05
Time: 02:11:03 PM


The webpage is a link that brings you to a company that does NOT have anythig to do with numeric arrays in C++

Pseudonym: tjmorena
Website: http://mathbits.com/MathBits/CompSci/compsci.htm
Title: Introduction to Programming in C++
Date: 04/20/05
Time: 02:45:02 AM


This site was designed to supplement classroom lessons. It covers a wide area of topics from data basics to pointers. It provides a good tutorial on the subject you select and also provides you with demos and examples of C++ programs.

Pseudonym: Zebra
Website: http://www.programmingtutorials.com/cplusplus.aspx
Title: Programming Tutorials for C++
Date: 02/17/06
Time: 09:39:01 AM


This site is really great for "getting your hand dirty" at a begginer level. It includes Free tutorials for programming in C++ and has libraries of the codes reserved in C++.

Pseudonym: ghost
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Title: Complete tutorial from cplusplus.com that covers from basics up to object oriented programming.
Date: 02/23/06
Time: 08:08:15 PM


Very good, I was able to get tutorials, from basic C/C++, arrays and pointers, to classes.... definitelly a website to go back to.

Pseudonym: alanaadr
Website: http://public.research.att.com/~bs/C++.html
Title: The C++ Programming Language
Date: 03/02/06
Time: 11:01:38 PM


This website is a great reference. The website has many reference sites througout the entire site. It explains major topics on C++, and gives additional website to reference to on the major topics.

Pseudonym: alanaadr
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: Numeric Array Sort
Date: 03/21/06
Time: 08:19:36 PM


in this site it gives a very short description of how an array is sorted. For example how in java script the array get sorted into dictionary order

Pseudonym: 315ef
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Title: C++ Language Tutorial
Submitter: Steve Figueroa
Date: 09/22/06
Time: 09:17:26 AM


This website gives you a nice tutorial for C++. I think the tutorial in particular it's very simple to read and follow because of the format it's setup. (links, graphics, etc)

Pseudonym: chrisl
Website: http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/C++/
Title: Beginner C++ Tutorials by Washington Univ.
Date: 09/25/06
Time: 02:00:12 AM


Gives differences between C and C++, memory mgmt, pointer functions, abstract data types, and container classes.

Pseudonym: elgambeta
Website: http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ExtremeGuidelinesForCplusPlus
Title: Extreme guidelines for c++
Date: 10/08/06
Time: 02:08:22 PM


this website is very interesting because it answers some questions on what guidelines should be used when taking a c++ project for example tools that you can use when working on it and it also has some links to other things related to c++

Pseudonym: renovatio
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Array
Title: Array General Info
Submitter: ranovatio
Date: 10/09/06
Time: 09:20:50 AM


This reference is mostly informative about arrays' general specs. Since I'm not really familiar to programming languages and codes, I thougth it would be beneficial to learn what an array is and what it consists of. Here, we can learn the advantages and disadvantages of using arrays as well as its uses and different applications. Within this document I also recommned this site which explains more what array programming is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Array_programming

Pseudonym: mystery
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/
Title: TheC++ Resources Network
Date: 10/12/06
Time: 08:47:45 PM


This website is very helpful for first time user or experienced user. It has links to everything from codes, training, information, and references. It also has information on C++ history, FAQ's, and a description of C++.

Pseudonym: mystery
Website: http://www.stsci.edu/resources/software_hardware/numarray
Title: numarray
Date: 10/12/06
Time: 09:22:11 PM


The website provides users with a manual, release notes, data anaylsis tutorials, differences in numeric arrays, presentations, and designs of numeric arrays. It also provides information on how to process applications on Python withoug using C++ or C.

Pseudonym: kross71
Website: http://www.aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/CPP7017.html
Title: 7.3.14 ARRAYS
Date: 10/13/06
Time: 04:20:29 PM


This website covers many aspects of the C++, but what I thought was cool is how it shows you how numeric array tables work by creating an Atomic Data Table. It goes though all the steps and explanations in creating the table, which I found to be helpful in understanding how arrays work.

Pseudonym: Jesman
Website: http://www.softwaretrainingtutorials.com/c-plus-plus.php
Title: This website has online video tutorials?
Submitter: Jesus Acosta
Date: 11/30/06
Time: 01:46:23 PM


This is a great site.

Pseudonym: Jesman
Website: http://www.softwaretrainingtutorials.com/c-plus-plus.php
Title: Video Tutorials
Submitter: Jesus Acosta
Date: 11/30/06
Time: 01:51:20 PM


Great Site

Pseudonym: pebbles
Website: http://www.softwaretrainingtutorials.com/c-plus-plus.php
Title: C++ Tutorial,
Date: 12/04/06
Time: 07:19:56 PM


Great web, This website has video tutorials.

Pseudonym: cadillac
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Title: C++ Language Tutorial
Date: 02/21/07
Time: 03:44:19 PM


These tutorials explain the C++ language from its basics up to the newest features of ANSI-C++, including basic concepts such as arrays or classes and advanced concepts such as polymorphism or templates. The tutorial is oriented in a practical way, with working example programs in all sections to start practicing each lesson right away.

Pseudonym: ajh2548
Website: http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html
Title: This web site has a list of tutorials for c/c++
Submitter: Armin Hinojosa
Date: 02/28/07
Time: 05:49:59 PM


The web site looks helpful when I start getting into my program.

Pseudonym: jp
Website: http://www.cppreference.com
Title: Offers syntax reference for experienced C++ programmers to use.
Date: 02/28/07
Time: 05:50:11 PM


There are no how to guides in this web site. It is used as a libary of C and C++ syntax commands

Pseudonym: rgpac
Website: http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/cclass/
Title: University of Washington at Seattle instructors notes
Date: 02/28/07
Time: 11:06:13 PM


This site provides a good review of what was covered in class. This is a good site to go to if you are not clear on any part of the lecture.

Pseudonym: FRIDA
Website: http://www.4p8.com/eric.brasseur/cppcen.html
Title: C++ Tutorial for C users
Submitter: FRIDA
Date: 03/01/07
Time: 12:10:14 PM


I like this site because gives clear examples about diferent topics in C++

Pseudonym: jp
Website: www.chips.navy.mil/archives/99_apr/c++arrays.htm
Title: What is an array, small introduction with live coding examples
Date: 03/22/07
Time: 10:43:03 PM


This is a great tutorial, and helpful since it provides code you can actually program yourself.

Pseudonym: rgpac
Website: http://www.kean.edu/~ayorinks/lectures/lect2/lect2.htm
Title: Addidtional reference notes for the use of arrays
Date: 03/23/07
Time: 12:16:32 AM


The site is provides additional information on the development and use of arrays. A presentation of the use of the arrays is also available.

Pseudonym: SynsCei
Website: http://cis.stvincent.edu/html/tutorials/swd/arrays/arrays.html
Title: Software Design Using C++ (Arrays)
Submitter: joel
Date: 04/25/07
Time: 01:38:23 PM


Provides a brief introduction to arrays with examples and also provides information about searching arrays (sequential, binary), and sorting arrays (bubble sort, selection sort)

Pseudonym: sniperhawk2
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson8.html
Title: Array Basics
Submitter: Donald Westrum
Date: 04/25/07
Time: 02:30:25 PM


Displays what arrays are and how to implement them.

Pseudonym: falllen
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Array
Title: Array
Date: 04/25/07
Time: 08:11:43 PM


This site provides information about what an array is and how it works. There are good samples and some formulas are provided.

Pseudonym: falllen
Website: http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/node11.html
Title: Dynamic Memory Allocation and Dynamic Structures
Date: 04/25/07
Time: 08:14:33 PM


This site gives examples and definitions.

Pseudonym: Delphinidae
Website: http://www.samspublishing.com/library/content.asp?b=STY_JavaScript_24_hours&seqNum=58&rl=1
Title: Using Numeric Arrays
Submitter: Tiffany
Date: 04/28/07
Time: 07:26:13 PM


This site gives examples of how to use and create numeric arrays.

Pseudonym: frost
Website: http://www.go4expert.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3866
Title: Working With Arrays
Date: 04/30/07
Time: 02:09:13 PM


Website that shows some examples of creating arrays

Pseudonym: ubuntu
Website: http://docs.python.org/lib/module-array.html
Title: Efficient arrays of numeric values
Date: 05/01/07
Time: 11:02:47 AM


The page looks really nice, the information is right there, you don't have to click on many links; plus it doesn't have annoying pop-ups or advertising.

Pseudonym: Delphinidae
Website: http://www.samspublishing.com/library/content.asp?b=STY_JavaScript_24_hours&seqNum=58&rl=1
Title: Using Numeric Arrays
Submitter: Tiffany
Date: 05/02/07
Time: 09:10:24 AM


This site teaches an individual to be able to teach and learn numeric arrays on their own.

Pseudonym: magic24
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: showing how to sot numeric arrays in javascripts.
Submitter: Matthew Ellis
Date: 05/02/07
Time: 12:47:07 PM


Very helpful, and cleared some things up for me.

Pseudonym: daintypompon
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: Numeric Array Sort
Submitter: Araceli Carrillo
Date: 05/02/07
Time: 12:51:30 PM


I got a code to so to sort an array into numeric order with form this webpage.

Pseudonym: EOQuest
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/
Title: C programming.com - Your Resource for C and C++ Programming
Date: 05/02/07
Time: 01:01:00 PM


Site has a lot of useful information that deals with the things that were mentioned in class.

Pseudonym: Iggytoni
Website: http://aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/CPP7018.html
Submitter: Ignacio Sanchez
Date: 05/02/07
Time: 01:09:53 PM


The page contains important stuff such as the formulas to find the numeric arrays. It gives various examples and also gives you the correct definition. Easy to understand, enough information to look up to.

Pseudonym: EOQuest
Website: http://www.samspublishing.com/library/content.asp?b=STY_JavaScript_24_hours&seqNum=58&rl=1
Title: Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours > Using Numeric Arrays
Date: 05/02/07
Time: 01:12:20 PM


This site gives you coded examples which is a plus for me. The only bad thing is that it's in JavaScript, with some code in C++.

Pseudonym: JOKERS
Website: http://www.thescripts.com/serversidescripting/c++/tutorials/c++arrays/index.html
Title: A C++ Tutorial - Arrays
Date: 05/02/07
Time: 01:14:52 PM


Very simple definitions about Arrays. It is easier to undertand.

Pseudonym: gozags
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: Website shows you how to easily sort an array numerically.
Submitter: David
Date: 05/02/07
Time: 01:25:28 PM


Website is very easy to understand, it shows the exact code for how to sort an array.

Pseudonym: cruzazul
Website: http://www.zybc.com.cn/computer/jiaocheng/pcbook/cxsj/c/lci21/008.htm
Title: using numeric arrays
Date: 05/02/07
Time: 03:28:55 PM


this website is interesting because it tries to explain how to use c in 21 days and in the 8 day they introduced numeric arrays it has a lot of information and it creates some examples for us to see them and try to understand them.

Pseudonym: metal27
Website: http://www.thescripts.com/forum/thread519368.html
Title: the scripts
Submitter: Garrik Blanco
Date: 05/02/07
Time: 04:06:50 PM


how to know size of integer array? You find the size of an integer array in the same way that you find the size of a char array or the size of any array, using the sizeof operator So for any type T Code: T array [ <SomeSize>]; Size_tsize_of_array=(sizeofarray)/(sizeofarray[0]); how to know size of integer array? You find the size of an integer array in the same way that you find the size of a char array or the size of any array, using the sizeof operator So for any type T Code: T array [ <SomeSize>]; Size_tsize_of_array=(sizeofarray)/(sizeofarray[0]);

Pseudonym: datapimp
Website: http://www.augustcouncil.com/~tgibson/tutorial/arr.html
Title: Basic Arrays
Date: 05/03/07
Time: 03:08:19 PM


This is a very complete site in describing arrays and how they work. The tutorials are clear in describing the function of an array.

Pseudonym: SuicideCaprice
Website: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/169617
Title: How To Sort Algorithms for Numeric Arrays
Submitter: Eric Aofia
Date: 05/04/07
Time: 01:47:18 PM


This site is a MS supported site to sort algorithms to sort numeric arrays. It gives three ways to sort and also gives some sampled code to supplement the walkthrough.

Pseudonym: sd;gkls'dgk;lsd
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: Numeric Array Sort
Date: 08/28/07
Time: 10:50:51 AM


didn't have a l;ot of information

Pseudonym: melycookie
Website: http://geosci.uchicago.edu/~cdieterich/python/NumMPI/
Title: Message passing interface for Numeric arrays
Date: 09/04/07
Time: 08:15:18 AM


This is a good page because explain very well this topic

Pseudonym: ganof
Website: http://aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/CPP7018.html
Date: 09/04/07
Time: 08:17:54 AM


This is a good page that explain not very good the Numeric arrays

Pseudonym: greenapple12
Website: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa983532(VS.71).aspx
Title: Visual C++
Date: 10/04/07
Time: 05:17:21 PM


This website tells shows you how to use visual c++ and what it is

Pseudonym: Neo
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/
Title: Cprogramming.com Your resource for C and C++
Date: 10/05/07
Time: 07:36:00 PM


This website has a lot of examples of how to use C/C++. The programming information is organized in links of different subjects, for example, the differences between C and C++. And explains what do you need to get started using C/C++.

Pseudonym: Treadstone
Website: http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/learn.html
Title: Learn C/C++ Today
Date: 10/05/07
Time: 07:56:54 PM


This site explains the history, origins and the today use of c/c++. I hope you enjoy it.

Pseudonym: TheBear
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C++
Title: Information on C++
Date: 10/05/07
Time: 09:12:26 PM


Great webpage for information on C++

Pseudonym: Melycookie
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/
Title: C Programming and C++ Programming
Date: 10/09/07
Time: 12:46:42 PM


this page offers you a lot of information and besides you can interact with the information your looking

Pseudonym: Ganof
Website: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/visualc/default.aspx
Title: Visual C++
Date: 10/09/07
Time: 12:48:55 PM


I've been interested in this programm since I know is the one that is used to programm video games, so I chose because it explains whta I am looking for.

Pseudonym: melycookie
Website: http://www.penzilla.net/tutorials/python/numeric/
Title: Numeric Python and Arrays
Date: 10/09/07
Time: 01:03:55 PM


I tried to choose webpages that gives me tutorial because I like to inteact I think it is a very way to learn, like this page that brings what i want

Pseudonym: Ganof
Website: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/169617
Title: How To Sort Algorithms for Numeric Arrays
Date: 10/09/07
Time: 01:17:02 PM


It is a good website, very understandable

Pseudonym: KobeBryant
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/
Title: Cprogramming.com is a web site designed to help you learn the C or C++ programming languages, and provide you with C and C++ programming language resources.
Date: 10/16/07
Time: 10:36:08 AM


This site is really good. It includes tutorials, additional references, quizzes, source code, and many more tools.

Pseudonym: Camila
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/
Title: C Programming
Date: 10/16/07
Time: 04:48:44 PM


It is a very good website because it gives you different tutorials to run through as well as quizzes for yourself.

Pseudonym: Baldo
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/program_structure.html
Title: Structure of a program/ explains the structure of C++
Date: 10/17/07
Time: 04:38:57 PM


It's a good lesson with coding examples.

Pseudonym: ZOKATRIS
Website: http://www.dwheeler.com/secure-programs/Secure-Programs-HOWTO/c-cpp.html
Title: Secure Programming for Linux and Unix using C/C++
Date: 10/17/07
Time: 10:50:49 PM


This website talks about what are some advantages and disadvantages of creating programs in Linux and Unix using C/C++. It is interesting, because it gives you an idea of the usefulness of C/C++.

Pseudonym: squishy
Website: http://www.ddj.com/cpp/184401555
Title: C and C++: A Case for Compatibilty
Date: 10/18/07
Time: 12:21:39 PM


It is interesting because it talks about the compatibilty and the incompatibilty between C and C++.

Pseudonym: Doors
Website: http://geosoft.no/development/cppstyle.html
Title: C++ Programming Style Guidelines
Date: 10/18/07
Time: 01:53:37 PM


This is a great website for people who are just starting to learn C++. It is a good reference to look back on when you are doing projects. It gives detailed guidelines when using C++. In addition, it gives many examples on how to implement various programs.

Pseudonym: Poncho10
Website: www.cprogramming.com
Title: C Programming and C++ Programming
Date: 10/18/07
Time: 02:44:26 PM


cprogramming.com is a web site that introduces the language and resources of c programming and c++ programming.It's a very helpfull web sited, it introduce you to the basic programming, also there is an option to resolved challenge error to resolved, quizes and alot of articles available. It also provides information about tools available, resources, and frequently asked questions about c and c++ programming.

Pseudonym: Baldo
Website: http://www.informit.com/library/content.aspx?b=STY_JavaScript_24_hours&seqNum=58&rl=1
Title: Using Numeric Arrays
Date: 10/18/07
Time: 03:09:43 PM


Very simple explaination about using numeric arrays

Pseudonym: Shiznit80
Website: C/C++ Programming
Title: The C++ Programming Language
Date: 10/18/07
Time: 03:35:47 PM


This site gives a good insight to the language involved in C++

Pseudonym: Shiznit80
Website: http://www.research.att.com/~bs/C++.html
Title: The C++ Programming Language
Date: 10/18/07
Time: 03:37:48 PM


Oops, put the title in the website slot last time. This is just to correct that mistake.

Pseudonym: angus young
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/tips/
Title: A variety of tips for using C++
Date: 10/18/07
Time: 06:08:14 PM


The website has many different tips for when using c++ but most of them seem trivial and somewhat useless.

Pseudonym: Abernathy
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/begin.html
Title: Getting Started with C++
Date: 10/18/07
Time: 09:38:44 PM


I thought the site was really good. It explains what C/C++ programming is and how do use it.

Pseudonym: dmwarwick5
Website: http://cplus.about.com/
Title: object-oriented design featuring tutorials, tips, links, chat, projects, career information, ...
Date: 10/19/07
Time: 10:56:35 AM


It's a cool site cause it offers information on all the above stated!!!

Pseudonym: El Panson
Website: http://www.cppreference.com
Title: Basic C/C++ command
Date: 10/19/07
Time: 12:22:13 PM


Nice quick reference for programming.

Pseudonym: Fiona
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html
Title: Programming Tutorials
Date: 10/19/07
Time: 01:35:22 PM



Pseudonym: culisneis
Website: http://www.cppreference.com/
Title: C/C++ Reference
Submitter: Ivan Sanchez
Date: 10/19/07
Time: 02:09:20 PM


the website has a large Template Library. also has a list of keywords,ACSII,and data types.

Pseudonym: dzm125
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Title: C++ Language Tutorial
Date: 10/19/07
Time: 05:19:00 PM


This is a tutorial of the C++ language, and it explains from the basics up to the newest features. Gives good definition of alot of the C++ Terms. Alot of good information.

Pseudonym: marfs
Website: http://www.cppreference.com/
Title: This website has a lot of c++ functions which i think are very useful
Date: 10/19/07
Time: 07:34:12 PM


You can learn a lot from doing research on this page.

Pseudonym: sigfrid
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/program_structure.html
Title: this website is a turtorial of how to use C++
Date: 10/21/07
Time: 04:47:53 PM


is a very good website with step-by-step examples, i find it very useful because is gives you examples of how to program

Pseudonym: Brasil
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/begin.html
Title: Getting Started with C++
Date: 10/22/07
Time: 01:19:30 PM


this page gives a full description of the C-language in a question and answer for basic things. it also has a good online tutorial so you can get a great idea of this language.

Pseudonym: sodaripa
Website: http://www.actionscript.org/forums/showthread.php3?t=77161
Title: how do I sort multidimensional numeric array in MX?
Date: 10/22/07
Time: 04:02:17 PM


provides a complete solution to handle multidimensional numeric arrays in MX

Pseudonym: sodaripa
Website: http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/exceptions.html#faq-17.2
Title: How can I handle a constructor that fails?
Date: 10/22/07
Time: 04:06:16 PM


shows the answer for when a constructor fails and how to fix it

Pseudonym: KobeBryant
Website: www.ma.utexas.edu/users/arbogast/pointers.pdf
Date: 10/25/07
Time: 11:36:26 AM


this is a good explanation and summary plus a little more on what we covered in class

Pseudonym: barracoda
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html
Title: Programming Tutorials
Date: 10/25/07
Time: 11:37:09 AM


i believe this site has almost whatever u need in C/C++ Programming

Pseudonym: leches2223
Website: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/169617
Title: Shows how to sort numeric arrays with the use of algorithms
Date: 10/25/07
Time: 12:28:47 PM


The website gives some code on how to sort numeric arrays using algorithms. I figured it might help us at some point with our project. It has a couple of examples of code with loops, etc..

Pseudonym: Doors
Website: http://www.informit.com/guides/content.aspx?g=cplusplus&seqNum=207&rl=1
Title: Arrays and Pointers
Date: 10/25/07
Time: 12:37:38 PM


This site is a good reference on numeric arrays. It shows the difference between arrays and pointers. It shows a few examples of both. In addition, it goes into printing out the size of an array in bytes in C++, like we did in class.

Pseudonym: leches2223
Website: http://uw713doc.sco.com/en/SDK_cprog/CONTENTS.html
Title: Programming in standard C and C++
Date: 10/25/07
Time: 12:46:19 PM


This website is a little more technical than descriptive but it helps you understand alot of terms that are used in C/C++ programming. It also gives you a couple of commands that are used while writting code. It can help with our class project

Pseudonym: marfs
Website: http://aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/CPP7018.html
Title: Numeric Arrays
Date: 10/25/07
Time: 05:17:16 PM


i liked this site a lot because it even gives you problems to work out with numeric arrays. it tells in detail how data is storage in this way.

Pseudonym: Neo
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/arrays.html
Title: cplusplus.com
Date: 10/25/07
Time: 09:06:52 PM


This website gives the definition of an array. As well, explains the declarations of arrays in C++, gives examples of C++ code, etc. It is easy to understand and it is well explained.

Pseudonym: squishy
Website: http://www.penzilla.net/tutorials/python/numpyc/
Title: Tutorial: Numeric and C
Date: 10/26/07
Time: 01:43:04 PM


Tutorial in using numeric arrays in C

Pseudonym: Fiona
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: Numeric Array Sort
Date: 10/26/07
Time: 02:51:29 PM


This site shows you how to sort a numeric array in ascending or descending order. It is a very useful site.

Pseudonym: nemesis
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: This is something ralated to the language Java.
Date: 10/26/07
Time: 02:52:54 PM


I think is some kind of different. and it looks a little bit more difficult.

Pseudonym: mac
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: Numeric Array Sort
Date: 10/26/07
Time: 09:32:12 PM


This web site mentions sorting an array in Javascript. It talks about sorting numerically. It also shows examples.

Pseudonym: TheBear
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Array
Title: Array
Date: 10/27/07
Time: 11:16:37 AM


Info on Arrays

Pseudonym: sigfrid
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/arrays.html
Title: explains the function of arrays
Date: 10/27/07
Time: 04:44:21 PM


this site is very helpful because it explains in a good way how to program in C and each tutorial like this one abour arrays is very helpful and understandable

Pseudonym: Treadstone
Website: http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/cclass/int/sx9b.html
Title: Dynamically Allocating Multidimensional Arrays
Date: 10/27/07
Time: 05:56:11 PM


Shows information and example about allocating Multidimensional Arrays in C++

Pseudonym: Poncho10
Website: http://aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/CPP7018.html
Date: 10/29/07
Time: 12:50:18 PM


Article explains how numeric arrays work provided examples for better understanding. In addition, there are examples of numeric array on C++ coding.

Pseudonym: mozalicious
Website: http://www.codersource.net/cpp_tutorial_data_types.html
Title: Short intro to C++
Date: 10/29/07
Time: 04:44:12 PM


This website states a few explanations about C++ and the integer, long and float that can be involved.

Pseudonym: mozalicious
Website: http://www.codersource.net/c++_arrays_tutorial.html
Title: Sample C++ arrays
Date: 10/29/07
Time: 04:45:31 PM


This website displays samples of C++ arrays.

Pseudonym: angus young
Website: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/c++-sig/2004-February/006889.html
Title: Creating an array in C++
Date: 10/29/07
Time: 05:36:42 PM


goes into some detail on how to create an array but does not fully explain many of the concepts surrounding the issue

Pseudonym: barracoda
Website: http://scopira.org/api/scopirabasekitnarray.html
Title: Numeric arrays
Date: 10/30/07
Time: 09:52:45 AM


give some examples about Numeric arrays

Pseudonym: Brasil
Website: http://www.informit.com/library/content.aspx?b=STY_JavaScript_24_hours&seqNum=58&rl=1
Title: this page help us understand what are numeric arrays, how to create them, understand the length and how to acces an array element
Date: 10/30/07
Time: 07:49:48 PM


this page give various examples of how all about arrays

Pseudonym: greenapple12
Website: http://ml.osdir.com/python.pyrex/2004-05/msg00033.html
Title: Re: How to pass the data element of a Numeric Array to a c function
Date: 11/01/07
Time: 04:17:15 PM


This website goes through the different steps of how a numeric array goes to a function

Pseudonym: Baldo
Website: http://www.aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/CPP7018.html
Title: Numeric Arrays
Date: 11/01/07
Time: 05:50:18 PM


I like the website, very well written

Pseudonym: Camila
Website: http://www.mycplus.com/cplus.asp?CID=3
Title: Definition of an array
Date: 11/02/07
Time: 06:52:40 AM


It is a very simple definition which helps understand an array better

Pseudonym: El Panson
Website: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa189075(office.10).aspx
Title: Search done on Office developer web site
Date: 11/02/07
Time: 12:29:54 PM


A little techincal for non-computer science majors, but good examples of rverbage for programs.

Pseudonym: Culisneis
Website: http://www.oonumerics.org/oon/
Title: The Object-Oriented Numerics Page
Date: 11/02/07
Time: 01:09:59 PM


Its a librarie of computing in object-oriented environments.

Pseudonym: Batmanuel
Website: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/c2.htm
Title: How C Programming Works
Date: 11/09/07
Time: 02:13:24 PM


Let's start with the simplest possible C program and use it both to understand the basics of C and the C compilation process. Type the following program into a standard text editor (vi or emacs on UNIX, Notepad on Windows or TeachText on a Macintosh).

Pseudonym: Batmanuel
Website: http://www.penzilla.net/tutorials/python/numpyc/
Title: Using Numeric Arrays in C Extensions
Date: 11/09/07
Time: 02:17:19 PM


Numeric Arrays are really nice on the Python side of things. They are faster and much more efficient then lists. They tend to provide some difficulty for people when they are working with both SWIG'ed and handrolled Python/C extensions however. While Numeric Arrays can really improve performance of some applications it often isn't enough. If you need the best performance possible it sometimes becomes necessary to rewrite parts of your Python program as C Extensions. (Numeric is a C Extension actually). For example, perhaps you want to extend Numeric by adding a new operation to it. So you'd like to write a routine that takes a Numeric array and manipulates the C array structure inside of it.

Pseudonym: EpSuave
Website: http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread29054.html
Title: Questions on arrays and the many ways it can be manipulated.
Date: 11/16/07
Time: 01:49:11 PM


Finding answers to what would seem an easy answer are abundant when performing searches.

Pseudonym: Treadstone
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/
Title: C++ Library Reference
Date: 12/04/07
Time: 01:01:39 PM


Reference of the C++ Language Library, with detailed descriptions of its elements and examples on how to use its functions.

Pseudonym: culisneis
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/arrays.html
Title: Arrays
Date: 12/05/07
Time: 02:57:02 PM


An array is a series of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory locations that can be individually referenced by adding an index to a unique identifier. That means that, for example, we can store 5 values of type int in an array without having to declare 5 different variables, each one with a different identifier. Instead of that, using an array we can store 5 different values of the same type, int for example, with a unique identifier.

Pseudonym: culisneis
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/arrays.html
Title: Arrays
Date: 12/05/07
Time: 02:57:32 PM


An array is a series of elements of the same type placed in contiguous memory locations that can be individually referenced by adding an index to a unique identifier. That means that, for example, we can store 5 values of type int in an array without having to declare 5 different variables, each one with a different identifier. Instead of that, using an array we can store 5 different values of the same type, int for example, with a unique identifier.

Pseudonym: Brasil
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: Numeric Array Sort
Submitter: Brasil
Date: 12/05/07
Time: 05:32:34 PM


Shows us how to short and gives us the code examples

Pseudonym: Neo
Website: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa189075(office.10).aspx
Title: msdn
Date: 12/06/07
Time: 08:12:16 PM


Explains calculations on numeric arrays.

Pseudonym: marfs
Website: Numeric arrays
Title: http://mediakey.dk/~cc/numeric-array-sort-in-javascript/
Date: 12/07/07
Time: 01:03:22 AM


i think this is a very cool website because it sort of shows how does a numeric array can be sort in a java script and also how to solve some of the programs by doing so.

Pseudonym: thebear
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B
Title: C++
Date: 01/29/08
Time: 03:47:38 PM


Great Information on C++

Pseudonym: thebear
Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrays
Title: Array
Date: 01/29/08
Time: 03:52:31 PM


Good info on Arrays

Pseudonym: Copernicus
Website: http://aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/CPP7018.html
Date: 02/08/08
Time: 12:39:15 PM


Great source of information, explains a numeric array problems and scenarios.

Pseudonym: ochoa11
Website: http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/C++/
Title: C++ Programming Language Tutorials
Date: 02/08/08
Time: 11:22:46 PM


This web page has some links to understand and know more about the program, it is very useful for people who want to learn more of C++ programming.

Pseudonym: keko10
Website: http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/
Title: Learn C/C++ Today
Date: 02/15/08
Time: 01:34:31 PM


very good website explains origins of c++ and also how to use it

Pseudonym: bigdaddy
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial.html#c++tutorial
Title: C/C++ made very easy when you need it.
Date: 02/20/08
Time: 04:06:34 PM


This site is just like the lecture slides just without the lecture, but this site is made for easy navigation and a way to help you get to know C/C++ better

Pseudonym: Charal
Website: http://www.tenouk.com/cncplusplustutorials.html
Title: C and C++ Programming Tutorial Topics
Date: 02/21/08
Time: 05:48:41 PM


The tutorial covers from the history of C++ and walks you thru the learning process. It's easy to read and understand.

Pseudonym: keko10
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: Numeric Array Sort
Date: 02/22/08
Time: 12:25:47 PM


very helpful site to have a better understanding of numeric arrays and also give some exaples

Pseudonym: Stardog
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Title: C++ Language Tutorial
Date: 03/04/08
Time: 03:42:26 PM


I found this website to be useful as it shows the basics of C++ and it treats the user of this website as if he/she had no experience whatsoever and the instructions are easy to understand.

Pseudonym: Sport
Website: http://www.lysator.liu.se/c/bwk-tutor.html
Title: Programming in C: A Tutorial
Date: 03/04/08
Time: 06:16:43 PM


C allows te programmer to write a program clearly and simply without it being to cryptic. A C program consists of one or more functions.One metho communicating data is the use of arguements. Each individual statement must end with a semicolon. No one statement has to be placed on a single line, if chosen a statement can be split up. In C any number that begins with a zero is a octal integer. printf is a more complicated function for producing a formatted output. Anywhere you can use a simple statement, you can use any compound statement. Main is called with two arguements, the arguement count and the array of arguements. Over this article gives a good overview of what is to be expected from running C, however does not disclose every method or logic. As stated from the start it is not a reference manual, for details and special cases are being skipped.

Pseudonym: arnaryi
Website: http://cs.fit.edu/~mmahoney/cse2050/how2cpp.html
Title: How to Program in C++
Date: 03/06/08
Time: 02:44:49 PM


i had a difficulty time understanding this article. C++ looks like real difficult to learn just by reading. i think that to learn how to program in this language its going to require lots of hands on practice.

Pseudonym: safadoo25
Website: http://www.howstuffworks.com/c.htm
Title: understanding c programming language
Date: 03/06/08
Time: 05:28:52 PM


Good site to learn more about c and c++. The site explains from the simplest c programs to strings and dynamic data structures.

Pseudonym: Computer Teck Man
Website: http://www.engin.umd.umich.edu/CIS/course.des/cis400/cpp/cpp.html
Title: The C++ Programming Language
Date: 03/06/08
Time: 07:42:49 PM


This website gives a brief history of C++, some of C++ language features and areas of application.

Pseudonym: icequeen
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/
Title: The C++ Resources Network
Date: 03/06/08
Time: 09:08:20 PM


This site is a one stop shop for all kinds of C++ needs. There are discussion forums, general information and FAQs, tutorials, functioning source codes, and much more.

Pseudonym: bass5hartke
Website: http://www.deitel.com
Title: C programming Resource center
Date: 03/07/08
Time: 09:29:58 AM


This site is ok I guess! It has some fairly additional links and would recommend it to others.

Pseudonym: Lightbit
Website: http://cplus.about.com/od/introductiontoprogramming/a/cppbeginners.htm
Title: C++ For Beginners - Learn about C++
Date: 03/07/08
Time: 07:45:49 PM


This website explains C++ Programming to beginners. It starts with what C++ is, what it can do, how to get started,etc.

Pseudonym: wizard
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Title: C++ tutorial language page
Date: 03/07/08
Time: 10:02:52 PM


It is a good for to learn about c++

Pseudonym: chulo12
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Title: C++ Language Tutorial
Date: 03/07/08
Time: 11:12:03 PM


This is a really good site to have a better understanding of C++. It describes how to use C++, its basics, contol strucure, compound data types, object oriented programming, advance concepts, and a standard library. In other words, it is a site were you could find almost everything about C++ programming.

Pseudonym: queeneliz
Website: http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/HOWTO/C++Programming-HOWTO.html
Title: C++ Programming HOW-TO
Submitter: Marian Ali
Date: 03/18/08
Time: 11:10:23 AM


No Comment.

Pseudonym: Strider
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/
Title: C and C++ Programming
Date: 03/18/08
Time: 12:26:51 PM


This site is great read to learn some tips and tricks from other users looking to fine tune their programming skills.

Pseudonym: gaseld
Website: http://matforge.org/fipy/ticket/125
Title: numeric array
Date: 03/20/08
Time: 04:23:03 PM


gives you examples how to use it

Pseudonym: Computer Teck Man
Website: http://lib.daemon.am/Books/C/ch08/ch08.htm
Title: Teach yourself C in 21 days; Numeric Arrays
Date: 03/20/08
Time: 08:33:33 PM


Everthing you need to know about Arrays from the diffition to the uses of arrays. The website also includes quizzes.

Pseudonym: bigdaddy
Website: http://www.mathworks.com/access/helpdesk/help/techdoc/index.html?/access/helpdesk/help/techdoc/matlab_prog/f2-12135.html&http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=numeric+arrays+which+have+integer+value&fr=yfp-t-501-s&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8
Title: Great website to understand numeric rays.
Date: 03/21/08
Time: 12:47:20 AM


PLease check this site as it gives in detail how intergers signed, and unsigned inters work.

Pseudonym: Napalm_R
Website: http://books.google.com/books?id=cVymAFHRu3QC&pg=PA497&lpg=PA497&dq=numeric+arrays+c%2B%2B&source=web&ots=odKpQyFTyB&sig=FioWU2AEEu7nJ8AdrMJBCgTGJ9s&hl=en#PPA498,M1
Title: Programming in C++: Lessons and Applications
Date: 03/21/08
Time: 03:04:48 AM


An Entire Chapter on Numeric Arrays.

Pseudonym: ochoa11
Website: http://www.aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/CPP7018.html
Date: 03/24/08
Time: 03:27:14 PM


problems of numeric arrays, provides practical approach to solve problems

Pseudonym: Pixelation
Website: http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/Cpp/CatalogCpp.htm
Title: C++ Tutorial
Date: 03/24/08
Time: 09:43:54 PM


A very complete C++ tutorial

Pseudonym: Bettyboop
Website: http://www.isds.duke.edu/comp/internal/matlab/toolbox/mathlib/cppmathug/working4.html
Title: Numeric Arrays
Date: 04/02/08
Time: 02:09:58 PM


Good Website shows how to create and manipulate numeric arrays

Pseudonym: safadoo25
Website: http://www.apl.jhu.edu/~hall/java/beginner/arrays.html
Title: Defining Arrays
Date: 04/02/08
Time: 09:10:01 PM


Good site on introducing arrays and relating them to real life situations. Some explanation on broader view of data structures.

Pseudonym: lizard
Website: http://cplus.about.com/
Title: Aboutcom.com: C/C++
Submitter: Elizabeth
Date: 04/03/08
Time: 10:07:01 AM


this website helps out in C++ programing and how to use it. it only like it is used for C++ but going down the webpage there are more information about numeric arrays. On Ch.10 there is enough information that gives about how numeric arrays is used and how to use when writing down a program. This is useful for writing programs for class. I used it myself when i was getting confused

Pseudonym: Sport
Website: http://www.penzilla.net/tutorials/python/numpyc/
Title: Numeric Arrays & C
Date: 04/03/08
Time: 11:40:30 AM


Numeric arrays are faster and much more efficient than lists. By using numeric array you can improve the performance of some applications, however it is not always enough. Numeric arrays allows a person to manipulate the C array structure. The name of your init fuction should match the name of your compiled C extension.Overall this website shows mainly codes to better understand numeric arrays in C. By reviewing the codes it gave me a better understanding to manupilate c in a way to store more data than before. Although mainly a review from class I found this website to be very useful.

Pseudonym: chulo12
Website: http://www.nacs.uci.edu/dcslib/matlab/matlab-v60/help/toolbox/mathlib/cppmathug/working4.html
Title: Using the C++ Math Library
Date: 04/07/08
Time: 10:19:48 PM


On this site you can be able to find a good explanation on how to do numeric arrays using the C++ Math Library, it tells you how to create numeric arrays, how to initialize a numeric array with data, and an example program so you can be able to practice and have a better understanding of numeric arrays and how to use them.

Pseudonym: rockfer
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/
Title: If you get stuck programing in C, use this website
Date: 04/08/08
Time: 04:55:06 PM


This is the website I use when I don't know what path to take when programing in C.

Pseudonym: rockfer
Website: http://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/Accessing-Arrays-from-C.html
Title: Array/Pointer Reference manual
Date: 04/08/08
Time: 05:01:47 PM


This is a reference manual that clearly explains how arrays and pointers work. It gives several diferent examples on why arrays are useful.

Pseudonym: wizard
Website: http://aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/toc.html
Title: numeric arrays
Date: 04/08/08
Time: 08:13:06 PM


this site gives simple explainations about nuceric arrays.

Pseudonym: wizard
Website: http://aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/toc.html
Title: numeric arrays
Date: 04/08/08
Time: 08:13:30 PM


this site gives simple explainations about numeric arrays.

Pseudonym: Lightbit
Website: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/A/array.html
Title: Array
Date: 04/09/08
Time: 01:25:43 PM


This webpage defines what an array is and lists its characteristics.

Pseudonym: arnaryi
Website: http://javascript.about.com/library/blsort.htm
Title: Numeric Array Sort
Date: 04/11/08
Time: 02:06:16 PM


this article discusses some options for sorting numeric arrays. you have the option to sort numerically, or the same sequence as the dictionary. if your array consists soley of numbers, it is best to sort numerically

Pseudonym: stardog
Website: http://www.penzilla.net/tutorials/python/numeric/
Title: Penzilla.net's Python Tutorial: Numeric
Date: 04/15/08
Time: 02:13:51 PM


This site references numeric arrays and I found it to help me understand numeric arrays.

Pseudonym: bumblebee3355
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/
Title: c++ tutorial page
Date: 04/21/08
Time: 08:52:59 PM


very good tutorial

Pseudonym: bumblebee3355
Website: http://aspire.cs.uah.edu/textbook/CPP7018.html
Title: this is a textbook on computer science
Date: 04/24/08
Time: 05:11:13 PM


Very thorough on explaining concepts.

Pseudonym: efrimix
Website: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/9b9dty7d.aspx
Title: Arrays definition
Date: 04/29/08
Time: 02:21:48 PM


This page explains that an array is a data structure that contains several variables of the same type.

Pseudonym: Pixelation
Website: http://books.google.com/books?id=cVymAFHRu3QC&pg=PA498&lpg=PA498&dq=numeric+arrays+c%2B%2B&source=web&ots=odKsWqJNAy&sig=Wb0qjTA0Vohod2koiOV8d9PpcvY&hl=en#PPA499,M1
Title: This is a google book entry about numeric arrays
Date: 04/30/08
Time: 10:49:20 PM


A good place to start learning about numerica arrays

Pseudonym: GOTINAD
Website: http://geosci.uchicago.edu/~cdieterich/python/QUASImage/
Title: QUASImage - Quick ASCII Images for Numeric arrays
Submitter: Daniela Ito
Date: 05/06/08
Time: 06:53:06 PM


This website not only provide the purpose of Numeric arrays but also the description, features and other information.

Pseudonym: Copernicus
Website: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_arrays.asp
Title: PHP Arrays
Date: 05/08/08
Time: 02:44:35 PM


The website provides several examples of a numberic array.

Pseudonym: icanhazh4xx
Website: http://psp-coding.com/index.php?topic=8.0
Title: A different plataform
Date: 10/07/08
Time: 11:03:12 AM


I found this platform, which i used and its kind of user friendly, but still studio its the easier but it can be helpful to have another one.

Pseudonym: st@r
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/program_structure.html
Title: best way to start learning a programming language is by writing a program. Therefore, here is our first program:
Date: 10/09/08
Time: 08:26:25 PM


It gives you detail instructions on how to write a program and even includes snapshots so that you can see exactly what they are explaining

Pseudonym: meezan85
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/
Title: C Programming and C++ Programming
Date: 10/10/08
Time: 01:12:59 AM


This web site designed to help you learn the C or C++ programming languages, and provide you with C and C++ programming language resources.

Pseudonym: nenuvar
Website: http://www.softlookup.com/tutorial/c++/index.asp
Title: Learn C++ in 21 Chapters
Date: 10/14/08
Time: 11:38:21 AM


A free online tutorial that offers 21 titled chapters to help you teach yourself C++

Pseudonym: msanch27
Website: http://www.cyberdiem.com/vin/
Title: Learn C++ Today
Date: 10/14/08
Time: 11:40:55 AM


Very Interesting. Talks about the history of C and C++ as well as how it relates to Linux and UNIX.

Pseudonym: bigdaddy
Website: http://www.cprogramming.com/
Title: More information and practice on C++
Date: 10/16/08
Time: 01:09:40 PM


This site provides information on how to get more out of C and C++. It is a good site to help you understand the prgramming a little more.

Pseudonym: bigdaddy
Website: http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=320005
Title: Adobe Photo Shop using RAM allocation
Date: 10/16/08
Time: 01:14:15 PM


This site lets everyone know how to use RAM allocation in adobe photo shop. It is useful for people who uses it.

Pseudonym: penacho4
Website: http://www.python.org/doc/2.5.2/lib/module-array.html
Title: Efficient arrays of numeric values
Date: 10/22/08
Time: 09:38:16 AM


This website its very easy to understand cause it explains you what an array is. Also gives you examples of which data items and methods are used. This is a good website to see if you dont know what an array is and to learn how to do it.

Pseudonym: oleic*~
Website: http://www.4d.com/support/corners/filemaker/arrays.html
Title: 4D When the solution matters - Arrays
Date: 10/23/08
Time: 07:51:15 PM


It defines what an array is, how to assign and retrieve values, and how an array is displayed.

Pseudonym: meezan85
Website: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/169617
Title: How To Sort Algorithms for Numeric Arrays
Date: 10/23/08
Time: 11:05:50 PM


This site gives great directions on how to sort algorithms for numeric arrays.

Pseudonym: st@r
Website: http://www.dreamincode.net/code/snippet128.htm
Title: Sort numerical array
Date: 10/28/08
Time: 09:41:33 AM


Gives you a visual on the Function for sorting numeric Arrays.

Pseudonym: rise&standtall
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/arrays.html
Title: Intializing Arrays
Date: 10/28/08
Time: 09:58:33 AM


This Website shows us how to intialize arrays in the C++ programing and it also how to access the value of an array

Pseudonym: msanch27
Website: http://www.codersource.net/c++_arrays_tutorial.html
Title: Declaring C++ Arrays of int type
Date: 10/28/08
Time: 10:08:43 AM


Pretty helpful because it gives you advantages and disadvantages to using arrays in floats, integers, characters etc...

Pseudonym: amfranco2
Website: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/arrays.html
Title: c ++ array tutorials
Date: 10/29/08
Time: 08:29:06 AM


tutorial that helps you to understand arrays on c ++

Pseudonym: ae09
Website: http://pyopengl.sourceforge.net/ctypes/pydoc/OpenGL.arrays.numeric.html
Title: Numeric Arrays
Date: 10/29/08
Time: 06:59:00 PM


Webpage explains the differences between modules, classes, functions, and data to easily understand how this subject works. Although good explanations, lack of personalization of webpage.

Pseudonym: bigdaddy
Website: http://www.howtoforge.com/php_arrays
Title: A way of finding out what arrays do.
Date: 10/29/08
Time: 08:36:44 PM


This site allows you to convert arrays and shows how they are used.

Pseudonym: Intel721
Website: http://phplearners.com/php-numeric-array.php
Title: Very good beginner tutorial for arrays.
Date: 10/30/08
Time: 08:01:36 AM


This is a very good website to start learning about arrays.

Pseudonym: Krelic
Website: http://lib.daemon.am/Books/C/ch08/ch08.htm
Title: Teach Yourself C in 21 Days/- 8- Using Numeric Arrays
Date: 10/30/08
Time: 09:24:38 AM


This website introduces and elaborates a bit on numeric arrays

Pseudonym: Dr. Horrible
Website: http://randimus.freeservers.com/cstuff.html
Title: C Tutorials and other resources
Date: 10/30/08
Time: 03:08:37 PM


Short tutorial about C+ and other information

Pseudonym: Dr. Horrible
Website: http://www.exforsys.com/tutorials/c-language/c-arrays.html
Title: C Programming - Arrays
Date: 10/30/08
Time: 03:16:12 PM


In this tutorial you will learn about C Programming - Arrays - Declaration of arrays, Initialization of arrays, Multi dimensional Arrays, Elements of multi dimension arrays and Initialization of multidimensional arrays.

Pseudonym: hericosi
Website: http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_arrays.asp
Title: Example of Numeric Arrays
Date: 10/30/08
Time: 05:30:32 PM


it is well explained what a numeric array is, and it has a very good example of it

Pseudonym: ambiance43
Website: http://www.python.org/doc/2.5.2/lib/module-array.html
Title: array -- Efficient arrays of numeric values
Date: 10/30/08
Time: 07:15:53 PM


good explanation

Pseudonym: goober
Website: http://www.fredosaurus.com/notes-cpp/index.html
Title: this URL introduces you to arrays and also helps you troublshoot by giving examples.
Date: 10/30/08
Time: 11:05:41 PM


I found out that this website really helped me understand the different types of arrays and how they work.

Pseudonym: nenuvar
Website: http://elvis.rowan.edu/~kay/cpp/vc6_tutorial/
Title: Visual C++ Tutorial & Basic Concepts
Date: 11/04/08
Time: 09:35:34 AM


The site gives the user an outline of how to do different common tasks, and has links to the following files

Website: http://cplus.about.com/od/learnc/ss/strings.htm
Title: C# Programming Tutorial - About Strings and Chars
Submitter: Reyna Fernandez
Date: 11/07/08
Time: 03:38:19 PM


This C# programming tutorial is about String handling in C# 2.0 and higher. A String (note- uppercase S!) is a fundamental type, managed by the .NET framework. A string (lowercase s) is an alias in C# for the .NET String type. As I understand it, you can use either interchangeably though selecting string and pressing the F1 key will give different help pages.

Website: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa189075.aspx
Title: Performing Calculations on Numeric Arrays
Date: 11/07/08
Time: 03:54:01 PM


Many mathematical functions operate on a variable set of numbers. For example, you can take the median, or middle value, of a set of any size. Because you will not know how many numbers the set will contain while you are writing code to find the median, you cannot create a procedure with a set number of arguments. Instead, you can use a dynamic array to store an indeterminate number of values and perform an operation on them.

Website: http://www.howstuffworks.com/c.htm
Title: it basicly explains how many things work and it explains definitions of stuff
Date: 11/07/08
Time: 04:57:19 PM


The C programming language is a popular and widely used programming language for creating computer programs. Programmers around the world embrace C because it gives maximum control and efficiency to the programmer. If you are a programmer, or if you are interested in becoming a programmer, there are a couple of benefits you gain from learning C:

Pseudonym: mocosa8
Website: http://www.penzilla.net/tutorials/python/numeric/
Title: Penzilla.net's Python Tutorial: Numeric
Date: 11/13/08
Time: 12:01:23 PM


This website gives quick and easy explanation examples

Pseudonym: Ozymandias
Website: http://books.google.com/books?id=cVymAFHRu3QC&pg=PA452&lpg=PA452&dq=numeric+arrays+in+c%2B%2B&source=web&ots=odMpWpHOyB&sig=urRthqXheS1sAA4qVjvMa20uITE&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=9&ct=result#PPA3,M2
Title: Entire C++ book online, page 452 describes and defines numeric arrays.
Date: 11/13/08
Time: 12:44:41 PM


Great not just for numeric arrays but also for other material covered in class

Pseudonym: KemqmRpyRTglEY
Website: http://bezmkwrizptv.com/
Title: LFRHMaImEt
Submitter: xwGdnzdQ
Date: 04/29/10
Time: 04:47:35 PM


e6Uhyn <a href="http://esvddrawbixg.com/">esvddrawbixg</a>, [url=http://jfokbznwqxgp.com/]jfokbznwqxgp[/url [link=http://tvhnktfisntk.com/]tvhnktfisntk[/link http://fajlqntnitfz.com/

Pseudonym: dSlEaGEiwpFxy
Website: http://xqdtxvidgakv.com/
Title: cVCFNPkbQW
Submitter: pVQrIJcWySK
Date: 11/01/10
Time: 07:15:58 PM


F5GiOJ <a href="http://bdolnwbrizwh.com/">bdolnwbrizwh</a>, [url=http://lgdnwpbobxxy.com/]lgdnwpbobxxy[/url [link=http://kpkctclldmoj.com/]kpkctclldmoj[/link http://ioqjkmtvjvmx.com/

Pseudonym: rpBdMWrfWFxREMHWGp
Website: http://www.google.com/
Title: QbyNGMDhYrYScu
Submitter: rYkskWIwarBEVup
Date: 04/17/11
Time: 08:16:33 PM


TYVM you've solved all my prbolems

Pseudonym: XIVQHOkDHxwJGUidRAl
Website: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003405734321
Title: eagGeFRVMIPZimLwq
Submitter: pqPSSgYvj
Date: 04/07/12
Time: 10:54:51 AM


Hello Patricia,Generally, I would always try and use oinagrc or at least locally grown and in season when consuming fruits and vegetables in their raw state. However, some research suggests that most of the pesticides are to be found in the fibrous content of the fruit and vegetable, which is normally discarded once the juice has been extracted. This would therefore eliminate the amount you would consume. However, you can also try peeling and also washing your produce in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water and then rinsing in a solution of water and vinegar. If you can find oinagrc and it is within your budget, then go for that option. If not, try and choose produce that has the least concentration of pesticide e.g. those that have a protective skin or something that can be peeled.I appreciate your comment and I hope this helps.Tamara

Pseudonym: kXkWaueuXTBAqZwBS
Website: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003407061724
Title: twCntCZWDXPWpDloA
Submitter: HRCXdxGg
Date: 11/29/12
Time: 04:16:01 AM


good points all. I wish I had set it up dinefreftly with longer text areas. Unfortunately, there is not an option to edit the type of fields now that the survey is running, and I'd need to start over, so I think for this one I added a comment in the post and in the survey.I didn't ask for links because I wanted people to feel free to say whatever they wanted.

Pseudonym: cCiqgVfYgdZy
Website: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003407081015
Title: iMzbTVSj
Submitter: pzAjTsLkncSaIDn
Date: 12/01/12
Time: 02:26:28 AM


If you violated Google terms, you connat join again (not if Google recognizes you as the one with a bad record). If you had not linked your income tax PAN number, you might get in with a new address (move to a new city). Never try to cheat Google. Never click on your own ads.

Pseudonym: Home
Website: http://www.paiyoujitea.org/
Title: Home
Submitter: Home
Date: 05/23/14
Time: 02:51:22 AM


Numeric Arrays

Pseudonym: Meizitang
Website: http://www.botanicalslimmingsoftgelmall.com/
Title: Meizitang
Submitter: Meizitang
Date: 07/02/14
Time: 05:21:28 PM


Numeric Arrays

Pseudonym: 1Egz5k7a2
Website: http://hegkjk.com
Title: AFAICT you've coreve
Date: 08/26/16
Time: 07:12:44 PM


AFAICT you've coreved all the bases with this answer!

Pseudonym: psWjsrvDJlK
Website: http://qpfdcuabvnd.com
Title: Your posting is able
Date: 08/26/16
Time: 09:20:38 PM


Your posting is ablelutosy on the point!