wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS3355: Business Data Structures
Fall, 2008

Bits/Bytes and ASCII Part 3
Answer a few questions about what the program did (10 points)

Very Simple Questions:

  1. Remember the section of code:

    // Now, let's try and store an 'Illegal' value in location ch
    // I say illegal because we know that signed bytes can only take on the values:
    // -27 through +27 - 1, or -128 though +127
    // What happens if we try and store a number outside of that range?

       ch = 211;

    And Remember the output?

    The outcome is
    u, decimal -45

    Why is that? (Explain in detail for full credit)
  2. Even when we entered a 'legal' value:

    // Now, if we were to store the value 211 at location ch2 (an unsigned character) it should be OK
    // since an unsigned character has the range 0 through 28 - 1 (0 through 255)
    // Let's try it

       ch2 = 211;

    We still got strange output:

    The outcome is u, decimal 211

    Why is that? (Explain in detail for full credit)

Make sure to submit your answers via the Submission Page by the Date Due (See Course Schedule)

This page was last updated on 07/06/05