Pseudonym: alanaadr Good_PointsIn my opinion i like the fact of the way the teacher, teaches. It is kind of like a hands on course. Due to the fact that we do not have the computers in front of us at all times, we must learn ourselves if we are confused. Though their is a enormous amount of homework, it is all extremly easy. Bad_PointsTeacher seems to just rush throuhg allot of information. Their is so much information in the class that teacher must rush throuhg it all. At times it seems as if teacher is teaching as if everyone knows what he is talking about. Website is always wrong. Links are different. Sometimes i want to get ahead of class in assignments, and I cant because the teacher finds out of the problems when we get to that point in the lecutres. WebisteCommentsThe only thing i could recomend for the class is to limit the amount of material for the class. Their is to much information. Pseudonym: jadestone Good_PointsI like the way the powerpoint slides are layed out. I believe the humor makes that class entertaining as well as interesting. Bad_PointsI would like to see more detail on how C++ fits into everyday life. WebisteCommentsI think the class is well taught. Maybe some more projects would be useful. Pseudonym: tumkaun Good_PointsThe exams are short. Bad_PointsI don't like that you have not got the webpage updated. WebisteCommentsYou could have multiple choice questions on the exam. Pseudonym: ghost Good_PointsThe best part of the course has been, the way it suddenly all made sense at once, I pretty much had scattered information in my brain, like a fragmented hard drive. all of a sudden out of nowhere while studying for the second test. It all made sense and it all became clear how it all fits together. Bad_PointsDispite the professor's best efforts, I have a hard time working on my programs since I can't do it at home and it's hard for me to go to the lab. And when I'm in the lab, if I have any questions, there's no one I can ask and that's very frustrating. WebisteCommentsi don't know, I'll leave it up to more creative people Pseudonym: anj Good_PointsI liked the way the lectures go. Bad_PointsI didn't like the last chapters we covered WebisteCommentsI would like more interaction |