1.0110  Given the following section of code:


struct studinfo {   char studentname[25];

int   age, credithours;

float  gpa;

struct studinfo *next, *previous;  }; 


/* next points to the next record in the linked list;  previous points to the previous record in the linked list */


struct studinfo  *head, *present, student[5] = {{“Shakespeare, Bill”,256,12,3.56,NULL,NULL},

     {“Albee, Edward”,76,120,2.78,NULL,NULL},{“Voltaire”,56,82,3.75,NULL,NULL},

     {“Chaucer, Geoffry”,420,91,3.25,NULL,NULL}, {“Grisham, John”,46,24,1.57,NULL,NULL}} ;


// head will point to the first record in the list after it is linked by studentname in ascending order


For the following questions, assume that I have developed a list which is linked (the code necessary is NOT shown), in ascending order, on student[].studentname. Assume that the base address (in RAM) for the database (for student; NOT the linked list) is 4000.


sizeof(struct studinfo) = 25 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2 = 37


address         name                          age     chrs    gpa     next    previous

======           =============       ===     ===     ===     ====   =======

4000               Shakespeare, Bill   256       12      3.56    4074   4148

4037               Albee, Edward           76      120     2.78    4111   NULL

4074               Voltaire                        56        82      3.75    NULL 4000

4111               Chaucer, Geoffry    420       91      3.25    4148   4037

4148               Grisham, John          46        24      1.57    4000   4111


For the following questions, assume that I have developed a list which is linked (the code necessary is NOT shown), in ascending order, on student[].studentname. Assume that the base address (in RAM) for the database (for student; NOT the linked list) is 4000.


a.      What is the value of  head (after the links are complete)?  4037

b.      What is the value of  &student[3]?     4111

c.      What the value of student[0].next?    4074

d.      What is the value of  student[2].previous -> gpa?      3.56

e       What is the value of  student[4].next -> studentname?      Shakespeare

f.       What is the value of student[3].previous -> previous?       NULL

g.      given present = student[0].next; what is the value of --present?     4037

h.      What would be the value of student[2].next AFTER the command

  student[2].next =  (struct  studinfo *) malloc(sizeof(struct studinfo));?    Unknown


i.       Explain your answer to the above question     Memory is allocated at run time

j.       Explain how I would remove Albee, Edward from the LINKED list.


         Set head pointer to Chaucer and have chaucer.previous point to NULL