006.0010 What are the reserved words in C? In C++?


In C (Total 34):


auto                    break                    case                         char                    const     

continue             default                   do                             double               else
enum                  extern                    float                          for                       goto
if                         int                          long                          register              return
short                   signed                  sizeof                       static                  struct
switch                typedef                 typeid                       union                  unsigned
using                  void                       volatile                     while


In C++ (All of the above plus):


asm                    bool                       catch                        delete                dynamic_cast explicit  export false                           friend                    inline

mutable             namespace          new                          operator            private

protected           public                    reinterpret_cast      static_cast        template

this                     throw                     true                           try                       typename

virtual                 wchar_t