3.   I am starting my own language. It will consist of only the consonants (B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z) which can only be represented in Uppercase. Additionally, I will only allow octal (8 and 9 are not allowed). To further simplify matters, I will only have 5 special characters (+ - space . ,) and 4 hidden characters (CR, LF, EOL, and ESC). I don’t care about Parity (my machines will be perfect). How many bits do I need to fully represent the entire character set?


Given: 21 Letters + 8 Digits + 5 Special characters + 4 Hidden Characters = 38 Characters


            Log(38)/Log(2)   =    1.5798/0.30103     =    5.248    =  6 Bits