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New Chapter 4
References Pseudonym: jmiguelv CommentsThis is a description of how linux came about and the creation of the operating system. Pseudonym: Champignons CommentsThe aim of this list of programming languages is to include all notable programming languages in existence, both those in current use and historical ones, in alphabetical order. Pseudonym: cjean1023 CommentsThis site gives easy to understand information about computer language from lowest to highest. Pseudonym: Gely CommentsIn this wbsite we can find the definition of Debuggers, how they work, classifications of debugger and their importance. Pseudonym: boywonder CommentsThe attached website provides an overview of linux operating systems, which additionally has current news that affects the linux systems. Pseudonym: MJ14 CommentsThis site has information on different computer languages and what is needed to interpret the language. I found it very interesting. It is short and informative. Pseudonym: azuherib7 CommentsThis website briefly describes the PIM's advantages over pen and paper; like allowing users to keep different types of data in one place and to access such data more easily. It also describes how they are very useful for business persons. Pseudonym: mcdeluca CommentsEnterprise application integration is the process that minimizes the problems that many types of applications, such as supply chain management, business intelligence, human resources and others have to communicate with each other. Pseudonym: mixologista CommentsThis website provides a really brief description on the two major categories of system software.It also provides the basic tasks of operating systems. Pseudonym: Mr.Anderson CommentsThis site details the first, second, and third generation programs in the paragraphs. It informs the reader of what a program is, how it works, and offers some videos about programs. Pseudonym: Chevy CommentsLots of information and history of Linux. Pseudonym: pas09 CommentsThe website gives an explanation of how machine language is defined and how it is used to interpret computer hardware. Pseudonym: muzikgerl CommentsThis website is a great resource for those of you that would like to learn the basics of the HTML coding language. It covers everything in chapter format with examples so that you can go ont o create your own web page. Pseudonym: dims87 CommentsThis site goes into to some more detail about what software licensing is and what to expect from it. It also provides some general information on disclaimers and responsible parties. Pseudonym: Zaz 3349 Comments55465456graegraaserg Pseudonym: nene Commentsnow a ii don't have doubts Pseudonym: KYALVAREZ CommentsA DEBUGGER IS TOOL THAT IS MOSTLY USED TO TRACK DOWN A PROBLEM IN THE COMPUTER THAT MAY BE DUE TO A BUG OR A CRASH. THE DEBUGGER WILL SHOW WHERE THE CRASH HAPPEN WITH A LINE IN SOME CASES. EVEN DO THE DEBUGGER IS AN EXCELELTN TOOL NOT ONLY TO FIND A PROBLEM BUT ALSO TO INSTALL A PROGRAM STEP BY STEP AND TO LOOK INTO A PROGRAM, ETC. THE BUGGER IS A GOOD TOOL BUT IT CAN NOT BE THAT ACCURATE. Pseudonym: ChickenSoup88 CommentsDuring class we briefly discussed what Linux entailed but I wanted to know what it was really about. This website goes into detail the complete history of Linux and how it got it's start. It's a very informative website especially if you want to know the history behind the new world of Linux. Pseudonym: State of mind CommentsOver time and with regular use, files and folders on your computer's hard drive break down or become fragmented. This can cause your system to run more slowly and to experience processing problems. Defragmenting your computer generally improves retrieval time and overall performance. Pseudonym: minermaniac CommentsInformation about java Pseudonym: aands CommentsThis website has a clear definition of programming language and also have links to any specific words that we'll have problem with. It also has a picture that helps us to understand the logic of the term. Pseudonym: Toby CommentsThis article is about computer program that manage and support the computer resourse in order to execute other tasks at the same time. Pseudonym: kaiosama Commentsthis website is a book that provides all the basic information to learn how to program using Java language Pseudonym: evoboy2 Commentsi thought that this page was great for the users of linux to have available. Pseudonym: cjordan Commentsgives the biography of Ada Augusta Lovelace, who wrote the first software program in 1833 Pseudonym: hotwheels17 Commentsa easy explication about the computer software Pseudonym: nd<3 CommentsThis website provides a brief summary on the history of java. Pseudonym: piojobersuitero CommentsThis website shows the different advantages that Linux offers for its users. Some of the advatages that are explained in the website are the low-cost, stability, performance, flexibility, and more. Besides,the website offer other links that help new users to know more about the Linux components and distribution. Pseudonym: Pvespa CommentsThis is an interesting website that shows you the evolution of graphical user interface (GUI's). The site explains how each was changing over the years and what new feature were being offereed to users. The page begins with the Apple 8010 Star which ran between 1981 and 1985 and shows everything that has developed to present day. Since there are so many different GUI's out there the page cannot show each and every one. Pseudonym: berserk Commentsdescribes what are the tools and what types of case environments there might be. Pseudonym: MsPrettyPink CommentsThis website provides more of an insight to what desktop publishing is which is very useful. Pseudonym: 7773 CommentsThis website provides a brief explanation about first generation language. It lacks detail though, not very informative. Pseudonym: redickrocks93 CommentsThis site gives a short description of all the different languages that are in use. Pseudonym: loxyproxy CommentsThis website is very useful in that it's fairly good at interpretting difficult IT lingo and language in a simple and easily understandable that most of us can feel more comfortable with. It also cleared up a lot of my confusion about the different between XML and HTML. Pseudonym: wisconsin88 CommentsThis is a site that explains what Javascript is and how to use it. Pseudonym: Lilithwasfirst CommentsGoes through the statistics for Linux users and even breaks it up by countries. Pseudonym: devastate44 CommentsThis website informs you who invented this language and how its used. Its easy to read and points out strengths and weaknesses about this language. Pseudonym: Redhot02 CommentsIBM created a language intended for scientists and engineers. This language is so powerful that it is also utilized by aeronautics and the military. Pseudonym: Pamachgri CommentsI like this web page but not everything because I feel that they will need more information and also more examples about it. Pseudonym: expectations CommentsThis article gives the definition and tells the benefits of working in groups. Pseudonym: ccopperpot3 Commentswebsite does not offer much info regarding the first 3 generations of software also provides info on how reverse engineering was utilized.. provides many links for more history or to explain more technical terms such as ASCII, MSDOS, etc. Pseudonym: Two4sun CommentsThis website has a timeline that focuses on the history of computer language. On this site they discuss only 50 of the languages. Also on this site is another link "The Language List" by Bill Kinnersley that lists 2500 computer languages. Pseudonym: aaharley CommentsThis is a guide to using Java, also has lessons on downloadable material Pseudonym: Calicokitty CommentsThis website explains how C programing works. The article is somewhat easy to read and follow. I like that it has graphics and not overly detailed. Pseudonym: lesmom CommentsGeneral information on computer software. Pseudonym: GlenCoco CommentsThis website had good visual aids of the ERD, along with good, straight to the point explanations of what makes up the ERD. Pseudonym: ABCDEFG21 CommentsThe website contains several information for the first generation of programming languages. Pseudonym: MrBull CommentsThe wikipedia entry for the history of the Unix Based Operating system which runs on the Mac, OS X. Probably a reason macs have become notorious for their stability... Pseudonym: Austina CommentsThis website tells about how software is making a break through in the medical field. I thought it was interesting to see how computer software speeds the process on diagnostic report wait time. Pseudonym: ipraya Commentsdescribes the term operating system and lists other pages on the Web where you can find additional information Pseudonym: maxcat CommentsI didnt like the website I felt it wasnt comprehensive enough, I wont use it in the future. Pseudonym: murfman CommentsI usually use wikipedia for definitonal purposes. This website served its purpose. I will use it again in the future. Pseudonym: CCLK CommentsThis website provides you with many definitions about operating systems, many quick links and what operating systems are out there. Pseudonym: llpr2101 CommentsComputer saftware is divided into patrs hardware and software, software using a programming languages, it represent a programs.Hardwarw would be tha body of the computer. Pseudonym: llpr2101 CommentsComputer saftware is divided into patrs hardware and software, software using a programming languages, it represent a programs.Hardwarw would be tha body of the computer. Pseudonym: Mr.IneedanA CommentsIn this amazing web page you will explore the history of computers with illustrations and much more. Pseudonym: First_Flight CommentsThe following website being reviewed is provided above. In my viewpoint, the webpage does what it says, shows the end-user how to defragment a disk, but in this specific situation – on a windows computer. There is even a video that provides the end-user with defragment specifics. I would recommend that the website provide audio tutorials and on-line support for any questions with the process. Pseudonym: tokioprincess CommentsThis website gives an overview and rating of the different operating systems available. This also hilight their features. Pseudonym: setnomleb CommentsThis website offers several articles on the history of software programs. Pseudonym: dcowboys0065 CommentsThis site gives a good explanation on what Frotran is, who invented frotran,and a bit on how it works. Pseudonym: Stx13b13 CommentsIt is a good webpage to find information on LINUX and how it differs to Microsoft. Pseudonym: Boomer CommentsBriefly describes operating systems and what Linux is. Pseudonym: @irvriv CommentsThis article describes the History and development of the "C" programming language and also gives basic examples of how the "C" programming code is written Pseudonym: MXM CommentsGives a history of how Linux operating systems was started and where it is going. Pseudonym: mxm CommentsProvides resources for LINUX operating systems users and updates. Pseudonym: violet Commentsthis page is very useful I highly recommended Pseudonym: Conse CommentsTimeline of general-purpose programming languages By Denis Sureau Selection criteria: A programming language enters the history if it has a compiler or an interpreter or if it has inspired other programming languages. New languages with innovative features are listed if we can produce programs in this langage. Pseudonym: @aorozco4 CommentsThis website is interesting because it give many different types of sofware and it also included an description of each one of them. Pseudonym: Good Luck 1 CommentsThis page contains an interested timeline of computer language development up through the end of 2009. Pseudonym: moddi CommentsThis link was very helpful in understanding one of the many, however the most used, programming languages to create programs which is Java. Its a good site that is also linked to how program languages work. Pseudonym: icefox_1 CommentsWebsite gives the reader a better understanding of what machine language consist of. Pseudonym: Love_girl CommentsIf you want to know how telecommunications has changed technology then you'll want to visit this site. It talks about how we depend on telecommunications and how it changed so quickly and became very competitive. Pseudonym: pjwero CommentsIn this webpage you find a definition, the history and the structure of the operating systems as well many things more about them. it shows a list of operating systems and a brief explanation about each one. Pseudonym: SJ313 CommentsThis website covers the basic definition of Software Licensing and also goes into detail about the different types of Software Licensing. Pseudonym: eeyore Commentsthe site gives a brief basic explination of that computer software consists of Pseudonym: FFSH CommentsLinux runs almost 15% of all serves and this site shows you an excellent timeline/examples of how it started growing and expanding. It is an operating systems that keeps growing and companies are moving into them slowly. Pseudonym: Mr.IneedanA CommentsThis web page offers an extensive time line of the evolution of computer programming languages. Pseudonym: yoski2 CommentsWebsite will answer any questions of lanuages for the computers. Pseudonym: Luscious CommentsThe webpage simply tells you what XML is. It also provides you general information about XML and how it can be used. Pseudonym: Timany CommentsThis website gives an overview of the different type of programming languages, such as BASIC, C, C+, COBOL, FORTAN, Ada, and Pascal. Pseudonym: tigris1004 CommentsThis website has alot of information about disk defragmentation and software you can purchase for use in your home or business. Pseudonym: HGS CommentsIn this article it gives a discription of the benefits from using a desktop publisher over a regular word processor. The article also analyzes top desktop publishers available from Adobe, Quark, and Corel. Pseudonym: pfc freda CommentsThis site gives an overview of the elements necessary to program a language in a computer. Pseudonym: marieM CommentsThis website gives you a brief history, features, and samples of Fortran Pseudonym: charms21 CommentsI liked this website because it gave a general explanation of an operating system and also listed several different operating systems and also gave the opportunity to go into different OS to see commonly asked questions about that operating system. It was very helpful. Pseudonym: Shogun CommentsMachine languages are the only languages understood by computers which are programmed in terms of assembly languages to carry out a specific function. Pseudonym: rosebud CommentsThe article places the evolution of software to date in the context of a unified theory to project where we are headed into the future. Pseudonym: sunset38 CommentsGood reference site, takes you to other other sites to learn more about each language. Pseudonym: 1224 CommentsThis web site is very useful for giving you information about the history of Java programming. Pseudonym: MissBurberry CommentsThis a cool website that gives students discounts. students in college, k12, homeschooled, etc. Pseudonym: wulfra Commentsis very interesting because knoe i now how the binary code works Pseudonym: rayadita Commentsquick explanition of software Pseudonym: acs_moon Commentsthis is a site presenting microsoft office 2010 Pseudonym: Monk CommentsThis is the work of Trygve Reenskaug, who has developed a new programing language which combines aspects of the third and fourth generation languages to create a new one. The new language is called BabyUML and it allows a more user friendly interface between people and software. Pseudonym: noclasstoday Commentsthis site gives descriptions of what AI can be used for and how its applied to every day use Pseudonym: emmy21 CommentsNeat compiler which automatically identifies what cpu its running on and chooses its own path to follow. Pseudonym: luchoMD CommentsWow i just wasted my couple minutes taking in non-useful information on the MacsBug. It has important info for all the apple users who waste their extra cash on computers. I guess they want to fit in? Pseudonym: recardenas2 CommentsLotus was created by IBM and this link provides lots of information about Lotus and how it can drive better business outcomes through smaller collaboration. Pseudonym: Fili19 CommentsIt contains a well definition as well as a whole explanation of what third generation is and how does it work. I really liked it because it is really complete and made my understaning better about this subject. Pseudonym: hilda1984 CommentsBusinesses use computer software to facilitate their job. I did like these website because it can help you too, for me it will help me to create a agenda and keep in order everything I need to do every day. Pseudonym: philla_31 Commentsvery interesting article. the costs to fix software bug can be extremely high. Pseudonym: Rex CommentsThis article is about the evolution on UNIX to date; it began in 1969; Ken Thompson, Dennis Richie and others started working on the "little-used PDP-7 in a corner" at Bell Labs and what was to become UNIX. Talks about how AT&T sold it to Novell in 1993. Pseudonym: playflea CommentsThis article talks about how first generation programmers evolved dramatically and leaving behind hardware, playing a catch-up game. Pseudonym: Tiburon CommentsMore about Operating System(OS) Pseudonym: 10311962 CommentsThis site talks more about web programing languages and gives more detail about each type of language and how these work. Pseudonym: butzloffrost CommentsThis website offers an overview of how computer programs interact with the hardware of the computer via flow control, bits, control structures and pseudocode. It also covers the basic sampling of JAVA and C++. I would recommend this site to anyone who is interested in learning how language and flow control interact with computers. Pseudonym: Mgonzalez44 CommentsDescription of what is HTML, how it works, and other common questions regarding to HTML Pseudonym: Mgonzalez44 CommentsDescription of what is HTML, how it works, and other common questions regarding to HTML Pseudonym: afdavila CommentsThis website shows distinctive qualities of different kinds of software with historical perspective. Pseudonym: jess_rocha24 CommentsI think this website is very interesting because it shows the history and evolution of the software, lists the different types of software that have existed, as well as display a timeline of programming language. Pseudonym: darij CommentsEverything about operating system Pseudonym: arrenteria CommentsThis site explains everything related to software. It defines it as "the programs used by computers and other programs containing logic circuitry". It also mentions something about programs, and some history of the software. Pseudonym: mmoreno17 CommentsBrief description of basic concepts. Interesting definition of language programming and debugging which we saw in class. Pseudonym: utrebor CommentsPhotoshop I found is an example of desktop publication Pseudonym: anolivas2 CommentsThe explanation of software licensing and the legal ramifications. Pseudonym: nikki3742 CommentsThis site is sort of an online version of "Computers for Dummies". Not only does it explain software and what it is, what it does and what it is for, it shows pictures to make sure that a person can read it, look at the picture and really understand what the software is. It also shows what to do and what not to do in terms of installing operating software, etc. Pseudonym: erickestrada Commentsit is a wikipedia definition of an operating system Pseudonym: Robocop CommentsProvides an insight on Linux OS and its benefits, from being free to comparisons with other major OS systems and compatibility. Pseudonym: ajan05 Commentsthe site gives a god example of what a software is and what it does Pseudonym: zexar CommentsGives a little but precise explanation about the operating systems, and how linux started and why is growing so fast Pseudonym: despino Commentssite talks about the differnet types of programming languages and what you can do with them Pseudonym: eclipsegst CommentsVery helpful site. Many examples of what programming language means and how it is used to create programs that control the behavior of a machine. Pseudonym: prijl1226 CommentsDescription of various programming languages. Pseudonym: rmartinez2007 CommentsThis website is very useful because it give a very descriptive defenition about what software is. Pseudonym: oleyva4 CommentsThe page was self explanatory. Pseudonym: thedude89 CommentsThis is the Ubuntu operating system website. Ubuntu is a Linux based operating system that is free to the public. Pseudonym: Ximmy CommentsThis webpage gives you a brief definition of what software is. It also mentions 6 types of softwares and gives the definition of each one. I liked the link becasue it explains each of them and it helped me understand what we went over today in class. Pseudonym: dog22 CommentsVery informative, gave be a better idea as to what an application service provider is. Pseudonym: jatm CommentsIt provides easy to understand techniques of debugging Pseudonym: endosmag Commentsif you have douts about what is the programing language you must check it out this site. It explain very well what a programming language is. Pseudonym: fjteran Commentsthe site is very interesting although it is a little short in content but it gives a broad focus about all the programing languages it describes some of them and it is easy to understand it Pseudonym: zizu Commentsthis link is about the description and characteristics of different types of software such as: programming, system, application, inventory management, utility, data backup, and recovery software. Pseudonym: es ar tee pt CommentsOne of the oldest languages in the history of computing. Pseudonym: peter Commentsexplains in detail and gives examples of machine language Pseudonym: Ida CommentsThis webpage is about the different programming languages that exist. It helps you to understand better the differences between them. Pseudonym: evaldepenas CommentsI liked this site because it explains in an easy way all about operating systems, from what is an operating system to the different operating systems that are now. Also, this information is very helpful if we want to know more about the details of an operating system. Pseudonym: devilray CommentsComplete information and resources for the Linux Operating System. Great site information, downloads and support Pseudonym: nguerrero2 CommentsThis article explains the flexible small business software within Microsoft. Pseudonym: chachy Commentsthis site informs you on the basic meaning and usage of computer sofware. Pseudonym: mdruiz_airam Commentsis under utep library data base Pseudonym: zephyrus CommentsThis article was very interesting. It talked about how computers have changed through generations. The fact that caught my interest was that a typical home computer can perform a few thousand arithmetic operations per second. While the Cray 2 over a billion arithmetic operations per second. Pseudonym: nessa!13 Commentsi alwasy knew that it was not legal to copy dvds for example but i didnt know when u bought them it was like u werent really buying the movie but the permision to waatch it. so this website explains more the rules on diffirent softwear licensing and how they know that you are breaking the law. Pseudonym: mayb Commentsit is a brief description of what is the first generation programmer about. Pseudonym: tany89 CommentsExplains in details how C++ works, its history and the applications that it has in todays world Pseudonym: Carita9 CommentsLinux is used for free and open source software. It can also be installed in in a large variety of computer hardware. Pseudonym: monster Commentsreally good in describing how the email started and is today Pseudonym: Woody CommentsThe website explains how Linux came to be and how even though it is not as user friendly as Microsoft Windows or Mac, it is an efficient and reliable operating system. Pseudonym: celecampos CommentsThe website provided some useful information into the purpose of programming languages and their features and elements. Pseudonym: emduarte CommentsIt's an articule by Mohamad Johan Bin Mohd. Nasir about the generations of programming language Pseudonym: aamarr CommentsThis site gives a brief description of the programming languages that are still being used today. Squeak, Scheme and Java are just a few examples of the languages described. Pseudonym: thebluecar CommentsA specific definition to what computer software is and defines the 'how to' Pseudonym: Tania Deyanira CommentsThis website talks about the GNU Operating System and the GNU/LINUX Operating System. It also describes "free software." Pseudonym: binnie333 CommentsThis website is very in depth and covers alot of material on the FORTRAN language Pseudonym: Elsa CommentsThis article talks about the different types of softwares and there are divide it in three categories depends the use of people give to the software. Pseudonym: mespi CommentsThe five generations of computers are changing but for a positive way becuase it made more access for the people to get one. Pseudonym: Louis Vuitton CommentsThis article talks about the growth of ASP's and their contribution to business. Pseudonym: Guess CommentsThis web site gives a good explanation of the definition of computer software. Pseudonym: ra7opez Commentsthis software is said to be a partnership of free software community around the globe which builds open software communities and produces a linux distribution, this is called fedora Pseudonym: chuyo CommentsOn this web page I found most of the subjects that I am interested on. Wikipedia says most of the information that I need to make a research Pseudonym: cpavilar CommentsThis is an interesting website that gives an insight on how the second generation language got started. Pseudonym: Bigrod CommentsThis is a well organized website about GNU software. Pseudonym: mariqis CommentsThe information of the website is good, it explains very shortly the objectives and some about the history of the CASE. It really helps me to better understand primarly the fuctions of CASE as a tool. Pseudonym: Florencia CommentsDefines instant Messaging and talks about the history and how instant messaging came about. It talks about how messaging has evolved since its creation. Included is also a list of messaging language, such as BRB or TTYL Pseudonym: yamel Commentsgives a good classification of generational languages Pseudonym: Peque467 CommentsThis document was very useful because it explained when FORTRAN was created and who was implicated in this project. It gave an example where it described what a certain column meant as well as its characters. Not only that, but it also included a list of chronological dates clarifying the invention of a new FORTRAN along with the differences between the previous ones. Pseudonym: fernandoduarte CommentsThis website defines system programming language and gives examples of it. Pseudonym: lizita CommentsI like the way they explained software implementation and it said taht is the final, and most involved, step in IMEC’s 4-step approach to Information System Optimization Pseudonym: ancy CommentsThis page gives a very detail definition of computer software. It helps to understand the different types of software there are, the system, programming and its applications. This page can be also used as a helpful tool for the reader to understand better the meaning of software. Pseudonym: jenny18915 CommentsThis website provides an overview of XML and compares it to HTML. It is neatly structured, which allows for a clear understanding of the topic. Pseudonym: ai1102 CommentsThis is a good guide to know the basics on JAva and XML Language, it includes a tutorial to generate XML. Pseudonym: superman CommentsThe site contains information on different kinds of computer languages. It is a very useful website if considering using this languages because it also provides links to other resources. Pseudonym: june29 CommentsI think that this site was not very useful to me because it had the gist of its own languages in its programming. Pseudonym: ezekiel CommentsWikipedia can give you a exactly definition about you are looking for. Pseudonym: Deseo41 CommentsI chose this website because it gives you information about Java, as well as the different products they offer. It was pretty insightful because I didn't really know what Java was about but reading about it was actually interesting. Pseudonym: psoto5 CommentsHistory of third generation computer language. Third generation computer languages are the major means of communication between the digital computer and its user. Pseudonym: Pnjr CommentsAfter much speculation, Google anounces its Televesion platform. With this software "tv meet web, web meets tv". It is amazing how fast technology and the various softwares are advancing. Pseudonym: aguillen4 Commentsthis page talks about the diferent computer systems it doest specialize in subjects we covered in class but is the web page that has the best information... that i found i think it does explains probably specified more on computer side... Pseudonym: raulalexjoey CommentsAida Lovelace was truly a woman before her time! It's awesome to read about another woman who had a HUGE impact on the birth of computer programming. Her early childhood was extremely sad; overwhelming at times. It seems as if her solitude and the hours of endless tutoring sessions, paid off; a huge price to pay for her, but her knowledge and dedication will linger on for generations to come! Pseudonym: mdruiz_airam Commentsis a data base under the UTEP Library Pseudonym: ezekiel CommentsComputer software is a concept that you have to understand perfectly so that's why i just found it out on wikipedia Pseudonym: ssotelo2 CommentsVery informative article on the many benefits of knowing a handful of compuuter languages and a list of top programming languages to add to your resume. Pseudonym: ewheelz08 CommentsThis document really summaries in a brief and consice matter what software really is. Furthermore, this passage is an easy read. Pseudonym: bettyb00p Commentsshort description of only first generation programming but with a very simple language easy to understand Pseudonym: erjem89 CommentsThis website gives an summary of how computer software can be essentially divided into 3 main groups. Pseudonym: Duccis CommentsBroad Information about MSN instant messaging, Email, Http...etc Pseudonym: Tyson CommentsI have used linux before, but was always curious to get more information on the operating system. This article described how open-source software can be freely distributed and modified. Most software EULA require that no modifications be done. I am convinced that Linux is a little more stable than what I originally anticipated. Pseudonym: jrn1382 Commentsgood site that gives the chronological order of the programming languages Pseudonym: Hollywood CommentsThe reference gives an overview of the different types of languages involved in processing, interpreting, and used within computer softwares. Pseudonym: fox12rider CommentsChapter 4 is about the introduction into software and software programming. One concept of this computer programming languages. The site I provided contains all the different types of programming languages available. It provides a lot of relevant information for the software topic. Pseudonym: Air Jordan CommentsI thought the author of the text used great examples to describe interpreted language. Pseudonym: Jollyngo CommentsThe Contents of this page are Definition, System and application software, Users see three layers of software, Software in operation, Software creation, Software patents, Related articles... Good Information! Pseudonym: Shina CommentsIt is very complete. The webpage talks about object-oriented languages, functional programming languages, logic programming languages, transformation languges, text-formating languges, XML related languges, and more Pseudonym: ange1 CommentsSymbolic assembly codes came next in the mid 1950's, the second generation of programming language like AUTOCODER, SAP and SPS. Symbolic addresses allowed programmers to represent memory locations, variables and instructions with names. Programmers now had the flexibility not to change the addresses for new locations of variables whenever they are modified. Pseudonym: pichu Commentsgood description, and easy to read Pseudonym: Tom Brady Commentsit gives a good explanation on what software is and easy to understand Pseudonym: Changoleon Commentsreally good!!! Pseudonym: Betty Boop CommentsThis website provides a list of programming languages, most of them have links with more information about each. Pseudonym: olak2934 CommentsIt speaks about how to choose the best software for your computer. Pseudonym: alix7 CommentsThis site offers a description of a big hand of application software. Such software has as a main purpose that of helping people. Pseudonym: Mickey Mouse CommentsThe website explains what programming language is and how it works. It also gives some examples of programming languages, what were the traditional programming languages and which one are in use now. Pseudonym: Damar CommentsThis website can help you to resolve any doubt or question that you have about computer software's, it also provide a list of related topics where you can find additional information about software's. Pseudonym: zhiio.26 CommentsThis website provides an extensive and well-explained definition about what computer software means and what are the responsibilities of the software in a computer system Pseudonym: SHOPAHOLIC CommentsEXPLAINS DIFFERENT TYPES OF SOFTWARE THAT THERE IS. Pseudonym: Ricardo CommentsThis web site introduces web programming languages, it gives you the different characteristics these have, and it lists the different languages and interfaces it exist today in great detail. Pseudonym: haaa CommentsThis is a Q&A, that answer brifely about what is software, and it gives people some good idea about software Pseudonym: dmart Commentsthis webpage is like a summary of chapter 4 content. it is useful to help you go through the main points and important concepts and actually expand into whatever concept you did not have clear. very usefull Pseudonym: evylia CommentsI choose this publication because it goes more deep in the programming language topic. It contain more about the elements, design and implementation, usage, taxonomy and not just focus on the history or in the past generations of programming languages. Pseudonym: poseidon316 CommentsThe website is very insightful in explaining what the term "machine language" means. Pseudonym: nanis CommentsIn this website you can learn abour the different programming languages including FORTRAN, Pascal, high-level language, assembly language, machine language, etc.. Explaining that each language has a 'unique setof keywords'. It also explains why machine language is easier to program than assembly language. It also give a brief description of fourth generation languages. Pseudonym: taxxygirl CommentsThe writer of this article really does not seem to care for COTS, it was a thoughtfully written article. Pseudonym: BereM89 CommentsThe article "XML History and Information" gives some information about the XML history and explain the use of XML in a document, and then it also explains the differences that would exist if you use XML and HTML. Pseudonym: Majik8fx CommentsAn in depth analysis on the functions of 5th Generation Languages. It describes how it does not use the separate codes to perform functions but rather uses certain limited conditions to perform those functions. Pseudonym: holydio58 Commentsin this page you can find the latest software products! Pseudonym: Shadowmyst CommentsGives a brief definition of each of the 5 different computer generation languages. Also provides links to some of the words used to describe like "low-level language" so that you can get a more indepth description. Pseudonym: Buttons CommentsThis URL takes you to the beginning of many sections covering HTML. The first section covers an introduction to HTML. It covers what HTML is, HTML tags, HTML documents, and it provides examples of each. Without even knowing I had previously worked with HTML on a social network called MySpace, and I realized that through this website. The examples shown were similar to the HTML on MySpace. This website also covers the basic meaning of HTML which is Hyper Text Markup Language. Pseudonym: Purple05 CommentsIt basically tells you everything about Java. Starting with what is it, then its history, the practices such as the platform, also about applet. It also gives you examples, which i thought it was nice, because you get a visual picture of how it looks. Pseudonym: Milan CommentsThis page has quick links to other related subjects from this chapter. Pseudonym: xpicti77 CommentsThis is a very simple operating system to use. It is an open operating system. This helps in the development of a reliable system. Pseudonym: Carina CommentsThis webpage contains very good and accurate information about what elements are part of a computer software, it gives several examples of softwares and a brief history. It also talks about the 3 major classes of software, which are: system, programming, and application. Pseudonym: kite22 CommentsComputer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) tools offer many benefits for developers building large-scale systems. As spiralling user requirements continue to drive system complexity to new levels, CASE tools enable software engineers to abstract away from the entanglement of source code, to a level where architecture and design become more apparent and easier to understand and modify. Pseudonym: 1lpcanales CommentsComputer software is most commonly created by computer programmers using a programming language Pseudonym: Student4 CommentsThis website gave me a quick idea as to what HTML acutally consists of. Pseudonym: viggo010 Commentsthe page explains you how to program on html Pseudonym: radioactive Commentsgives a description about the different types of softwares Pseudonym: Blanka CommentsEach generation of computers is characterized by major technological development. With each new generation, the circuitry has gotten smaller and more advanced than the previous generation before it. Pseudonym: QMB2010 CommentsThis article talks a little more in depth about the programming language generations and how they have evolved since the early 1950's. Pseudonym: mglh CommentsThis website describes exactly what C++ is, and it also gives you links to related pages. Pseudonym: K. C. Browndog CommentsGives a good general description of computer software and all its different components. Pseudonym: won CommentsContains a very good time-line Pseudonym: The Fox CommentsAn easy read explaining how java works. Pseudonym: Tesla CommentsThis website show a lists of all kinds of different software anywhere from games to operating programs. Pseudonym: batrueba CommentsA hard drive is essential for storing your system's data, including the operation system software. Hard drives are extremely sensitive devices and prone to failure, so get your hard drives from respected brands like Seagate, Maxtor and IBM. Pseudonym: sfbaker CommentsA great, more detailed look at groupware. Pseudonym: blah74 CommentsThis website goes into detail about the creation of Linux and about the goals of the GNU licensing project. Pseudonym: muchThanMore CommentsInteresting look at services that oracle can provide, their company goals, and their standards for database structures. Pseudonym: cosmic Commentsthis website lets you download ceritain applications or software Pseudonym: Dance21 CommentsVery descriptive website. It always gives you a definition for what you're looking. Pseudonym: jrodr655 Commentsgives a brief summary of every program and the time added Pseudonym: Greek Goddess CommentsGives us detailed information about Java and it's functions. Pseudonym: Betty CommentsSoftware referred to computer programs and to the data the programs used. It could also refer to any data that existed in digital format, such as photos or documents, Softwares includes menus, buttons, and other control objects. The software include: Application software, middleware,programming, language, system software, testware, firmware,device drivers, and programming tools. Pseudonym: egmzlh CommentsIn the website, it states that Java was introduced in 1995. The men who started the Java project were James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton in 1991. Pseudonym: ilivac Commentsit explains briefly what computer software is Pseudonym: apeguo CommentsIt is a webpage that plainly explains what is a computer software and all its characteristics. Pseudonym: AirenRenal CommentsI liked to see the history behind our navigation over the internet Pseudonym: RINCON CommentsMr. Muchmore provides an excellent review of Microsoft's latest browser, still in the beta phase, Internet Explorer 9. After installing IE9 myself, I have to agree with Michael's impression of a more agile and aesthetically appealing interface. While the beta version of IE9 is showing great potential, he points out that it lags, in his opinion, the speed of Google’s Chrome browser with respect to Java Scripting and the newer standard of HTML5. I was quite impressed reading the many options IE9 is providing for customization, not to mention the performance with GPU rendering-I’ve been waiting awhile for this option. The option to pin your favorite sites to your Windows 7 taskbar really does make this browser feel more like a lightweight application. Good article, much better browser. Pseudonym: paris123 Commentspretty good explanation of different types of software programs Pseudonym: malasinfonia Commentsesay read Pseudonym: liltweetaf CommentsI was quite interested in this particular subject and this page gave me a little more insight as to what process occurs. Personally I love to organize everything, even things on my desktop and computer so this actually gave me some more insight for another item I can you when I'm keeping track of things. Pseudonym: ceapod1015 CommentsVery short, choppy in of Computer Software information. I didn't enjoy it. Pseudonym: hello kitty Commentsits an article from Mary Bellis but it is more like an advertisement not of lot of information but it has links to other sites Pseudonym: RO CommentsThis article is about the program languages commonly used today. It gives several examples and descriptions about them. Pseudonym: basketball CommentsMore information on First Generation Programming Pseudonym: pipo Commentsgives a description of the level languages, and how they work. Pseudonym: pipo Commentsits, great to know about the theme . Pseudonym: pipo Commentsa great resume, about a system software. Pseudonym: pipo Commentsi like , the document summary the make. about this system. Pseudonym: omgcisroxors CommentsJust thought Grace Hopper was a very interesting lady and she created the first computer compiler (COBOL). Pseudonym: TooTall CommentsGives short descriptions on each generation. Very easy to read. Pseudonym: shelly CommentsGives really short descriptions of the different kinds of application software. Pseudonym: firebrand5 CommentsLinux in conjunction with the Yeoman Technology group did an invitation only survey of more than 1900 individuals. The survey was to get a better view of how Linux was growing and expanding in the marketplace. In the survey, the Linux Foundation found that about 80% of the companies surveyed said that they will be adding more Linux operating systems compared to other operating systems in the next five years. The survey also indicated that CIO's are seeing Linux as becoming more strategic to their organizations. There were many other aspects included in the survey about Linux and how it is doing in many areas. Very interesting survey results. Pseudonym: Dino-Might!! CommentsBiography on Ada Lovelace Pseudonym: Dino-Might!! CommentsAn informantion managment proffessionals take on the role of relational databases Pseudonym: ram9849 Commentsgood background information on Java. Pseudonym: PoxFlaza CommentsThis website has a timeline of different years and the invotations that occured during those years. Pseudonym: DBMS21 CommentsIndex to all different WIKI pages for programing languages Pseudonym: cade136 CommentsInteresting site with info about 5th generation languages Pseudonym: fceleste11 CommentsThis website is all about distinguishing computer software from computer hardware. I like it cause it gives you the different types of softwares and what they do. Pseudonym: psych CommentsThis web page is about what is defragmenting hard drive mean and how to do it on your computer. Pseudonym: jcfan CommentsNot very interesting. Pseudonym: lifeisgood CommentsIt is nice to know the evolution of the computers and make me curious how the computers will be in 50 years from now. Pseudonym: El Matador CommentsThis site involves the basic explanation on what is computer system. Pseudonym: orange_shoes CommentsThis site is about how you can improve your computer software Pseudonym: 60cougars Commentsthis site just talks about the history of computer programming and its pretty helpful Pseudonym: arizona CommentsSoftware has now been described as the most important tool to our daily lifes. Pseudonym: valuri CommentsIn this site they posted a very detailed explanation of the history of the third generations of the computers. Pseudonym: Vjbarron CommentsThis is an excellent source for a java tutorial on object oriented programming concepts. Pseudonym: J&M CommentsIt show us how operating system works and how the computer hardware provides services qand how the computer runs. Pseudonym: NO LIMIT CommentsTHIS EXPLAINS HOW MACHINE LANGUAGE IS INPUT INTO THE WEBSITES CREATING COMMANDS WHICH I THOUGHT WAS 0 AND 1 BUT ITS MORE COMPLEX. Pseudonym: juarg921 CommentsGives a really cool timeline that lets you picture the history Pseudonym: D&j CommentsCASE can be defined as the scientific application of a set of tools and methods to a software system which is meant to result in high-quality, defect-free, and maintainable software product. Pseudonym: hambueger Commentsthe website provided information on actual inventors and where they worked for. Pseudonym: swimming89 CommentsI like this web site because it makes the concept ‘software’ much easier to understand. Pseudonym: churchill CommentsLists many programing language links, each of which define that particular prog. lang. good site but some links dont work. Pseudonym: Tarantino CommentsThis link is more of a slide then an article about how Linux got started, which includes pictures amongst many other things. Tells us how Linus Torvalds a Finnish university student started it all out. How it came about that the penguin (the mascot) came about. From there it goes into detail about "open source"; how anybody can redistribute the program or sell it. This article gives us information that was not mentioned on the slides, like fun facts based on the LINUX. Pseudonym: Aria CommentsCOTS products are designed to be easily installed and to interoperate with existing system components Pseudonym: Bruce Wayne CommentsProvides useful information on computer languages and several links to similar websites. Pseudonym: amadeus Commentsit explains the difference between hardware and software and simplifies its meanings. Pseudonym: cosmo CommentsThis web page has a complete lecture about computer software, the lecture is very complete and has each concept developed and explained, it has almost the same information from class lecture and it has a little bit more detailed information. Pseudonym: Clara4 CommentsThis article is about programming languages which is the artificial language designed to express computations that can be performed by a machine, particularly a computer. It also gives us the elements which are Syntax ,Semantics, Static semantics ,Dynamic semantics, Type system, Typed versus untyped languages Static versus dynamic typing, Weak and strong typing, Standard library and run-time system. It also explains the design and implementation, the usage, and the history. This is a good website for those who want to learn more on programming language. Pseudonym: Jesse James CommentsThis a really interesting video about a system called CAMBO and how AI is becoming a focus in much of the 5th generation programming and software. Pseudonym: black&pink CommentsKind of long, but is fun to read. It starts on how Linus Torvald bought his first laptop and how quickly he was dissatisfied with the program that he created his own operating system called the minix, just for fun, he allowed people to use it for free and give feedbakc and later on, it turned to be the Linux. Of course it also includes his biography, growing up and all, but if you scroll down to "The Birth of Linux" you will find what I just mentioned above =) Pseudonym: yaibon CommentsComputer software has come a long way since the 1980s Pseudonym: jdrummer23 CommentsTell a little about what groupware is and how it works Pseudonym: Pacman CommentsThe website gives details of how Linux was created and its history of its creators, and how it works. It explains how the system works and how it’s the only free operating system in the market, but only a few people actually put it on their PC’s. Linux is a multipurpose system and can be adapted for any use. The only problem with the system is the time needed to switch the operating system and all its software needed to download. Pseudonym: Sherrera3 CommentsBetween the years of 1981-2009 this site gives a summary of some of the GUI's released and each of their functions. Pseudonym: alesi24 CommentsIt describes the duties and performances that that software engineers and computer programmers must accomplish to set computers software in an established setting and manageable for all to use. Pseudonym: dejavu_08 CommentsA debugger is a computer program that is utilized by subsequent programs to give an idea about execution. This website was interesting to come across with because it gave a whole different perspective on the idea, and I was able to learn that debuggers may allow individuals to make changes to already running programs, and even control them. Pseudonym: Doddo CommentsWell, since I have knowledge of computer I wondered what about Linux. I heard sometimes that it was a free software where all people share programs and so on. In other words, I understood that each person improves the program. Well, I found this articles about Linux's history. I think; it is interesting. The article gives detailed explanation about the begging of the company and its status nowadays. Pseudonym: Timbo Slice CommentsFourth Generation Language is more advanced that third generation, yet it's still a mix of third and fourth level languages. It is any computer language not requiring "input-process-output" logic, yet uses english-like commands. Many are activated by clicking and dragging in graphical interfaces. Pseudonym: bambino CommentsProvides information and access to many different Linux updates Pseudonym: babas16 Commentssoftware are programs that tell the computer what to do and how to do it. in comparision wirh hardware, software is intangible meaning it can not be touch. software is a set of programs,documentations and algorithms. Pseudonym: magui101 CommentsThis website is a great resource for students would like to learn the basics of the HTML coding language. All this material covers everything in chapter format with examples so that you can go on to create your own web page. Pseudonym: Lolita CommentsThis page is part of the official website for the GNU Project. It provides thorough information about the project, as well as an overview of the history of the project. Very interesting if you want to learn about a different type of free operating system. Pseudonym: dcbfan04 CommentsThis online encyclopedia article gives an extensive outlook to what Middleware is and its functions. Pseudonym: yisuarez CommentsLinux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License. Pseudonym: Kalia CommentsI like how they break it down so even a young child will understand what they are saying. I now know that hardware is the stuff you can actually see and touch. Pseudonym: Coe CommentsLanguage levels for machines, which includes a chart with each level. Pseudonym: Coe CommentsIt gives you the different levels for machine languages, which includes a table. Pseudonym: Lady Jane CommentsThe wedsite definition of Linux is an open source version of the UNIX operating system. The information was Short clear and helpful. Pseudonym: Eli CommentsIN this websites it describes how program languages are use to write applications programs. Pseudonym: TxBond72 CommentsShows how a company actually uses the software implementation Pseudonym: TAGH05 CommentsThis is a short biography of Ada Augusta Lovelace. It introduces how she was born without a father and her mother tried very hard to involve her in math; this was to prevent Ada from becoming a poet like her father. In 1833 when she was only 17 she met a scientist Charles Babbage. After this is when they worked together to develop a new project that was supported by the French. Ada died of cancer in 1852 at the age of 37. Pseudonym: peace CommentsIt is a updated source for computer software! Pseudonym: novpiece24 Commentsinformation on the history of computer software/hardware Pseudonym: Batman CommentsI like that the website shows the evolution of software. I think it is interesting that the changes were well documented. Pseudonym: papayon CommentsThis website gives a very well explained history of the OS Linux Pseudonym: static69 CommentsGood website to see all the major types of software and what they are commonly used for. Pseudonym: 100percent CommentsSoftware developers are true to their philosophy of free (as in freedom) software, by giving it away license free. They ask in return, if you're a programmer, to please contribute your grain of sand in the project, as it is still work in progress. Pseudonym: Sethrc_2000 Commentsit was insightfull Pseudonym: erikemt CommentsThis webpage explains why machine languages are the only languages understood by computers. Pseudonym: cocktail CommentsThe main object of real-time operating systems is their quick and predictable response to events Pseudonym: Bittersweet Commentsit's very helpful, and interesting Pseudonym: TAC-04 Commentsthe webpage provides an explanation of different types of computer software and some detail about the history of computer software development Pseudonym: ketchup 452 CommentsIt was practical and simple explanation on computer software. Pseudonym: sal Commentsbriefly explains the general idea of the levels of programming language Pseudonym: GaGaGalore Commentsinteresting Pseudonym: BettyLove CommentsThis website gives a brief description of the history of the World Wide Web, to include Java. It tells where how it came about and where it is today. Pseudonym: Eris CommentsA comprehensive summary of programming languages from it's vague beginnings in 1890s census to the modern applications of today. Details the evolution of programming languages by decade. Pseudonym: dism CommentsThis page is very interesting because it explains the circuits of the genetation programmers Pseudonym: candycandy Commentsit explains what we learn in class and in the slides more in detail Pseudonym: celticfan1 CommentsGood website, gives an overview of computer software. Pseudonym: blue CommentsA fourth-generation programming language (1970s-1990) (abbreviated 4GL) is a programming language or programming environment designed with a specific purpose in mind, such as the development of commercial business software. Pseudonym: Chikis17 CommentsIt explains what is a software and it gives you an example of where can you find it. Pseudonym: 007cupcake Commentsthere was very little information about our first programer, so i went out to find out more about what exactly it was she first programed. Pseudonym: superman1124 CommentsJava is everywhere online, and it improves the availability of accessing websites on my computer and my iphone. so i was interested in learning a little more about it. Pseudonym: MikeyAM CommentsThis website talks about the different languages used in different computer softwares. Pseudonym: TheCoolest CommentsThis is a great, easy-to-understand definition and example of virtual memory. Pseudonym: It_G.O.D CommentsSince 1992, Groupware Technology has been committed to our customers’ enduring success. We don’t believe you’ll find a more responsive and dedicated partner. Pseudonym: smestrada3 CommentsThis webpage appointed the basic differences between integrated and/or software suites Pseudonym: NICHOLIN CommentsI liked this website because it explains the nature of computer software and how it works in the work place. I like the fact that it goes into a bit of detail when it comes in the work place. Pseudonym: Lulu! CommentsSoftware systems are divided into three main catagories: System software, programming software, and application software. System software provides the basic functions for computer usage such as window system.Programing systems allow for tools that assist in the writing of computers. Finally, application systems is to aid with any task benefits from computation including the internet browser. Pseudonym: idoneus CommentsIt gives a thorough explanation on how second generation programming language works. It's simple to read and facilitates comprehension about the subject. Pseudonym: sdominguez9 Commentsthis page shows and gives an explanation of each kind of programming language. Also you can know that there are a lot of these and where do you can find them. Pseudonym: BellA CommentsThis Article is talking about the future in which Data Resource managment and they dont think there is much. As you need people to know how to read all the data that is recorded to better their service. Pseudonym: tesla CommentsThis website shows an article written to describe the new fifth genereations programming languages that exists now days. Pseudonym: GAMR Commentsgood for refrece when looking for defenition Pseudonym: la peque Commentsthis webside is very complete about waht it is a computer software. explain very well about a computer software. what is a software, the systems of the software, and application. also software in operation as software creation too. Pseudonym: gcastrellon CommentsWell, i tried to find different pages which would explain to me what a computer software was but all i found were websites trying to sell their different computer softwares. So regarding information wikipedia was the best definition of what a computer software is Pseudonym: 1234 CommentsThis review will help to study for the exam. It covers vocabulary and the important parts of computer software. Pseudonym: Azeliz CommentsThis is a wikipedia page on the Linux OS, but I still found it useful in learning more about it. Pseudonym: the_situation CommentsThe article highlights how making and installing software is now as friendly to use as as a cell phone, making big strides forwards toward making computers accessible to even the most novice users. Pseudonym: sdavid Commentsthis articule explain the true of the real software Pseudonym: MikeyAM CommentsVarious types of computer software are used to simplify the operations and applications of computer programs. Computer software enables the computer system to perform in accordance with the given tasks Pseudonym: Afrodita CommentsThe author compares software engineering with an idea that has come and gone. Software engineering include specific disciplines like defined process, inspections, and walkthroughs, requirements engineering, traceability matrices, metrics, precise quality control, rigorous planning and tracking, and coding and documentation standards. For the past 40years, software developers have pushed hard to finish software projects on time and on budget. However, this is not the primary objective at the time of doing software. Its primary objective is to developed software that transform a company . The development of the software is experimental and it will always be. Pseudonym: linux07ster Commentsdebuggers are not a perfect substitute for logically understanding code Pseudonym: Goku CommentsThis is a very specific and informative website. Its very usefull. Pseudonym: fashion CommentsI know understand how computer softwares function i have a clear vision of they can be approach and what they are used for. Pseudonym: mid[MAN]dle'87 Commentseasy to access information in the website Pseudonym: soldaditodpomo CommentsIt’s a good article to learn more about the new way to store data on virtual hard drives Pseudonym: da_real_deal CommentsThoroughly defines what a computer software is. It took me a couple of read throughs for me to understand, and with the help of the slides, I was able to fully comprehend this chapter. Pseudonym: cachuchin Commentsgives all the info about computer software Pseudonym: da_real_deal CommentsThis website was very helpful. It talks about the history of computer software and even the types of computer softwares. Pseudonym: BellA CommentsComputer software, or just software, is a collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do and how to do it. We can also say software refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of the computer for some purposes. Pseudonym: RED CommentsThe page provides numerous articles pertaining to computer software such as illegal use, educational purposes, and sales. Such articles are very intresting as one does not imagine the hundreds of issues related to a single item. Pseudonym: julian20 CommentsThis website shows you how a JDM second generation programmer works. The details that go into using it and also provides a spread sheet on the specification of this hardware. Pseudonym: Teddy CommentsThis site provides an explanation of the different operating systems available in the market Pseudonym: oza Commentsgives good explanation of how operating systems works Pseudonym: 1_CDubbs CommentsThis website explains operating systems and also shows you the different systems. Pseudonym: Jessiesgirl CommentsThe website helps understand what and how groupware is used. Pseudonym: jazz Commentsis more information. Pseudonym: dianita Commentsthis is kind of long but it can help to a better understanding and also if you dont have the book Pseudonym: Carlos CommentsThe site helps understanding the various types of software and the basic concept of system software. Pseudonym: Kayyy9 CommentsThis website is very good source of information on the different type of operating systems. It gives examples of GUI, Multi-user, Multi-processing, Multi-tasking, and Multithreading operating systems such as Microsoft, Linux, and Unix. Pseudonym: ypier CommentsThis page explains operation systems and their functions using diagrams, which make it eaier to understand. Pseudonym: trublu212 CommentsThis article goes into a lot of detail of what an operating system is and how it works. It lists some of the types of operating systems and what they're used for. A little long, but informative. Pseudonym: Ayva CommentsComputer software engineers design and develop software. They apply the theories and principles of computer science and mathematical analysis to create, test, and evaluate the software applications and systems that make computers work. The tasks performed by these workers evolve quickly, reflecting changes in technology and new areas of specialization, as well as the changing practices of employers. Pseudonym: Legend CommentsAn easy to read and basic article about what Linux is. Aagin its not very technical, but it can be used as a starting point for someone unfamilar with linux Pseudonym: pollo CommentsThis website explaines the five generations of computers. It is a very good website because it leads you on to understand the technology we have now. Pseudonym: Dance2989 CommentsI've always found wikipedia a very informative website. It talks about the definition and breaks up the factors dealing with Computer Website. Pseudonym: Kayyy9 CommentsLists the differnt type of programming languages that can be found within the web or software programs Pseudonym: fiquinones CommentsIt describes the duties and performances that that software engineers and computer programmers must accomplish to set computers software in an established setting and manageable for all to use. Pseudonym: eliza CommentsThis website provides a clear description of what application software is. It says is a subclass of computer software that employs the capabilities of a computer directly and thoroughly to a task that the user wishes to perform. This was a very informative site which gives you the basic knowledge of application software. They explain all of the terminology and give many examples that are very easy to understand. They give the same information as the one covered in class. Pseudonym: dillon0622 CommentsThe website does an excellent job in running down through the evolution of languages, it proveides a brief history of the languages - It states how proggamiming languages have evolved since the early 1950's and the result has been the discovery of various languages - The 1st and 2nd generation languages were first discovered in 1950-60, these were the machine and assembly language. - In the 1960 unitl the 1980s the emergence of the third language was the developed. The language had compilers and the advantage was speed - In the 1990s we saw the delevelopement of the fifth generation languages such as the PROLOG, in the field of artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, and neural nerworks. Pseudonym: vj2366 Commentsgreat article on AOL vs other competitors. Pseudonym: Pookie CommentsGives a detailed definition and how to put it to use. Pseudonym: Alicia CommentsIt is very interesting to me to find out how technology is improving that much that a simple computer can replace person. Computers now are program to talk in different languages. A computer programmer must really love computers because it does not seem to be an easy task. Pseudonym: Juice CommentsThis excerpt gives a brief history on software and how we use and where it used and gives a detailed definition of computer software. Pseudonym: Ale CommentsIt shows a video of the history of Linux, it is their 20th anniversary, and it shows their ideals, advantages, current position worldwide and process to become what they are. Pseudonym: mafalda CommentsEven though this is not a complete list (it is actually rather incomplete), it gives me a general explanation of some of the most commonly used programming languages. I am very ignorant when it comes to this subject, so more information would overwhelm me. Pseudonym: Lady CommentsI liked the site because it gives examples of programming language. You see how the language developed in one page. Includes a definition and example of the generation. Pseudonym: peche Commentsthis site explains the 5 generation of language, but the one I focused on was the 1st one. which consists in the computer systems programmed using machine language that consisted of strings of binary digits. also mentions that the programs that were developed were very expensive. Pseudonym: zoenatalia CommentsThis website gives general information about what is programming languages. Is a brief explaination but with good information. Pseudonym: dena17 CommentsThis website empahsised in detail the differnces between word processing and desktop publishing. Although short, it is clear and i was able to get a better understanding of the matter. Pseudonym: josjim007 CommentsFirst, the primary and secondary tasks are explained well in "lamens" terms. THe article also covers the broad range of operating systems including brief descriptions of each. Pseudonym: Apod28 CommentsI thought the website was very brief and straight to the point. Pseudonym: Leah CommentsThis is a monthly magazine that encourages the use of Linux. Pseudonym: Katanas CommentsThis is interesting because by creating the machine language there can be a lot of communication between different devices. Pseudonym: libragirl72 CommentsI know we are encouraged not to use wikipedia as information; however this subject gave me websites to shop for software rather than websites to learn from. Wikipedia had the definition as well as examples of various software programs. I found it helpful. Pseudonym: VW CommentsWebsite with a handful of different links to many different programming languages which go into more detail and explain the differences between these languages. Pseudonym: aapoda56 CommentsThis site has information on the different types of programming languages. Same information as the powerpoint. Pseudonym: fox Commentsit was a good artical it gives a little detailed overveiw of where and how computer software came about Pseudonym: lMarieO CommentsUseful definition but also very brief. You would think would have more information. Pseudonym: BP34 CommentsThe website provides a good understanding about what a software is. Pseudonym: CVN-71 CommentsExplains how binary computer code works. Pseudonym: Pagrus CommentsIt's pretty difficult to understand the technical jargon but informative about what companies are doing to improve using programming languages Pseudonym: HHxT8 CommentsList of programming languages. Describes the use of each language an its use. Pseudonym: maryta Commentsa lot of different softwares voy every kind of need Pseudonym: orrj CommentsThis is Linux's website, it is pretty interesting. Pseudonym: Gael CommentsFourth generation computer programming languages are closer to human language than any other high-level languages and are accessible to people without a formal training as programmers. These allow multiple common operations to be perfomed with a single programmer-entered command. 4GLs are intended to be easier than any other computer generation language. Pseudonym: ReggieRocket CommentsGave a basic easy to understand definition of computer software. Pseudonym: Ulloa CommentsIt gives you an alphabetical list of the programming languages, and you can click on any to see and get more info. Simple but helpful website Pseudonym: lerivera2 CommentsI thought this article was very interesting since it talks of the possible developments that could be done to the iphone/ipad operating system. It particularly talks about the voice recognition function that has already been around in many cellphones but has been more limited. It foreshadows and posits the question of how the purchase of an AI company by Apple will eventually impact their OS 5. Pseudonym: m&m24 CommentsVery good site to review exactly what CASE is. Its very informative. Pseudonym: 12mrk CommentsIt provides information on what CASE is and how its evolved throughout the years. Technology changes so the software needs to be changing as well. Pseudonym: mavaldillez CommentsWikipedia gave me a better understanding as to what a database is and I remembered how I worked with a database system in my previous job. Pseudonym: mavaldillez CommentsThis website is pretty cool, it talks in detail about the web languages and I was some what familiar with them since I had taken a computer science class before. Pseudonym: Cocopuff CommentsThis website will explain what the different generation of programming languages are in a more specific way. Pseudonym: Kapustul CommentsI looked for a website with easy language to explain me what Linux is, I was curious since the first class when the teacher asked who has used Linux and only one person had. This website help me understand what it is and directed me to other websites for more understanding of who uses Linux and why. Pseudonym: jaluna416 CommentsLinux is a growing operation system that has changed the world and this page gives a quick background on the creation on linux, and how the program has thrived. Pseudonym: zooly15 CommentsBrief Overview Of How XML is implemented in the world of information systems and how it is applied in real world applications of web design. Pseudonym: ravazquez CommentsThe page describes all the components and all the information needed to know about computer software Pseudonym: saida04 CommentsThise web provide a lot of definitions that can help us understand the history of the computer language ... • C++ – C and C++: Siblings (pdf) by Bjarne Stroustrup – C++0x - the next ISO ...• CORAL – Coral66 – Computer On-line Real-time Applications Language Coral ...• Delphi – A brief history of Borland's Delphi – Delphi Treff: Delphi versions (german Pseudonym: CS9 CommentsThis article describes Ch4 in simplicity. Pseudonym: cx9 CommentsThis article describes software without complex Pseudonym: Africa CommentsThis page describes the different types of programming languages such as HTML, XML, Javascript, VBScript,PHP,and Java Pseudonym: Jax89 CommentsThis article is about two Linux groups merging to create a software for mobile decvices that are Samsung and Intel. Pseudonym: lacruzt CommentsThis webpage provides a time line of the appearance of the programming languages Pseudonym: Enna CommentsThis Describes the clear information about Computer Softwares. Pseudonym: MCB CommentsThis webpage explains the user what the 6 major types of softwares are and a brief description of them. Pseudonym: jpc CommentsDescription on java and history in a short summary. Pseudonym: tequila01 CommentsIn this article gives the different types of software. It also gives a brief explanation of each one. Pseudonym: nenonena CommentsGood sized section on COTS Software and how to use it. Pseudonym: Superman CommentsThis is an interesting cite because it explains how a lab in idaho full of government computer experts found out how the stuxnet computer virus developed and how to stop it. Pseudonym: Azu CommentsTalks about the functions of the software and also had more specification on definitions, requirements, and practices. Very helpful and easy to read and remember. Pseudonym: Beauty28 CommentsThis site is a little long to read but i liked it, mainly because biographies interest me and they tell you how it all began..... Pseudonym: coco2212 Commentsan Italian software maker is asking European officials to block Microsoft’s $8.5 billion purchase of Skype, the Internet phone service, unless it is removed from Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows Office platform. Pseudonym: zona CommentsExplains every aspect of machine language Pseudonym: kayo CommentsIt gives a history about how Linux was first developed, its history behind the GNU Project and Minix, and how these two programs helped develop it. How it has fared since its introduction, and the eventual boom that followed it. Pseudonym: del sol CommentsYou can never go wrong with Wkikipedia, Everything you need\want to know is referenced in this page Pseudonym: christian.arrio CommentsVery good website to have a better understanding of computer software Pseudonym: bravodelta CommentsDiscusses the Fortran language history and applications Pseudonym: clau0379 CommentsThis web site provide us with programming history, programming has always been guided by various methodologies, that in the early days of computers, computer memories were quite small. Often just a few hundred bytes and the machines so slow, program efficiency was a primary concern. Any program was acceptable as long as it worked. As computers grew in power and memory, it was no longer possible for a programmer to keep track of what was happening at every location in the machine’s physical memory. Card readers and assembly language were invented to make programming more feasible. Pseudonym: jjig4$eg CommentsI found this article really interesting! It talks about what is expected in the future for web writing. Pseudonym: coco22 CommentsItalian software maker is asking European officials to block Microsoft’s $8.5 billion purchase of Skype, the Internet phone service, unless it is removed from Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows Office platform. Pseudonym: 33love04 CommentsThis website provides examples of operating systems types, troubleshooting, and an operating system listing. Pseudonym: bigeyes CommentsThis article describes the life of Ada Lovelace and tells how she became a famous mathematician and transformed her life to becoming the founder of computing. Pseudonym: Elizabeth CommentsComplete information on how Java has evolved Pseudonym: MAPLE Commentsthis page includes the history, overview, types, topics of software Pseudonym: Coheed29 CommentsReminded me of a previous CIS class i took and went well with what was in this chapter. Pseudonym: Harley Quinn CommentsThis website helped me understand more about programming languages, and you can click certain words like Linux, compiler, machine code, and that will define and give you examples of all those words. Pseudonym: Alecnoah1981 CommentsMicrosoft web page on their program language Pseudonym: rolmedow CommentsExplains very well and easy to understand the different types of web and software languages Pseudonym: sas Commentsthis article is very intresting it talks about the history of programming Pseudonym: GDF1214 CommentsI have seen this term many times when I was messing around with an old computer. I never really knew what the term meant. Now with the help of this website I now know that its the process of consolidating fragmented in your hard disk. What this does it rearranges your data on the hard disks and lets it operate more efficiently. Pseudonym: Law CommentsIt describe the 3 kinds of programs and operating systems Pseudonym: Rita<3 CommentsVery informative site, not only does it include the history of programming but i has link to additional information in regards to the come about of computers and whats makes them what they are. Pseudonym: schweiger CommentsWe learned about programming languages so I looked up Java. In basic, Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D, just to name a few. Pseudonym: coltRDZ CommentsGreat information on the history of software. Its outline structure covers a good amount of history. I focused on the Software generation section which was explained very well. Pseudonym: herman CommentsBreif description of what Application Software is and the common uses for it. Pseudonym: waffles CommentsAs browsing this site, discover its a money maker. Stables carries all kind of softwares such as Accouting, bussines, Education, Tax etc... definitely making my next software purchase here. Pseudonym: drop_outbear CommentsThis website is very insightful and helpful for anyone wanting some tutorials in the ruby language. Pseudonym: JAM6119 Commentstalks a little about what is computer software and how we use it Pseudonym: dgarci07 CommentsIt is really interesting how a phone can do so many things at once and very impressing. Pseudonym: kcadena1 CommentsThis website explains the different types of programming languages in detail. Pseudonym: B-Diesel3102 CommentsProvides very brief notes on CASE and what it is used for. Provides a few examples that could prove to be helpful to anyone who wants to learn a little extra about this topic. Pseudonym: rmaese CommentsThis article explain in a bit more detail the beginning computer languages. It goes on by explaining how it works. It provides information about block and loop structured languages Pseudonym: amart819 CommentsThis website provides good information on how computer software works Pseudonym: mgarc876 CommentsGood Source Pseudonym: laika* CommentsThis website is very heplful because it explains what a computer software is composed of and it uses terms that are easy to understand. Pseudonym: james CommentsUnix is copyrighted name only big companies areallowed to use the UNIX like IBM and HP. LINUX is a UNIX clon written frim scratch by Linus Trovalds with assistance from a loosely knit team of hackers across the net. LINUX is just a kornel and LINUX distribution makes it complete usable operating systems by adding various applications. this web page mention all the differences like in license, cost, security firewall software, file systems, system administration tools, perspective, operations systems name, etc Pseudonym: lizzy CommentsThis website gave me a better understanding of what this software does and how it works. It has now became a field for many people to study it. Pseudonym: cerezita Commentsawesome website and tells you how to use binary code and also describes the assemble level language Pseudonym: venus831 CommentsThis website provides information on the functions of computer software Pseudonym: tessers14 CommentsThis article describes how the interfaces have changed over the years. Pseudonym: darthgto CommentsThis is a good artivle to learn about the latest in web design language and development Pseudonym: Vader24 CommentsThis article deals with the business decisions of the Linux Labs and how they plan to reach a goal of 40.5 billion dollars by 2014. Pseudonym: gn293662 CommentsThis is a company that specializes in groupware technology. Seems they also own the rights to the phrase too. Pseudonym: germangirl CommentsGood company if you are interested in a job in software Pseudonym: somj3 CommentsIt provides with a summary of the eXtensible Markup Language. Pseudonym: infinite151 Commentssoftware these days getting more lame Pseudonym: Repsol07 CommentsAs an interpreter your job is to translate one language into another immediately so that your client can understand fully what the speaker or presenter is trying to say Pseudonym: MAVC Commentsit provides inside information about how computer programs are made and administered Pseudonym: santo Commentswell explained Pseudonym: Lilac CommentsDifferent descriptions on fourth generation languages. Pseudonym: Matt Commentseasy website to access Pseudonym: whitetigerep Commentsprovides info on a well trusted software development company Pseudonym: Sun City CommentsI really liked this article it explains how the roll that software engineers play its becoming more and more important. It also gives you an average of their salary and how many jobs are expected Pseudonym: MARIVERA6 CommentsSteve Jobs built an empire. He created things that changed the way we perceive technology and without his magic its hard to determine what would be the future of the Apple.. Pseudonym: DeuceMan CommentsIf you are interested in new software check this website out for prices and details Pseudonym: reorrantia Commentsdescribes lovelace's work with charles babbage and her work to create the first computer language. Pseudonym: peke01 CommentsGives examples of some of the computer softwares Pseudonym: jeta1 CommentsThis website defines computer programming, it tells you what we need to know and do when planning on programming a computer. It talks about different web languages, software languages, the different generation languages, procedure-oriented programming and object-oriented programming and also different source code. Pseudonym: luvbug01 CommentsThis site helped me better understand the definition, tasks and standards of operating systems. Pseudonym: Godfather CommentsA list of the different types of operating systems and how they compare to each other. Pseudonym: Alman R. CommentsThis was exceptionally helpful in helping me understand how CASE could be used in large scale projects. Pseudonym: Alman R. CommentsAfter learning about fourth generation languages I ran into this specific article which caught my attention because it speaks of estimating costs for fourth generation software development. Pseudonym: Great Dane CommentsAda Byron was the daughter of Lord Byron, whom she never met. Her mother raised her and wanted her to be nothing like her father so she discouraged poetry and tutored her in mathematics and music. In 1828 she “produced the design for a flying machine.” In 1833 she met Charles Babbage, who shared her interest all subjects, especially mathematics. In 1842, Louis Menebrea published a paper about Babbage’s Analytical Engine. Ada Byron was asked to translate this paper from French to English. For nine months, she worked to translate the text and on notes to append it. She describes that it will be a machine that can solve indefinite functions and even predicted “computer-generated music.” Pseudonym: waldo Commentssoftware in Thailand Pseudonym: jjc007 CommentsIt would be so cool to see how far technology can actually go. Pseudonym: THE ONE Commentsmakes u think of all the progamming that had to go on to make this machine understand the game. Pseudonym: tomas12 CommentsThis website gives a very detailed description of each of the programming languages as well as the function of each of them. Pseudonym: Reckoner777 CommentsThis site has information on software developing on very simple terms. Pseudonym: mgi852 CommentsProvides a great description of how Linux came about. Pseudonym: streetrock27 CommentsOverview of five alternatives to the native task manager installed as part of Windows OS. Pseudonym: jessica6071 CommentsI browse and it gives you a great information about java itself what it is and how its so important to a wesite. Pseudonym: S.W. Erdnase CommentsHere's a website that has programming tutorials. Pseudonym: Paco Commentsshort biography of the man that contributed so much to the advancement of computers Pseudonym: Woody CommentsThis page helps you understand better what an operating system is. Pseudonym: jbanosgomar CommentsThe world of Instant Messaging became popular in the last few years. This website provides information regarding Instant Messaging. It tells you what it is, the way it works, the features using video and webcams, the most popular services available, the dangers involved in using this service, and some multi-protocol services. This is a good website for those who do not know much about the service as it introduces you to this application software. It provides you with links to download the necessary software to make use of it. The dangers section is useful as it will help you to avoid getting viruses, getting your information stolen, and increasing the safety of children and teens using the software. Pseudonym: chavez CommentsDescribes in further detail what web programming languages are all about, enjoy! Pseudonym: Serg1386 CommentsThis is a information site and article that gives links and details about the history of computer software dating back from the beggining to the future and present of computer software Pseudonym: Vicenza CommentsThis websited goes into detail about the history of Fortran, it's features and areas of application. Pseudonym: iluvtom CommentsI had some difficulty chooses a topic for this submission. I decided to go very basic. As a complete technology novice, I found this information about HTML and its origins to be quite infomative. The verbage used was rudamentary enough for me, the history was interesting as well as necessary. I have a much cleared picture of a HTML markup and its key components. Although, I am not about to start writing any programs... Pseudonym: vega CommentsProvides an interesting overview of Application, Classification, Development and useful Issues on Computer Software Pseudonym: Lily CommentsI really enjoy this articule because explain very well the definitions about this topic and reinforce the explanation with some imagens. It is a little long but that is why you can learn more about it, because explains you everything with lot of details. Pseudonym: styba CommentsThis informative website gives a brief introduction to various computer language programs. It is very useful and convenient because numerous links to specific language programs are incorporated in it. Describing the functions and purposes of languages, why they were designed and several of its features. It really is a great page to visit if you want to know more about the history of computer language and how it they got started. Pseudonym: Cristy CommentsWebsite describes what the basic funtions of an operating system are. Pseudonym: Coral Commentsthis page is helpful because, describes in an easy way the type of language and their examples!! Pseudonym: Jackson CommentsThis is just a quick review of the new operating system that just came out for Apple. Pseudonym: eli2007 Commentsintresting article on fifth generation programming Pseudonym: Roberto Commentsits about the high level computer language Pseudonym: mini CommentsThis is a website for the ones that have uestions about Linux Pseudonym: Junior915 CommentsThis site provides a timeline of all computer languages and direct links to their backgrounds. It was a great way to learn about each generational language and how it compounded into what we have today. Pseudonym: INA CommentsVery good organized web page, it explains what is computer software in a very understandable way. very helpful for the users Pseudonym: Handbanana CommentsSee the progress of os over 40 years. Pseudonym: LucyBird64 CommentsA very easy to read and follow manual of OSX Lion from Mac. I have a Mac desktop at home and I used this article to decide whether I wanted to upgrade to OSX Lion from Snowleopard Pseudonym: aml07 CommentsInternet source with good information and description about several types of programming languages. Pseudonym: Sunshine35 CommentsHow to implement software. Pseudonym: Batmannnn CommentsThis site elaborates on the topics above. Pseudonym: amart819 Commentsexplains the basic functions of a computer software Pseudonym: Repsol07 CommentsUnited Nations play a major role in the world because if it wasnt for them, leaders from countries wouldnt understand what someone else is saying. Pseudonym: Mr. Magpie CommentsA short explanation of how operating systems and software programs work together to make computers useful and customizable. This website includes a very helpful video that explains computer software in a way that is easy to understand. Pseudonym: Chuck Bass CommentsIt just how each process works throughtout an computer Pseudonym: 321aed Commentsgreat definition. Pseudonym: Bugito CommentsGreat for those of you that would like a timeline of when many of the more well known languages were created. Just scroll over the white box to zoom in. Pseudonym: soco763 CommentsIt is amazing to see how a business beginner can create a kind of business tradition that appeals to the culture. Red cups appeals to most who have social gatherings and the business created by solo created that with their simple product. Pseudonym: abcdefg CommentsProgramming languages are the laguages a computer understands. How it is told what to do and how to react to certain functions. Pseudonym: R00789 CommentsThis site is helpful, because shows a brief description of Tools and links to a more detail explanation Pseudonym: parcera77 CommentsThe site from Stanford University describes how it is common for Computer Information Ethics to mix into Philosophy and its topics. It covers topics such as: computer privacy and globalization and how these factors affect ethics in a business environment. Pseudonym: amadeus Commentsin depth description on computer languages, almost a ppt presentation. Pseudonym: elitedemokid CommentsUseful Information Pseudonym: Lauriss4 Commentsdefine exactly what a software is and the different kinds of softwares that exist Pseudonym: Pikoky CommentsProvides a list of the Programming Languages with definitions. Also more information regarding computers can be find here as well. Pseudonym: gabemxde Commentsa quick explanation of the history of operating systems Pseudonym: Roberto Commentsin my opinion compuer software iscollections of comnputer programs that provide instructions, ex. word, power point, computer programs Pseudonym: Parcera77 CommentsThe article is from the U.S. Bureau of Labor and it describes the job of a COmputer Software Engineer. Pseudonym: Parcera77 CommentsThis article gives an insight to various types of computer software. It is easy to use since each topic is put on the site as a link in which you only click on and the whole information is given. Pseudonym: SweetNess CommentsLove you can ask almost anything computer related and it will answer you. Pseudonym: utdakid Commentsexplains what system software is in a more elaborately Pseudonym: pepe10 Commentsit tells of the different types of operating systems and how they work Pseudonym: johnny23 Commentstalks about the functions of computer software. that software is created by computer programers.The programmer writes commands in the programming language that are similar to what someone might use in everyday speech. These commands are called source code. Another computer program called a compiler is then used on the source code, transforming the commands into a language that the computer can understand. The result is an executable computer program, which is another name for software. Pseudonym: waffles CommentsThis website shows you all the types of softwares there is and a little about how each one works and how it can benefit you. Pseudonym: gbrnboo CommentsThis article gives a great explanation of what computer software is and some different types of software that exist out there. Pseudonym: 5589 CommentsIt allowes you to read certain documents, online gaming and other things. Pseudonym: Charbo CommentsThe site gives details of all the different major types of software. Pseudonym: Twiggy CommentsThis website has great examples of programming languages Pseudonym: yellow4385 CommentsThis is a good website to get a short but accurate explanation of some computer languages. Pseudonym: Low Bond 81 CommentsGives more of an explanation on how to use the ERD. Shows a step by step on how to open the ERD on a computer, and how to properly use the ERD on your computer. Pseudonym: javihh CommentsThis website talks about how application software executes tasks the user wants to perform. Pseudonym: leny CommentsThis website gives a brief description of how the operating systems work and also mentions examples of these operating systems such as the Linux, OS, and the purpose of them. Pseudonym: Dom Santiago CommentsThe article talks about the different MAJOR types of Computer Softwares and why they are helpful for daily life (for businesses and for personal use). Pseudonym: 12deoctubre Commentsvery interesting resume. Pseudonym: segtz CommentsI think not all people really know the importance of software and how they facilitate our lives, so this reading helped me understand it better. Pseudonym: BARNIE Commentsthe website listed and gave a brief description of the different operating sytems available. such as Windows, Linux, Unix, and Mac OS. they also described what the different operating systems can do such as multiprocessing, multitasking, multithreading, and capable of having multiple users on the operating system. Pseudonym: yesterworld CommentsGood website with different topics regarding software Pseudonym: JuneBug4 CommentsThis website provides different definitions of Middleware. But basically is a software that lets another software communicate with each other. Pseudonym: Pyro22 CommentsI wanted to know a little more about Linux, here is more info about the Operating Systm. Pseudonym: Beezy CommentsGives a better understanding of what software is. Pseudonym: menitomex CommentsThis site talked about what computer hardware and software was about. How the hardware does things like turn on, off, operate. While software tells it how to move. Just hardware is like the human body, it has extremities, fingers, arms, etc...and the software is the intelligence, telling the arms, fingers, legs how and when to move. Pseudonym: Laney CommentsVery helpful Pseudonym: cool CommentsGood information on how to defragment your disk. I never thought about or knew that I had to do this, now is good to know. Pseudonym: bolas CommentsThe main advantage of high-level languages over low-level languages is that they are easier to read, write, and maintain. Ultimately, programs written in a high-level language must be translated into machine language by a compiler or interpreter. Pseudonym: ELOJ CommentsIt is in the website "How stuff works" and it explains how the interfaces display data Pseudonym: pearl CommentsFORTRAN WAS THE FIRST HIGH LEVEL PROGRAM LANGUAGUE. i WAS IMPRESSED WITH THE INFORMATION I FOUND IN THIS WEBSITE. Pseudonym: quiroz Commentsit talks about a program named cecil that discusses multiple dispatch language Pseudonym: sallywally CommentsThis site is a blog and has various opinions of where 5gl's are and where they might be going. Pseudonym: lkiri CommentsIt explains what a programming language is and its elements. Pseudonym: Possal CommentsIt was very interesting to learn more about DBMS Pseudonym: 1attosecond CommentsI found this interesting article about the middleware including the interaction with functions, motivation, and design. Middleware is the plumbing of the computer system interacting with one application to another application. Without middleware, the operating system will not communicate effectively without it. Middleware is needed for users to have access to data and help interacting with applications. Pseudonym: homealone CommentsIt tells and explains the best web browser as well as giving information Pseudonym: pandora CommentsTalks about the history of programing Pseudonym: gh0213 Commentsprovide information about linux inventor and how he development teh isuue Pseudonym: agent butters Commentsgood source of a web base Pseudonym: agent butters Commentsdescribes the 5th generation languages and more... Pseudonym: bceltics09 CommentsRates software suites for web development. Pseudonym: fer040 CommentsFascinated by mathematics, Augusta Ada Lovelace is known as the first computer programmer as she came up with the idea of "The Plan." Ada invented a program stored on punch cards. This later managed to evolve to a very early computer in 1843, known as "The Analytical Engine." The limited technology during that time could not translate her ideas into a practical everyday use, but it had many characteristics of the modern computer. For example, it could store data and perform mathematical operations. Decades later in 1979, the U.S. Department of Defense came up with a computer language known as ADA. ADA is a language that is "designed to be readable and easily maintained." Since that period of time, computers have involved significantly, but if it weren't for the brilliant invention of Lovelace, we would have probably not obtained the luxury of computer programming. Pseudonym: 1219 CommentsTimeline on the development and implementation of the web browser Pseudonym: caj21 CommentsShort and clear explanation of first generation languages. This website also offers links to more detailed information about first, second, third, and fourth generation languages. Pseudonym: ag1508 Commentseveryone needs to know how to use telecommunications and networks because they use it to get a good communication among their friends or family. Pseudonym: BlackMamba CommentsThis website is a very useful tool to navigate to other links on the history of types of computer software such as Java, BASIC, word processors, programming, and other software Pseudonym: faith CommentsThis website explains in further detail to what Object-oriented programming languages is, giving us a better understanding to how it is applied. Pseudonym: G.A.P. CommentsGive a description of the term "generations," describing similar groups of computers, and the rapid advance of computer technology over the past few decades. There have been five generations of computers from 1945 to the mid-1990s. Pseudonym: Sakura19 CommentsI found this article informative because it expalined to me the main idea of the usage of cloud computing since this is an unknown topic to me. I don't use anything related to cloud computing, so I'm confused, but this was really helpful. Pseudonym: pya CommentsThis website explains in dept what license agreement is. As it was explained in class you are able to use the software but it does not mean that you own it. It explains that if you do it without authorization it is an illegal act. It also goes in depth into the government licenses, private party licenses, patent and copyright holder licenses. Pseudonym: 05ConradHilton04 Comments"The purpose of an operating system is to organize and control hardware and software so that the device it lives in behaves in a flexible but predictable way." It is very interesting to know the importance of operating systems and how they work, without the operating system the computer will be useless. Pseudonym: Vd3725 CommentsThis website is very cool because it tells you which programming languages are mostly used and why. It also explains how most programmers need to learn a new language everytime they usea a new programming language. Pseudonym: Jacob45 CommentsThis website provides information on what software's are and how they work with the computer. It gives great information for those who want to learn basic ideas of what the different software's are. Pseudonym: namtaB CommentsThis website tells you what an Operating system is as well as what a 'driver' does. It lists other operating systems functions, operating systems concerns, and operating system types. Pseudonym: amelie CommentsThis article written in talks about the 3 main operating systems in 2012 which are microsoft windows, macintosh and linux. The article describes Operatings systems as " the soul of the computer" meaning that like a human body it has no use without a soul inside it. It decribes each operating systems and which does best in diffrent categories. I personally use Windows as my operating system so seeing that Windows is the best in many aspects is conforting. Windows platform is used by gamers, programmners, website dvelopers and many others; which is a huge advantage over the other operatings systems. Pseudonym: passion rose CommentsThis website provides information about groupware. It is seen as a contraction of group working software. It is a networked computer software that lets different people coordinate their work activities. The benefits of groupware is that it helps experts gather quickly so that they can work more efficiently. its beneficial to other things such as collaborative research, improved customer service, market development etc. Pseudonym: Neto CommentsEven though Linux is not that advance as Microsoft, it has become really among the world; because of their price and availability; since it become available at some point for free to download, for the world to use. Pseudonym: Phenom CommentsWith Microsoft slated to release its newest operating system on October 26, 2012, reviews have already began circulating on the internet that the OS is designed for failure, at least initially. Because the OS was designed for touch-friendly devices, the new additions to the interface of the OS will undoubtedly make splendid use of touch sensitive hardware but make it especially awkward for those users still using a mouse. Not since Windows 95 has Microsoft so dramatically changed the look and flow of their OS. Naturally, a drastic change like this will require adequate training and hours of use to simply get comfortable with the new system. Operating systems are supposed to facilitate the use of computer applications and hardware, however, Windows 8 will do just the opposite for the majority of Windows users. Pseudonym: Jason Bourne CommentsA brief history about Linux and the creator. Pseudonym: Mr, Norris CommentsThis is a pretty straight forward mini article of the history of web browsers. It provides some interesting pictures that show how far web browsers have come since 1991. Pseudonym: cera8 CommentsVery interesting article! Pseudonym: Baybee2705 CommentsThis article in the Britannica online encyclopedia discusses the programming language of computers. Great article to help understand all the different types of language used. Pseudonym: 082411 CommentsPersonal information management is is the practice and study of the activities people perform to acquire, organize, maintain, and retrieve information for everyday use. This is explained in this website Pseudonym: 24oas CommentsThis website describes and gives out the definition of Software. It also gives examples of the types of softwares that are use in a computer. Pseudonym: 6663yeni CommentsWe can find two different kind of computer software: the operating system and software programs. Pseudonym: dragonfly CommentsHistory of XML Pseudonym: eetc CommentsThe computer software is responsible for integration, controlling and managing an individual hardware. Pseudonym: cmur3 CommentsThis website helps you better understand web languages. It talks about which language is better to use depending on what you are using it for. Pseudonym: Alrak.1 Commentsthis page have diff. types of softwares Pseudonym: melow CommentsThis article describes the most relevant computer languages. Pseudonym: melow CommentsIt describes the different types of operating systems and its differences. Pseudonym: Huasausky CommentsThis webpage defines what is system software. As well the three kind of programs, the operating systems, and operating system function. Pseudonym: CommentsThis article talks about the WEB 1.0 and how at the beginning of its usage it completely changed the way people communicated. Now, due to the many forms of instant messaging, it is not as successful as before. It's a 15 year old chat blog that really has nowhere to go because what it offers isn't fulfilling enough in today's society. Pseudonym: charlieflowers CommentsThis website provides a brief history of office software. Starting from the first word processing programs in the 70's through to the much more robust Microsoft office suite which is the standard in business today. Pseudonym: jktubby CommentsI didn't know much about Linux, much less even heard about it until now. This article really helped my grasp what Linux is. It gave me good information from this history to where it is at today. Very useful and easy to understand, for someone who wants to learn more about Linux. Pseudonym: OG21 Commentsproducts such as techsmith provide easy to use video software to help users create high qaulity video. Pseudonym: 3466 CommentsUbuntu is the world's favorite free operating system with more than 20 million people preferring it to commercial alternatives. Pseudonym: grpink27 CommentsSince we talked and emphasized a lot what HTML is in class, I decided to do my reference on it. This website describes what HTML is, how to understand it, what can I do with it, and now to learn it. Pseudonym: siddaap18 CommentsGood explanation Pseudonym: Dolcevita CommentsWikipedia is not the best reference but it explained the history of programming and how this evolve. Pseudonym: ag1508 CommentsSoftware is an important part of computer because it tells to hardware what to do. Pseudonym: pink1022 CommentsIt haleps you do things in your computer. Pseudonym: alrok CommentsIn this website you can find the 6 best new generation internet browsers and a brief description of each one Pseudonym: chimis CommentsThis website very helpful with the definition of Middleware. It helped me since it has a very clear explanation. Pseudonym: lady2luv CommentsI just learned about cots and in this article it is saying the software is already out dated! Pseudonym: kike CommentsThis website helped clarify the functions and usages of an operating system. Pseudonym: luly CommentsTony Martson explains what OOP is and further explains what it is not. He then compares the two by pointing out the differences. The language of OOP is also pointed out in the website. Pseudonym: #!$@babydreamy CommentsNice Brief rundown on operating systems. Pseudonym: Ducati Commentshere you can learn the definition of computer software Pseudonym: Pale1 CommentsCan keep you up on the know as far as was going on in the news, and stock market stuff when it comes to software information, also shows when the newer things are in experimental stage and others when problems and hacks occur with certain companies and systems. Pseudonym: teritap CommentsThis web site explains what is a software and the three main kinds of software Pseudonym: benji1224 CommentsThis website is a good information place to learn more about information technology. Pseudonym: zez763 Comments5th generation computers dont seem too far away. They speak of a computer being able to compute similar to a human or "artificial intelligence". That would mean something like a real person in a robot form. It might be something more complex that watson. IF im not mistaken, watson only has a large library of information. This 5th generation compue a1 would have intelligence as well. Pseudonym: da_bowz CommentsA very good reference when it comes down to the different generation languages, and how they are connected and translated. Pseudonym: Roselily Commentsit was helpful because it define how they are both mark up languages but html always gives an output no matter the input , while xml will give you an error if input is not comprehensive or relevant to the desired output Pseudonym: insanerasberry CommentsTop news Computer software Pseudonym: insanerasberry CommentsTop news Computer software Pseudonym: alphaxi1893 CommentsThis article is really interesting in that it gives insight into what is considered the first 'computer program.' Although the 'program' extremely preceeded the modern era of computers, the 'program' was designed to calculate Bernoulli numbers using an 'analytical engine' conceived by Charles Babbage, a mathematics professor at Cambridge. Although it doesn't really explain much about modern software, the details of this history and the premonition Ada had way before our time about what an 'analytical engine' was capable of is astounding! Pseudonym: Shaggy Comments"Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. (The term hardware describes the physical aspects of computers and related devices.)" Pseudonym: Mirka Commentsthis web site provide information more specific about computer softwares and the different types of softwares. Pseudonym: Rondo CommentsIt is a good website that has many links to click on to learn about the FORTRAN programming language system. Pseudonym: VEGASROO CommentsThis article did a good job describing the upgrades from third generation to fourth generation languages and how software gets better. Pseudonym: ChevyCorvette CommentsShort one page summary which can lead you to more interest into CIS. Pseudonym: ZE826 CommentsDifferences between op systems Pseudonym: Good lookin Commentsdefines and xplains important key terms that are helpful for chapter 4 Pseudonym: squirt CommentsIn this Chapter 4 I decided to use the information provided in the book, and it was very helpfull. Pseudonym: Sisco Kid Commentsits a article very relevant of what we have seen Pseudonym: chiefitox CommentsThe article provides a brief description of what the purposes are for using a programming language and talks a little about the use of applications. Pseudonym: Roxy CommentsThis site gives the reader a little more insight to open-source software and explains misunderstandings between free software and open source. Pseudonym: emmendez2 CommentsProvides a complete description of what XML is all about. Pseudonym: ch120308 CommentsThis website explains the three types of computer software. 1- System Software: software used by the computer to translate inputs. 2- Application Software: Popular examples of application software are the Microsoft office suite. 3- Programming Languages: This is used exclusively by computer programmers. Java and Simlab are some popular programming languages. Pseudonym: pajarita CommentsThese article talks about the oldest programming language FORTRAN. Few people know about this so I found it quite interesting. Pseudonym: Aquiles Baesta CommentsThe site explains the creation, development, and uses of CASE tools and their implementation in businesses and organizations. Pseudonym: bXUvYSCX CommentsFor anyone who wants to do some fast sknitag, Sunday mornings at Birch State Park. Meet up at 8am roll out at 8:30 am. We are there every Sunday, and we will make sure we are there on the Sunday for this weekend. Pseudonym: MoMoBanks CommentsThis is a tutorial on the GNU debugger, which is a debugging tool, found on the UNIX and LINUX systems. This tutorial shows examples on some basic program coding. It also goes on to show a lot of different debugging sessions to give a basic understanding of how some of these codes work and what they’ll do. Pseudonym: airJ CommentsThe immense detail that goes into Programming is very tedious work. However, a skilled hand and eye make it seem effortless. Pseudonym: hdstocks CommentsThe website talks about some of the operating systems that exist. It explains the different types of operating systems with a few different examples. Pseudonym: laprieto13 CommentsThe different types of operating systems is truly amazing! Looking at how much computer operating systems have changed over the past few decades is quite stunning. From complex codes to a simple click of a mouse, technology has come a long way. For those who want more detail about the different types of operating systems and how they work, this is an excellent article to read about. Pseudonym: rizoc0 CommentsThis website is step by step process on how to defragment your computer on a windows based computer. Defragmenting is a process in which the computer arranges files in order for a programmer to run faster. Pseudonym: nalmagui CommentsThis is a website where you can find what Operating Systems are and some examples of operating systems like GUI, multi-user, multiprocessing, multitasking, and multithreading with definitions of each of them. This is a useful website with accurate definitions which help you to understand about operating systems with few sentences. Pseudonym: 1784angel Commentsthis was very helpful in having a better understanding of the process Pseudonym: Sinigang CommentsA quick definition and summary of OOP languages and their capabilities. Pseudonym: Praha CommentsType of installation Pseudonym: Dallas Cowboys Commentsin the site is the online home of Fortune and Money, and serves as's business site. The great thing about you have access to the latest news, and you also track your finances. Pseudonym: pkvaldez CommentsLinux is a free software for development and distribution. This website is used to create a community and build connections among Linux users. There's a lot of people that comment back and forth to help each other with any questions or share any suggestions they might have. Pseudonym: Aby Martinez CommentsThis article gave me some sense on what specifically computer software as well as how it compares to computer hardware. It was also helpful to uderstand how it works. Pseudonym: pivon059 CommentsComputer languages Pseudonym: Maeve12 CommentsThis website describes all the programming languages that have been created and the dates of their creation. There are over 200 programming languages and this website covers 99 of them. The website adresses the history and details about the language and their creation. Pseudonym: amartinez116 CommentsChapter 4 gets into detail about the many types of operating systems that have been developed and that are still in use today. This website has a listing of all the systems that have been developed and their developers. It gives you a brief history of both the company and the systems. It also gives you a computer terms and their definition. Very interesting website for those interested in learning more about yesterdays and todays operating systems. Pseudonym: care22 CommentsThere are a lot of free programing tools out there. There are a lot of different ones out there. They have something for everyone. These are here to help you. Pseudonym: DesertStormVet CommentsIt talks about many of the fourth generation languages use structured query language (SQL) as the basis for operations. SQL was developed by IBM to develop information stored in relational databases. Eventually, it was adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and later by the International Standards Organization (ISO) as a means of managing structured, factual data. It gives basic information on what were the four generation language in computers. Very interesting acticle. Read more: Computer Languages - Fourth-generation Language - Sql, Java, Binary, and Scale - JRank Articles Pseudonym: shagfeh:) Commentsthis website has a good information about comuputer software Pseudonym: bboyfantasma CommentsThis is a good website with a good amount of detail about what CASE is. I didn't understand what CASE was, but this website clarified all the questions that I had. Pseudonym: D3luq CommentsThe goal of an ASP business is to reduce the cost of software distribution and maintenance. Pseudonym: Barron23 CommentsThis website provides a list and definition of different web and software languages. It also gives a brief history of how each language was created. The website also provides a list of the different generations of languages that we covered in this chapter. It gives a paragraph describing what each language did and the difference between each one. The reader is able to get a good concept of how the generations of languages have changed over time. The website also has several tabs to learn more about software, source coding, browser scripting and several other useful information. This site provides informative detail of the material that was covered in chapter 4 in a way that is simple to understand. Pseudonym: Nano91 CommentsIn this website, it explains the different types of languages that there are. Also it explains how a program works. The program have to be converted into the machinery language in order to compile and run the program. Pseudonym: 0715Denisse CommentsThe website expands more on the programming languages covered in class and has everything lined up in a way that you can see the way the technology progressed through time. Pseudonym: Ichiro CommentsEasy to read website. Explains what a web browser is Pseudonym: wamiller CommentsThis website offers free tutorials over variance topics covered in chapter 4. It teaches users how to utilize html, css, java script, etc. Pseudonym: Hooeycon62 CommentsIn this site it just a summery of the generation languages. It helps make you understand it a little bit more and understand the different languages. Pseudonym: Gurschke CommentsThis site gives you a wide explanation of what Groupware is and some examples. Pseudonym: makr6 CommentsThe Fortran Programming Language-Brief history, features, applications,same programs and links. Pseudonym: GC1003 CommentsThe article is just about convincing Windows users to start using Linux. Valve is also trying to push gamer's into using Linux. The website is very simple and the article is very short. Pseudonym: dance09 CommentsI wanted to learn more about the Linux operating system and how it came about and exactly what all it involves. Pseudonym: Theoretical CommentsThe site is very simple, yet very thorough on the subject. It includes a detailed History(Developed by a team of programmers at IBM),an interesting "Significant Language Features" section that includes some features unique to this programming languages, and "Areas of Application" which explains what applications FORTRAN can be useful for. Pseudonym: borgetti_tronco CommentsIn this website you can find the number of web browsers that have existed since the beginning of the internet era in the 1990's. Pseudonym: jay CommentsWhen I typed the word Java in the search engine the first definition I got was coffee. Pseudonym: AYJDSC CommentsThis website introduces the reader to operating systems. It addresses commonly asked questions, types of operating systems, and troubleshooting options in the aforementioned systems. Pseudonym: Juliazzo CommentsThe JAVA website shows users what Java is, whether they have it or if they even need it. Java's site allows users to download the system and points out with what gadgets it is compatible with. Pseudonym: Lakers08 CommentsThis article explains the types of disadvantage and advantages of different computer languages. It explains the advantages/disadvantages of Machine Language, and also the advantage/disadvantage of Assembly Language. This article shows which one is better to work with and why, and helps explain why that language is better than the other. Pseudonym: Axel CommentsDistroWatch is a website providing information, ranking and listing of all the popular Linux variations and some other open source software. If you are interested in giving Linux a go this is one of the better resources to learn about all the various distros. Pseudonym: Yak CommentsThe National Software Reference Library (NSRL) is designed to collect software from various sources and incorporate file profiles computed from this software into a Reference Data Set (RDS) of information. Pseudonym: enron CommentsThis is a great site to learn about first generation programming language. Pseudonym: cody CommentsThe article talks about how the computer reads 1 and 0 and how it was difficult to learn the programming language. It just amazes me that the language of the computer is 1 and 0 when it has so much information. I also get amazed of how much we have progress over time with computers. It all started with 1 and 0. Pseudonym: ChillennChriss CommentsGreat for those of you that would like a timeline of when many of the more well known languages were created. Just scroll over the white box to zoom in. Pseudonym: dri dri Commentsapplication service provider refers to the sofware services and software equipment offered in the internet Pseudonym: Jade01 CommentsThis page provides the top instant messaging programs with main information that people would want to know. It also gives a brief description of exactly what instant messaging is. Pseudonym: telmarodiguez Commentsjava helps with programs, making faster programs, taking care of the garbage in our operative system Pseudonym: Chispa 80 CommentsDefinition more understandable. Pseudonym: itabedtp CommentsI once saw an old rug manufacturing machine that used punch cards to creat the designes it seems that punch cards have been useful since 1810. Pseudonym: lchav201 CommentsCategories of Software Software is often divided into two categories. Systems software includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer to function. Applications software includes programs that do real work for users. For example, word processors, spreadsheets, and database management systems fall under the category of applications software. Pseudonym: dreamdrea7 CommentsWeb page has definitions and examples of what computer software in easy to understand words. Unfortnately the page contains alot of ads and links but the information is straight forward when you find it. Pseudonym: sauce CommentsThe uses of desktop publishing can be a powerful source to execute different procedures. Pseudonym: Duke1duke CommentsHelped me understand the definition of COBOL a lot more and can help with any other definitions I am not too sure about regarding business Pseudonym: lmgr000 CommentsThis article explains what an operating system is and how it works in your computer. Pseudonym: fallenangel01 CommentsThe texts explain about what is operating systems and waht they are used for and where we could find them. There is even a picture to show how are all these devices are connected to the systems functions that we use in our lives. Pseudonym: ajewlerygirl CommentsThis is a good website if you want the latest technology news and tips. Also has a technology dictionary. Pseudonym: Kingj CommentsThis article guides the reader on the history of Linux from how it was created to how it became so popular. Pseudonym: chapita CommentsI always thought that you owned that software when you bought it. But thats is not true, purchasing a software does not mean you own it. Its the license that gives you permission to use that software. Pseudonym: SingSing CommentsThis website provides a brief understanding of what JavaScript is & how to use it. Pseudonym: quickninja Commentsthis website goes off into an attribute of a kind of software and types of video softwares Pseudonym: JudeVixen CommentsReliable source. Pseudonym: jennym11700 CommentsThis site give us a pretty detailed description of what computer software is along with the different types and how they are used. Pseudonym: Cupcake! CommentsA Fourth generation languages is one that attempt to get closer than 3GLs to human language, form of thinking and conceptualization. On this website, forth generation language is demonstrated as a way of reducing cost and efforts of software development. I like the site because it breaks down the site into diverse parts of what is forth generation language and how it can beneficial in today tech savvy world. Pseudonym: TheAbbot CommentsThis web page discusses the different types of Software that are available and their differences. Pseudonym: jonas CommentsThe website gives a general but very clear and complete explanation of the different types of computer software. Pseudonym: lumineers CommentsThis website gives a clear explanation on how general purpose application software and function- specific application software differ. They are both designed to help us to perform a singular or multiple related specific tasks. It also gives clear examples of the type of software used in every category. Pseudonym: slizzy13 CommentsStraight to the point. Pseudonym: BENZ CommentsExplains into detail exactly the history of linux. Pseudonym: peair07 Commentsjust basically describing the 4th and 5th genaration languages. ho wthey differ and the different approaches they took. Pseudonym: Charlieboy16 CommentsA site that allows users of the Microsoft OS platforms to not only search and browse the web, but also update their computers, chat with each other over common problems and tips, and to solicit help from Microsoft professionals. Pseudonym: Karly Commentswith the growing workforce and the rapid changing world. Instant messaging has become a productive and faster way of communicating in the workplace. It is effecting and in today's world the top way in which groups are communicating in the workplace about work related subjects. Pseudonym: ragf22 CommentsWebopedia has a lot to offer it gives you more than just the difiniton of the term it has other links that can explain more about whatever you want to know. Pseudonym: ragf22 CommentsWebopedia has a lot to offer it gives you more than just the difiniton of the term it has other links that can explain more about whatever you want to know. Pseudonym: ragf22 CommentsWebopedia has a lot to offer it gives you more than just the difiniton of the term it has other links that can explain more about whatever you want to know. Pseudonym: ragf22 CommentsWebopedia has a lot to offer it gives you more than just the difiniton of the term it has other links that can explain more about whatever you want to know. Pseudonym: ragf22 CommentsWebopedia has a lot to offer it gives you more than just the difiniton of the term it has other links that can explain more about whatever you want to know. Pseudonym: spidey CommentsThis is a very good site with step by step clear instructions on defragmenting a computer. I would recommend this to anyone who is needing a faster computer. Pseudonym: mocvz1818 CommentsThis website does an effective job in giving an explanation about programing languages. Pseudonym: acool90 CommentsIt seems helpful Pseudonym: nata10 CommentsThe website gives a comparison between General-Purpose application software and the Function-Specific application software. It gives a detail explanation of the two types and will give you examples to better understand the software. Pseudonym: Cortana 2008 CommentsEven though Ada Lovelace was mentioned very briefly in our class powerpoint, I though it would be interesting to look up how the "first computer program" came about in the 1800's. It was more out of curiosity that I looked her up. Pseudonym: xela CommentsThis link explains what programming language does and how it helps to create programs that control the behavior of a machine. Pseudonym: 6sense CommentsThe website talks about what software is as oppose to hardware which is the physical components and software are the programs that run the hardware components. It talks about to kinds of software system software and application software the first type is used to run the hardware while the second one is is to do different things with the computer it gives examples of the most common software used in computers. Pseudonym: mav@aut12 CommentsThis website describes the historical view of generation languages in more detail, explaining how computer languages have changed and continue to change. Pseudonym: ragf22 CommentsWebopedia is a excellent website to learn more about any term being defined. Pseudonym: PinkStar CommentsIt's an interesting article because it explains what is upcoming in this system. Pseudonym: kyriepg23 CommentsThis is an interesting article that explains how technology is revolutionizing the future and how, as time progresses, we need to understand certain software programs. Pseudonym: iramirez13 Commentsthis website is very helpfull mede me understand several terms that sounded difficult. Pseudonym: scandigirl CommentsPresident Obama declared on Thursday that Iran is more than a year away from developing a nuclear weapon. Iran denies that it aims to build a nuclear bomb, saying that its nuclear program is for energy and medical use. Pseudonym: avega CommentsI feel I have learned a good deal about linux thanks to this website. Pseudonym: water Commentsit explains how linux came to be, and it even has a video to understand it a little better. Pseudonym: DanceStrike CommentsA very brief informative article about a few programming languages. It includes object oriented programming languages, structural programming languages, and procedural programming languages. It then gives an overview of each and their definitions. Pseudonym: garibay32 Commentsthis website explains what a sofware is and puts it out in verry good detail. it gives history from when it starts and how it has evolved over the years. Pseudonym: PeteMyBaby CommentsIt is a very good website to get a basic understanding of web languages. Pseudonym: eraguirre CommentsDr Susan Kruck Explaines how Cs is essential for businees analysis Pseudonym: Kumar CommentsIt is the breakdown on the new Windows 8 Program on wheat is good about it and the bad issues it faces. Pseudonym: batmansyndrome CommentsFor anyone wanting to use Linux this is tutorial on how to install it, use software programs, and learn simple commands Pseudonym: athena CommentsThis site provides a description on each specific software that exist. Pseudonym: ra1122 CommentsWhat is groupware. Pseudonym: paulinap5 CommentsDifferent countries/regions have different languages. Similarly, in order to communicate with the computer user also needs to have a language that should be understood by the computer. This web page talks about machine languages and assembly languages. Pseudonym: Ms. Bubbles CommentsI wanted to know more about what this topic was about and this website provided me with some what of a history behind it and how it works Pseudonym: 10 CommentsExplains in dept about what software is. Pseudonym: 93nanis CommentsThis website was really good in showing you how to use HTML codes. It explains everything from what it is, to how it works and how to use it. It was really easy to understand too. Pseudonym: Elvis CommentsI found this website interesting, has a lot of information. Very practical too and easy to understand. Pseudonym: Nephew31 CommentsThis website really opened my eyes to all the different type of program languages their are Pseudonym: Waffles CommentsInteresting article on how technology can play a part in ruining an organization's reputation. Pseudonym: eonline CommentsHelpful because it gives you everyday to not so everyday examples of what a software is and is easier to understand. Pseudonym: Pao_Jaz1326 CommentsVery explanatory. This article helped me better understand the computer language C++. Pseudonym: star23 CommentsThe academic fields studying software are computer science and software engineering. Pseudonym: rigotovar CommentsIt describes C++ as a programming language that is commonly used. It was first used for AT & T's programming functions in the early 1980's.It is also mentions that C++ is an enhanced version of the C programming language and was first called C with Classes. Nonetheless, there might be some incompatibility between the C and C++ languages. One major advantage is that is allows programmers to organize their code so that they may avoid mistakes. Pseudonym: pabolo Commentsbasic information for beginners, it gives you a exact idea of what machine language refers to. Pseudonym: utepjb1237 CommentsWebsite goes through how Linux makes its money and how it operates. Also explains what systems it is available on. Pseudonym: cuauhtemoc CommentsThird Generation Programming Language is a very complex term that this site helped me to understand how is it, and the history behind of it. Pseudonym: the1kch CommentsThis List will explain the different languages for comuters Pseudonym: baloga CommentsIt provides a full definition and description about a software. It also shows and explains the two types of software and its characteristics. Pseudonym: SemperFi CommentsEducational and basic Pseudonym: Sinigang CommentsThe lowest-level programming language (except for computers that utilize programmable microcode) Machine languages are the only languages understood by computers. While easily understood by computers, machine languages are almost impossible for humans to use because they consist entirely of numbers. Programmers, therefore, use either a high-level programming language or an assembly language. An assembly language contains the same instructions as a machine language, but the instructions and variables have names instead of being just numbers Pseudonym: GDLDC21 CommentsThis website helped me better understand what an Application Service Provider is. It is an entity that helps manage and distribute software based services across a wide area network. Pseudonym: Dan man always tan CommentsInteresting to see the changes through out the years in computer language. Also interesting to see how long each process took. Pseudonym: dali0525 CommentsThis website provides a detailed list of all the programming languages available and also separates the into categories to make it easier to explain. There are charts and ratings to visualize the differences in each language and there is also a brief Q & A portion that is very helpful. Pseudonym: Karla23 CommentsI like this site because it defines exactly what fourth generation laguage is Pseudonym: A. Fonts CommentsSoftware is a program that runs on your system. This includes computer operating systems and other computer programs. Software is written in a computer language by computer programmers e.g. java, html, php etc. The computer language is in a text format and can be read by a person who had some basic programming knowledge. After a program is written, it will undergo what is called compiling by the programmers. Compiling is the process of changing the textual written language into a binary language, which can be understood by the computer. Most programmes, operating systems and applications that run on the computer are created this way. Pseudonym: Hobbit Commentsit was a really good article, actually I learned some new stuff Pseudonym: at15 CommentsI learned about almost all kind of softwares, very interesting artible Pseudonym: blackwidow13 CommentsLinux has the followng devices available worldwide:Garmin Nuvi 860, 880, and 5000, Dell Inspiron Mini 9 and 12,Google Android Dev Phone 1. Pseudonym: beiber CommentsVery interesting website because it explains you the differences between a software and a hardware. Pseudonym: kb24 CommentsGood website describing what groupware is, how it is used and the benefits of using these applications Pseudonym: Ronald CommentsThis page reinforces that 5GL will use artificial intellegece to produce its solutions. Pseudonym: Duke1duke CommentsVery useful when needing to learn about computer softwares Pseudonym: Lumbo CommentsI found this to be a good definition of resource management, helped me on the quiz. Pseudonym: cepa Commentshelp me understand more about what this is. Pseudonym: ChillennChriss CommentsThis site explains what DBMS is and also goes more in depth of the subject discussed in class. Pseudonym: carloz Commentseasy to read and has a lot of info on computer software Pseudonym: searaw Commentsvery informative Pseudonym: vdelga36 CommentsSoftware is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. Software can be thought of as the variable part of a computer and hardware the invariable part. Software is often divided into programs that do work users are directly interested in, and system software which includes operating systems and any program that supports application software. Pseudonym: c5ek757o CommentsIts a detailed course that teaches how to comprehend programming languages Pseudonym: drod360 CommentsThis website provided me with additional information on the the changes programming has gone through as it has developed. Pseudonym: drod360 CommentsThis website provided me with additional information on programming languages and the changes that have occurred over the years. Pseudonym: Hank Moody Commentsgreat article to understand machine level languages. Pseudonym: Hank Moody Commentsupdate telecommunication systems available Pseudonym: mkarps CommentsThis site told me the top programming languages as well what each site uses. Pseudonym: mkarps CommentsThis site told me the top programming languages as well what each site uses. Pseudonym: birdagan CommentsMachine languages are the only languages understood by computers. While easily understood by computers, machine languages are almost impossible for humans to use because they consist entirely of numbers Pseudonym: aaguilar12 CommentsSoftware is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system Pseudonym: star23 CommentsRemember that defragmenting takes the saved portions of all of your files and organizes them to help your computer run more efficiently Pseudonym: peair07 CommentsThe websites talks about the difference between different Languages Pseudonym: the tood CommentsInforamtion on Machine Language (Machine code) Pseudonym: wacho Commentsvery good webpage to find all information Pseudonym: gelmon CommentsThis website features helpful information regarding the different types of programming languages presented in the chapter including Java, HTML, and C++. There are games, external links, and examples which make it not only easier to understand, but also exciting. Pseudonym: SubsonicJoint CommentsThis website, goes into further deeper of the programing languages discussed in chapter 4. Pseudonym: abercona01 CommentsMicrosoft has come along way till today currently at windows 8 Pseudonym: reydrian CommentsThis article focuses on the COBOL language and how it is still in use in many industries even though the language is now nearing 60 years since its invention. The article provides differing viewpoints from those who think it still has a place in the IS industry vs those who think it is archaic and needs to be replaced. Many feel that it still does a good job in certain environments and efficiency should not give way to simply becoming "modernized" with OOP languages. As the saying goes, "If its not broken, why fix it?" Pseudonym: piki3497 CommentsThe webpage explains the different types of web languages. It talks about the different programs that exist for example Java. I believe it is a good web site because it explained very well and individually. Pseudonym: Amy1212/ Commentsthis website is interesting because it describe the major programming languages and also describes very good the history of computers. Pseudonym: ramos1 CommentsGives examples of computer operations systems and an explanation of operating systems. Pseudonym: TeslaUTD CommentsThis web page has an essay discussing the history, evolution, and current landscape of computer programming. It talks about the need, how it came about, and how today there are several different programming languages, each one of them used for different purposes such has Java for web design or C++ for more scientific and engineering type applications Pseudonym: tia13 CommentsI wanted to know if I should use HTML or XHTML, RSS or Atom,etc. But the list is endless and confusing. I learn through this web information that is confusing and it relies on personal preferences, something that I have to establish until I understand the language and use it in regular a basis. Pseudonym: 01Robina CommentsWhat does hypertext mark-up languages mean, and how exactly does it take impact in our lives. Pseudonym: 01batman CommentsExplains what CASE is, it explains the tools, the history and finally the 3 classifications. Pseudonym: jmk1335 CommentsI really liked this article. I didn't know that Java had some many vulnerabilities, and it goes on to say that 2013 has the highest vulnerabilities since its inception. Pseudonym: a2dasj86 CommentsOOP is about many ways you can implement a command. There are many ways to do so. If necessary one can easily replace a command and re-write it. there is no right way or procedural way for programming. as the author states "if it works, then it must be right." Pseudonym: aslozoya CommentsThis site explains in detail what is programming language and the different types of language. Pseudonym: Dorian32 CommentsI like this article because it goes through the history and is more in depth about how the programs work and who made them. Pseudonym: satin&salt CommentsAda Lovelace, also known as the enchantress of numbers and the founder of scientific computing worked with Charles Babbage towards the first mechanical computer, and predicted that computers would be able to do much more than process numbers in the future. Pseudonym: chago239 CommentsThis website explains very well and understandable what Programming languages are and it also gives some examples of it. Pseudonym: McLovin_24 CommentsThe article gives a brief description of what an application service provider is. It gives examples of different ASPs. E-mail is the most commonly known application service given for free. The article was helfpul in clarifiying the subject. Pseudonym: Genesis13 CommentsSite shows a vast amount of different programming languages and evolution of the language. Pseudonym: bmisk80 CommentsThe website goes over the basics of computer software and how it works. It talks about application software, GUI, and computer animation just name a few. Pseudonym: mariposa CommentsThis is a good reference page because it explains what a computer software is and how does it work. It also makes easier to understand the information bye diving it into system software, programming software and application software. Pseudonym: 03192010 CommentsMachine languages are the only languages understood by computers. Humans find it difficult to understand because it is composed mostly by numbers. Pseudonym: Quesadilla8 CommentsThis web page explains what are software suites, and gives some very good examples Pseudonym: nopainnogain CommentsIt explains how to defragment a disk on a Windows Computer. It warns that the methods vary depending on which model of a Windows. A video and tips are also included for those who may face difficulties. Pseudonym: game of thrones fan CommentsThis webpage explains in a detail matter COBOL Pseudonym: vivian Commentsthe web page introduce us to what a computer software is and give us the difference between a hardware and a software. Pseudonym: ghost602 CommentsThis is a brief biography of Navy Rear Admiral Grace Hopper. Highlights include her contributions to computer science and the creation of COBOL. Pseudonym: SPIDERMAN26 CommentsMicrosoft has been one of the most user friendly programs to use in the business sector, as in spread sheets you use excel and email outlook and for presentations you use power point computer software of Microsoft got a big lead on this market Pseudonym: gia1 CommentsThis website explains the three types of computer software. 1- System Software: software used by the computer to translate inputs. 2- Application Software: Popular examples of application software are the Microsoft office suite. 3- Programming Languages: This is used exclusively by computer programmers. Java and Simlab are some popular programming languages Pseudonym: Charlie1427 CommentsExplains what third generation language is. Pseudonym: purpley Commentsthis web page talks about what a computer system is and what includes also give a lot of related articles. Pseudonym: zianav2348 CommentsIt is a very interesting article that explains and covers some information that we saw in the chapter. Pseudonym: Lehan CommentsMore than an educational website, this website is exactly what you will find in the real world. This website gives you the many different kinds of computer software there is. It also gives you the different prices and the different updates if each Pseudonym: spiffy9899 CommentsGives you a description of what each generation language is Pseudonym: psmo2288 Commentsthe software is the part that you can't no touch in a computer. in other words, the software are al kinds of languages and programs that a computer used to operate and function. Pseudonym: psmo22 Commentsthe software is the part that you can't no touch in a computer. in other words, the software are al kinds of languages and programs that a computer used to operate and function. Pseudonym: jordan99 CommentsThis subject from what i read isn't quite fully defined, most PIMs let you to enter various kinds of textual note, reminders, lists, dates, and to link these bits of information together in useful ways. . Pseudonym: jordan99 CommentsThis site is interesting it talks about unix, tandy, ibm, and apple; to name a few. Basically it's just a history of the operating system. Pseudonym: SNCZDMR CommentsThis website gave a "hands on" approach. Instead of explaining how to create a website, you are actually able to create one yourself with handful hands guiding you. Pseudonym: kokeloke22 Commentsthis is a helpful site that help me understand better what is debuggers, i talks about how a debugger allows you, the programmer, to interact and inspect the running program, making it possible to trace the flow of execution and track down the problems Pseudonym: kokeloke22 Commentsthis is a helpful site that help me understand better what is debuggers, i talks about how a debugger allows you, the programmer, to interact and inspect the running program, making it possible to trace the flow of execution and track down the problems Pseudonym: crisofora2 CommentsThe site is very simple and easy to follow, everything is organized in alphabetical order. It has all terminology you may need about computers. Pseudonym: Taiedzi CommentsUnderstanding what software is has always been kind of complicated for me, but this brief explanation helped me understand a bit more what software is. It seems that you need more than a brief explanation but for basic knowledge this was helpful. Pseudonym: sparrow28 CommentsThis website is a brief overview on what XML can provide, how it can be used, and what the difference is between it and html. The only thing I didn't really get was in one section it says that XML doesn't do anything because apparently all it is information wrapped in tags? It is still a very useful website. Pseudonym: sdbanda CommentsThis article goes over the uses and practices of software and also it's developemental history into computers as we know them. Pseudonym: thatbackflip CommentsComputer operating systems can be categorized by technology, ownership, licensing, working state, usage, and by many other characteristics. In practice, many of these groupings may overlap. Criteria for inclusion is notability, as shown either through an existing Wikipedia article or citation to a reliable source. Pseudonym: LasiK CommentsVarious information concerning the linux operating system, including: tutorials, documents, answers, etc. Pseudonym: 8kb24 CommentsIt describes in detail how one language generation evolved to the next. It also talks about the current generation of computer language we are in. Pseudonym: CAKRCB CommentsThis website was structured in a way that the information was easy to understand. It is very organized and detailed when it comes to (CASE). It describes what it is and even gives other information about it in depth. If you are having a tough time understanding everything about CASE like I was, this site will be perfect for you. Pseudonym: Yassy CommentsThis site goes more in-depth on operating systems by providing the following information: *Operating System ABCs *Operating System types *Operating System overviews *Troubleshooting *Operating System Q&A *Operating System definitions *Apple news *Linux and Unix news *Microsoft news Pseudonym: bacon7 CommentsYou convert a certain language to computer language so the computer can understand it. Pseudonym: fifimine CommentsAbbreviated 4GL. Its main purpose is to help businesses, that is to improve them. The 4th generation language was between 1970 through 1990. Pseudonym: MissCarter28 CommentsEverything you need to know about Operating Systems! Pseudonym: fifimine CommentsExamples of application programs are web browsers, database programs, drawing and editing programs among others, thus they are they are the ones directing the processing for the solution to a specific problem (user's problem) Pseudonym: sharkyboy CommentsI am going to try out linux. Pseudonym: victoria061711 CommentsThis site gives a clear explanation of programming languages, and also provides various examples. Pseudonym: Bisu CommentsA new application for the web browser Google chrome to further use our web browser. Basically functions of apps on your phone and tablets brought to you in a we browser Pseudonym: mhern754 CommentsI really think its a helpful and practical pagge .. it gives an overall view of things you can do to keep your computer and operating system in good shape to keep your computer from being slow. Pseudonym: dontay91 CommentsSoftware is often divided into two categories. Systems software includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer to function. Applications software includes programs that do real work for users. Pseudonym: cglbryan2 CommentsVarious examples of software are given on this website. One of the examples is Application Software. Pseudonym: vccorrales CommentsHas the basic information about Object oriented programming Pseudonym: Potato Overlord CommentsSmall and concise explanation of the differences between both. Pseudonym: lizdrio CommentsThis article helps me out on how big Linux is and what is currently the popular operating system. Linux's Ubuntu is something that could of never thought to be a growing operating system. Pseudonym: soccer_cr7 CommentsThe difference between a translator and interpreter is simple. A translator is the ability to write well and express oneself clearly in the target language. On the other hand a interpreter deals with spoken language and translate orally. Pseudonym: mineroxd CommentsJava is becoming more common in every programming language. It was no surprise to me that it top the C programming language. Although if one is knowledgeable about programming, we must realize that most programs are written in C/C++. I think it’s a good thing that there are multiple programming languages available because it allows for a variety of different operating systems to be developed. Every programmer has their own favorite programming language they prefer to use, but the most common one used today is java. In my opinion Java will keep on growing until a new innovative programming language comes into play and tops it just like Java did to C. Pseudonym: camaro007 CommentsAs this website depicts the functions of the operating system called “Linux”, I notice that this innovative software can be used for different functions and in many devices. One thing I really like about Linux is that there is a community of people (thousands) who have incorporated their ideas to make and improve the software. Therefore, there is no company that is solely accountable for its progress or continuing support. Also, the system allows average individuals to change the software according to their needs. Linux represents flexibility, support and ongoing innovation. I believe this software is a great substitute for Windows and other types of systems. Pseudonym: sndy26 CommentsIt describes the history, the significant language features, and the areas of application. Pseudonym: BRUCEWAYNE CommentsArticle informs what Computer Aided Software Engineering is, its origins, its purpose, and how its used in certain manufacturing industries. Pseudonym: Fraggle Tots CommentsThe article explains the new operating system to be released by Apple. This new operating system will be energy efficient as well as increase performance. Pseudonym: Super987 CommentsIt teaches you how add binary numbers. Pseudonym: 275873 CommentsThis explains the history of software programming. It begins by defining the machine language and explaining how it functioned. It goes through all the different computer code generations to the ones being used in modern software. This site also provides useful links about computer software. Pseudonym: Sauce2408 CommentsThis website give good information and definition of machine language. Pseudonym: ABGiovanni11 CommentsWith the new iPhone software and phone being release a few weeks ago, software developers have used the new software to their advantage. To create an application to change the way we do online purchases, by using the features and technology that the new iPhone has to offer. And making sure consumers get the best out of their phones. Pseudonym: rattler2011 CommentsThe site is about the TIOBE index which can check if ones programming skills are up to date or if one is trying to make a strategic decision about what programming language to be used when one is starting up a new computer software. The TIOBE index is updated every month and is based on the ratings of skilled engineers throughout the globe, courses and third party vendors. The TIOBE index is a great indicator to see where your level of skills are at a programming languages. Pseudonym: JR CommentsLinux is an amazing operating system, here is abit more of the history of it. Pseudonym: Aubrey31 Commentsthey explain how google glass can boost small businesses, and if a new gadget is worth purchasing Glued to my laptop and inbox all day, I waste tons of time digging around for the information that I need at any given time,” Hatmaker wrote. “With Glass, Google eliminates the need to search.” Pseudonym: juang7 CommentsThis website give information about the creation of Linux, the difference devices where Linux is used, information about its operating system, the applications. One thing that I found very interesting is that anybody with the requisite skills can improve Linux and influence the direction of its development. Pseudonym: GLCF09 CommentsGives a very brief, but easy to understand definition of application software. Also lists and explains the different types of application software. Pseudonym: meagatron CommentsBecause Google is such a powerhouse and really one of the only companies able to compete with Microsoft, it has rightfully ascended the throne of one of the most popular web browsers in as little as 5 years. The article in PC Mag helps compare the browser to the best in the game and seems to always place within the top 2, if not the first, in each of the mentioned categories. These categories range from start-up speed all the way to how well their searches yield results. Chrome received the highest score in this round and its hard to just give it the crown already since updates to all browsers are constantly in the works. Pseudonym: Airborne CommentsSometimes abbreviated as S/W, software is a collection of instructions that enable a user to interact with the computer or have the computer perform specific tasks for them. Without software, the computer would be useless. Pseudonym: a24ever CommentsThis article helped me understand completely the operating system functions. It gives typical examples that make it easy to understand. If you did not understand completely the functions of an operating system, I recommend that you read this article. Pseudonym: gmora15 CommentsThis Website explains the categories of applications software. Pseudonym: aggarcia44 CommentsThis webpage helped me to understand what a third generation language is. It explains the concepts in a easily manner. Pseudonym: niketw13 CommentsThis site was talking about the importance of computer skills and software and application knowledge when searching for a career Pseudonym: Peaches CommentsGNU/Linux operating system Pseudonym: mf0109 CommentsThis is an article that explains just what's necessary to know about web browsers. Prior to reading this article I did not understand the concepts about web browsers. I talks a little about their history, about all the different browsers, which I had no idea there were that many! It also explains how most of them are free, but that there are others that are not. It explains some characteristics that browsers have. Overall it was pretty interesting to read about something we use so much everyday. Pseudonym: rwelliott CommentsThis website gives an overview of the development of software. It tracks the development of software from the late 19th century through the 20th century. Pseudonym: ljsg2 CommentsThis website defines what an operation system is and lists every operating available to use. Pseudonym: natiger59 CommentsWas a neat website that explained the many features of the new groupware product launched by Horde. Was informative to the different types of applications that were collaborated into this one groupware. Pseudonym: yoval21 Commentsit very easy to use and its a fast way to comunicate Pseudonym: jcsydb CommentsVery clear explanation of COTS. Helped me understand the concept very well. Pseudonym: killerbee Commentsexplains more in detail what linex is, and also explains what the gnu project is about. Pseudonym: jdd1214 CommentsI was interested in this topic because before class I really had no idea there were other suits out there. by reading the article and searching for others I am now aware office is not the only suit, there have been many others, but because Microsoft is so big, other competitors have died out. Pseudonym: ChargedGBH CommentsBriefly explains computer software, reiterating some of the core tenets of the powerpoint slides. Pseudonym: Taco062 Commentsare written programs or operating systems Pseudonym: JumpinJR CommentsA brief description of the programming language COBOL. Pseudonym: Dancer23 CommentsThis article explains EAI. Pseudonym: GhostRider3 CommentsThis article is about the new Linux Ubuntu that is being released. It has many new features available. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: Raven CommentsThis is the website for Linux, this website is full of information about this product. It provides information about news that affect Linux, also tutorials on how to use Linux. It also allows you to download this program. Pseudonym: knickerbockers4 CommentsComputer Software Pseudonym: Texan8 Comments4GL Programming language was created to develop commercial business software. 4GLs are intended to reduce programming effort and software costs. 4GL was developed in the 1970's following its predecessor 3GL programming language. The projects in 4GLs are more oriented to problem solving and systems engineering. Pseudonym: EagleEye25 CommentsThe information given in this website was actually very helpful to me. It gives the student a better understanding of types of computer software. Pseudonym: jplozoya30 CommentsThe operating system is the most important program that runs on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an operating system to run other programs. Operating systems perform basic tasks, such as recognizing input from the keyboard, sending output to the display screen, keeping track of files and directories on the disk, and controlling peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers. Pseudonym: Whiteman CommentsThis webpage goes in depth on the history of Linux. While doing this, it provides some pretty good information about its program, the work that goes into its creation, and hints at where they feel this company is headed in the future. Pseudonym: Zizou CommentsThis website was able to clarify some of the questions that I had. It helped me to understand more about machine language. Pseudonym: mft1 CommentsThe report said that vendor earnings releases indicate US revenues for software vendors slumping, with license revenues down 20 per cent for leading application software vendors, such as PeopleSoft and Siebel Pseudonym: Monchepe CommentsSpeaking about software that impact the business field, here is a bit of the history of how the antivirus softwares came to be a profitable business since computer bugs arrived. Pseudonym: JB6CAJ3 CommentsThis encyclopedia gives you a brief description of what software is and how it used in today's technology. It goes over the types of software and programming tools that were talked about in lecture. It is not as in depth but good summary of how software works. Pseudonym: japer Commentsinteresting guide Pseudonym: MadridJet86 CommentsVery helpful Pseudonym: Gol.D.Roger CommentsThis sit gives good and better examples on how,the real concept and systems of the middleware work, making the material easier to imagine and understand. Pseudonym: acct_asd CommentsThis website is very helpful, by breaking down how each system is put in place and what the function of each system is. It provides examples by listing each operating system type and explaining how each one has evolved and become a role of continuous growth in information systems. A visual is shown to very understand and demonstrate the process of system functions. Pseudonym: sbdesk22 CommentsA very complete website that illustrates the types of software licensing, helps understand and assimilate those types of software licensing. Pseudonym: Steelerfan CommentsIt is just a simple way of explaining what are programing languages. Which are the different languages that a software reads. Kind of introduces you to how to do a simple program. Pseudonym: Jrodr622 CommentsWebsite provides information on describing what is software and lists different categories of software as well as provides other helpful websites to gain information about computer software. Pseudonym: itsme23 CommentsThis was a quick slideshow of all of the most popular programming languages that companies look for when hiring. Pseudonym: ayperez CommentsIt helped me to better understand 5th generation language programs. Since there's so little information on the lecture slide, it was hard to know the answer for that question. Pseudonym: pacman2010 CommentsThis website is good for a basic understanding of the history of FORTRAN, its' important features of language, and variations of how and where it can be used. Pseudonym: andres_iab88 CommentsComputer-aided software engineering (CASE) is the application of a set of tools and methods to a software system with the desired end result of high-quality, defect-free, and maintainable software products. It also refers to methods for the development of information systems together with automated tools that can be used in the software development process. Pseudonym: darellano2 CommentsAn operating system or OS is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be useless. Microsoft Windows 7 - Microsoft Windows is the most commonly found and used operating system. Apple MacOS - Apple computer operating system. Ubuntu Linux - A popular variant of Linux used with PC and IBM compatible computers. Google Android - operating system used with Android compatible phones. iOS - Operating system used with the Apple iPhone. Pseudonym: kokeloke22 Commentsthis is very helpful website it help me understand the concept and techniques of debuggers Pseudonym: JPots&Pans CommentsFound it interesting that it talks about how they in vision the future of non-programmers to be able to develop software through the use of 5GLs Pseudonym: MaverikKuro CommentsUnderstanding the definition of machine level languages and shows examples. Pseudonym: monstruo14 Commentsthis is a very useful source for anyone who is interested in studying some more on generation languages, it provides coding, examples, and procedures of the third generation language Pseudonym: brem92 CommentsProgramming leads to create programs and expresses algorithms Pseudonym: BAMBOO CommentsThis website explains pretty well what a computer software is, which is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the hardware. Every computer should have a software in order to work correctly. Pseudonym: Drywall85 CommentsHelps explain what software is and what it does. Pseudonym: Megatron CommentsThe article explains the history in the development of the fifth generation and the importance of it. Pseudonym: Jrhernandez CommentsThe website explains what it is a "GNU" and how it is used. It is actually very interesting because it a free software, meaning that the users develop it and update it through the constant use of the software. Pseudonym: princess13 CommentsThis website provides with 20 reasons why we should switch to Lenux, it goes from price to security, and it shows many advantages Lenux has in comparison to other operating systems. Pseudonym: macelp CommentsThis article briefly talks about what groupware is. It talks about the two categories that it is separated into as well as the applications it is used for. Pseudonym: belfortGOAT CommentsAbout 50% of all malware attacks are now directed at Oracle Java. Java is software that is used and found on practically every computer and operating system making it an easy target. Java has over taken Windows as the prime target for malware developers. Pseudonym: Saman02 CommentsProvides great definition and examples of linux. Also mentions its uses in the real world. Pseudonym: Jad8 CommentsThis website really breaks down what object oriented processing is in detail. However, it does explain it very well and is easy to understand. Pseudonym: CO12 CommentsThis website goes into depth about the operating system and how it has developed over time. It starts about how basic it use to be and goes into detail all the way up to what it is today. Pseudonym: James Franco CommentsThis reference gives a person a better understanding of weather they should build business solutions or buy them. In this reference, it gives six steps that will guide a person in deciding what is best for their business. Dan Oliver, the author, is a technical manager based out of the Washington, DC, office of Headstrong, a global consultancy. He Ultimately states that "business is first, technology last" when it comes to this debate. Pseudonym: BasedDog CommentsThis helped me better understand the function and utility of XML Pseudonym: Marz CommentsThe website explains the history of Linux. It is stated that it was the first free Unix-like Operating System. Linux continued to improve through out the 1990s. Pseudonym: asortiz CommentsAs mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 4, the description of a software could be various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. In this website, it gives us examples of softwares and explained that a computer without software would be useless. An example could be your internet browser software. Pseudonym: SanAntonio CommentsThe site gives definitions of COTS, MOTS, GOTS, and NOTS. It is enlightening because I did not know some software was classified in this manner. The site gives an idea where some software comes from. Pseudonym: Cember CommentsThis is a website that explains, in depth, what an operating system is and discusses the different categories of operating systems. The information is well organized and easy to follow. This is a great site to add upon what we learned in class. Pseudonym: miniondave CommentsThis article includes a video explaining how instant messaging works and how efficient it is. It describes how it works from the time you log in, to see who is online, and how messages are sent. Pseudonym: eanais88 CommentsI liked this website because as the title says, it includes some important information about what system software is, different types, and specific details of it. Pseudonym: utepztmp9 CommentsThe website basically describes 7 ways to defragment a disk on a windows computer. The site is specialized on the windows computers, but the last steps focus on Macintosh systems so this site is has a broad audience of computer users and they can relate to this web site process in order to defragment a disk in their computers. The web site gives a detail description step by step of the process and it provides pictures so that it is easier for the user to follow. In every step of the way the description is straight to the point and does not gives many unnecessary details. Pseudonym: cd26493 CommentsThe goal of this interaction is effective operation and control of the machine on the user's end, and feedback from the machine, which aids the operator in making operational decisions.Examples of this broad concept of user interfaces include the interactive aspects of computer operating systems, hand tools, heavy machinery operator controls, and process controls.The design considerations applicable when creating user interfaces are related to or involve such disciplines as ergonomics and psychology. Pseudonym: OEOPT2009 CommentsTHIS PAGE GIVES MORE INFORMATION ON THE WEB LANGUAGE, THIS HELPED ME UNDERSTAND MORE ABOUT THIS TOPIC Pseudonym: coti CommentsSoftware is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system (hardware) Pseudonym: Andromeda17 CommentsThe website introduces the idea of what computer programming language is. The website also gives types of languages and the elements of programming. Pseudonym: Fefe CommentsThis website gives the definition of computer software and tells you how to get it. It also explains how it was created and examples of types of software. Pseudonym: bookworm29 CommentsA link on the website which provides various ways to learn how to use Linux. Pseudonym: -Henry0924- CommentsWhy and how to use machine language. Very interesting to see the roots of computer programming. Pseudonym: 170792lrsr CommentsThis article by Mohammad Nasir explains the history of the generations of programming from the first generation until the sixth. Pseudonym: cobb CommentsThis article lists the available web browsers and compares them all to each other listing full reviews for them, whether its chrome, firefox and internet explorer. The review lists the best aspects of the softwares and lists the bad ones as well. Pseudonym: BabySquirrel CommentsThis website explains how computer software is function that tells the 'brain' of the compute what to execute. The site details how computer software translates directions and concepts to computer hardware so that the task can be performed appropriately. Pseudonym: TopFlight27 CommentsThis website gives you an animated timeline of programming language history. It gives comparison of the different programming languages, their creator, who it is used by and the primary uses for it. Pseudonym: princessblue4 CommentsThis article explains more about the history of linux and why its has becoming more popular. It explains the features of the software and compares it with Windows. It gives a brief history of linux and how it has been modified by the time. Pseudonym: mario7 Commentsit is logical that we need hardware and software in a computer. Pseudonym: Denise CommentsEver since Apple launched the iPad and revolutionized computing for home and work, no Microsoft office software suite for touch screen tablets has been released. Many apps have been created to do fractions of Office tasks only make due in the absence of a full version of Microsoft Office for tablets. No real answers or projections have been made by Microsoft for releasing an Office suite for tablets. The more time that passes with no tablet version of Microsoft Office, the greater the risk of irrelevance of Microsoft Office in the tablet world due to circumvent office solutions. Pseudonym: Asa92 CommentsThis Website includes up to date software information and research that is helpful if you are wanting to get a real world connection to what we are learning. Pseudonym: 7631mus50 CommentsThe article is talking about how we are moving to cloud technology and how it will affect Java applications. It also talks about passlane and it will be incorporated to check errors and security problems. Pseudonym: Basketball21 CommentsThe article is explaining to the reader about Linux, operating system. It informed me about what it was and where it is found. This was an operating system that I was not too familiar with. Pseudonym: DjangoUnchained20 CommentsInsightful information about the purpose of HTML Pseudonym: ano0630 CommentsThis website discusses the different types of software used in the business world as we all know the business world is a big place, from big businesses to small businesses and from retail businesses to warehouse businesses. There are various packages of software for each unique company. Although business software usually contains point of sale, billing, and invoice packages. Other features packages for businesses may contain would be a way to contact a manager, payroll, document manager, or task scheduler systems. Software that a company has can allow you to view customer history, pay bills, have a website, and efficiently control inventory. Software is essential when running a business, no matter the shape, size, or form of business it may be. Pseudonym: dv1429 CommentsComputer software erases images of people on Google Maps street views enhancing privacy. Pseudonym: scr2727 CommentsIn Chapter 4 I was a little confused and curious about Linux. As I looked it up I came across this cite by the group "The Linux Information Project" (LINFO) and got to reading. The article defined Linux as a " high performance, free operating system that could be used on a variety of things". Continue reading and it says after it was started in 1991 by Linus Torvalds it had rapid growth soon after appealing to individual users to corporations. Linux was actually a clone of UNIX made in 1969, but is better because Linux is free. Overall as you read the article it goes over the good and the bad facts of linux and upgrades it'll need in the future since thousands of programs come from Linux. I enjoyed getting more information out of this article so that my confusion about it truly being free and curiosity were met. Overall it was a good article. Pseudonym: cmarq101 CommentsThis website talks about what need an operating system to work. It also talks about we have the control when we have a computer, laptop or any other kind of system. It is a very helpful article about how computer systems work and what we need to do with different electronic programs. Pseudonym: CRONALDO7 CommentsThis website briefly talks about what computer software does, and how it works. Pseudonym: Jblanco704 CommentsThis is a very useful cite if you want to know differences between machine language and assembly language of any year, it explains in a detailed and easy to understand the material from several servers. Advantages and disadvantages of using one or the other program. Pseudonym: asortiz CommentsAs mentioned at the beginning of Chapter 4, the description of a software could be various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. In this website, it gives us examples of softwares and explained that a computer without software would be useless. An example could be your internet browser software. Pseudonym: villa175 CommentsThis site explains on what to expect from the next generation of computers. This site gives information on how the Japanese hope to pave the way to achiving this task on the fifth generation computer, with a billion dollar project. Pseudonym: jvizcar3 CommentsThis web site describe the different web languages by identifying different applications in web documents. It also shows the different categories languages you can use. Pseudonym: bk201 Commentsthis article provide benefits of using linux that for me is the best option of operating systems. Pseudonym: Blue Moon CommentsA programming tool may be any software program or utility that aids software developers or programmers in creating, editing, debugging, maintaining and/or performing any programming or development-specific task. This is a great website to retrieve more information on programming tools. Pseudonym: Koenigsegg CommentsHolographic will be interesting Pseudonym: vjimenez2 CommentsIt was helpful in understanding what 5gls means. I looked for this because I was intrigued about the future language of computers. Pseudonym: dareliari CommentsThis webpage gives an easy to understand definition of what software licensing is and why it is needed. Pseudonym: 508254 CommentsCASE was created by Nastec Corporation of Southfield, Michigan in 1982. In some cases where companies have researched CASE it has been proven that more than half of the companies have never used it. The companies that have used it say that it has improved documentation quality and has also helped with testing their system. Pseudonym: markapple0507 CommentsThis website gives a generally description of what Linux is and what are it's compabilities Pseudonym: MATRIX CommentsSoftware programming is a lot more than just inputting different languages but has a bigger role in technology, computers, and market research. Pseudonym: sonnybrix CommentsSince chapter 4 had to do with application service providers, I thought it would be interesting to see who were the top cloud providers on the internet. This article gives an account of the top 100 cloud providers and a description of each. Pseudonym: Leon voss CommentsIt describes what a computer software is and the different types that it has. Quite interesting and detailed packed! Pseudonym: Lula12 CommentsVery interesting, and helpful on what application to download for a better instant messaging experience Pseudonym: Ailany06 CommentsVery useful article Pseudonym: grumpy_diver CommentsI find it interesting that viruses are starting to target Linux users as well. The article was very short but to the point. This article was 16 hours old when I viewed it. I imagine as time goes on, there will be more in the news about it. Pseudonym: gamma CommentsThis site gives a short definition and overview of 5GL with links to the 1st through 4th programming languages. Pseudonym: Shorty915 CommentsThis site goes into detail over specifically what software is and different types of software. It goes over the different types of application software. It also gives you several definitions over other key terms used for understanding software such as operating system and malware. Pseudonym: Xiit92 CommentsThis website gives an overall explanation about programming language. It explains how it works and what it is. It is really helpful since it is not a complicated explanation. Also, gives a list with the names of some languages and what they are for. Pseudonym: H1993 CommentsI think incredibly popular website and I really learn on this weebsit Pseudonym: BntFalas6een CommentsI really like this website and it really help the everyone to learn a new stoff Pseudonym: Ua1209 Commentsas we see in class java is a programming language, in the article the autor talks about the different issues that a software architec can have and the different ideas they have. in the article its an interview of how the software architec begun his career. Pseudonym: Mockingjay CommentsThis website and article provides a detailed description of Macine language as well as a thorough analysis of the different types of Machine languages used by programmers. Pseudonym: yaako23 CommentsThis site provides several types of languages around the computer software. It says that the Software languages can create anything from simple console programs that print some text to the screen to entire operating sytems. The complex of the languages varies within their power. Pseudonym: bebin CommentsThe article talks about the ever growing role of software. From the products to the company itself. The article for example talks about now making "computer on wheels." In essence a transition to where software is a necessaty and not a luxury. Pseudonym: Karlaa7292 CommentsGood site to read about computer software, health, medicine, brain, plants, animals, humans, etc.. Pseudonym: 951033 CommentsThere are a lot of applications and websites that will not work if Java is not installed. Pseudonym: 11K23E13Q Commentsit explains everything about the basic skills of a computer Pseudonym: Rude:Buoy CommentsBrief article talking about how the NUI school developed software which assists users in increasing their knowledge and brain elasticity. Pseudonym: aa44 CommentsThe website if for people to go and look for computer software and buy the one that works best for them. It has a lot of categories to choose from also great offers. Pseudonym: Americanvet2009 CommentsLinux is an interface between computer/server hardware, and the programs which run on it. Pseudonym: Fierro8 CommentsReally interesting web article, it talks about how the future of software is going to be. It says that it going to be more adaptable to the user. It will adapt to personal taste such in apps and other software were the user is going to be confortable to use it daily. Pseudonym: TX Trooper CommentsThey have many tutorial on how to start with linux and is at certain levels. Pseudonym: TinyTots CommentsGives a good description on what software consists of, and even goes into a little bit of detail on types. Pseudonym: ccminie123 CommentsThe page demonstrates in a timeline the evolution of the software language. Pseudonym: aliven2014 CommentsThe site is useful in getting the information of how the software program began and how it has evolved through out the years. Pseudonym: zar23 CommentsThis website gives great detail inoformation on what exactly is software and what it does. Pseudonym: coti Commentsthe non-tangible component of computers. Computer software contrasts with computer hardware, which is the physical component of computers. Computer hardware and software require each other and neither can be realistically used without the other. Pseudonym: happyguy CommentsThis article gave a story of the history of OOP. Pseudonym: Dr. Claw CommentsFrom the website computer history museum, this is the section on computer software. Pseudonym: KGA2014 CommentsI really liked this website. It explains the slides used in class more in detail. Pseudonym: Heisenberg CommentsGreat web page to think about Ubuntu 8.10 Pseudonym: recasa CommentsDifferent Types of Software that we use in our daily life Pseudonym: aesal91 CommentsI think it is very interesting how the computer software was invented, but what I find more interesting is the fact they were able to develop it in such early days. Humans needed something to help solve problems, and inventing the software was their solution! Pseudonym: Broncos87 CommentsA simple way to enable sharing a particular source. Somewhat way to protect the information on the device. Also a way to to keep everything together while managing Pseudonym: 88qwerty Commentsrelated with software Pseudonym: zlatan CommentsThe arrival of chrome to Linux desktops is finally complete. The Chrome remote was extended from windows and IOS to android and these help users from Linux and other operating systems to have the chrome browser. Pseudonym: marielymendoza CommentsI like this website because it explains very briefly what is a computer software what it tells a computer whats to do, and explain what other kinds a of software a computer has. Pseudonym: Vietnamese Commentsthis is a good website. it explains what is programming language, also give too many example about program language Pseudonym: JME0912 CommentsThe link is on a gallery of a photographer who got her laptop stolen. The their had already deleted all of her files and replaced them with his own... You Can read the story here... After recovering her laptop she was able to recover her pictures although a bit corrupted. She loved the results and decided to display them anyway, even giving thanks to the their, Adrain Rodriguez. Goes to prove that delete doesn't mean delete. Pseudonym: BarbaraNell CommentsComparison of John Napier's algorithms (sequential steps) and Ada Byron's logarithms (the exponent in an exponential expression or problem.) Pseudonym: Seashell CommentsI am very unfamiliar with cloud storage so this was interesting to see how it works. Pseudonym: Armando0510 CommentsI found this article very interesting and cool to read. It made me more aware of what software actually means. Pseudonym: Clark Kent CommentsSince this chapter mainly described and explained the different types of software and it's function, i decided to look more in depth on each major type of software. I actually found this website to be very helpfull as it succesfully explains and also includes examples that most of us use on the regular basis. Pseudonym: TxBell11 CommentsChapter 4, mostly talked about the types of software, fortunately I did understand this chapter very well. That is why I decided to focus on the Software Licensing topic, as I thought it was interesting and also usefull for our future, in case we may want to develop a software! This website is sponsored by flexrera and it not only explains each step needed to now but also provides the major tools for software licensing. Pseudonym: Armando0510 CommentsI like this top 25 of software that businesses have to have in order to gain a better chance of success. Some are logical but some of them were actually ver intersting and didn't know about. Pseudonym: vch23 CommentsThis article is interesting and helpful because it gives you a better understanding about what is word processing. Pseudonym: gordies CommentsDifferent Types of software is a website that gives you many types of software information ,that you might want to learn. Click on the one that you need to understand and it goes into detail and shows you how to use it. Pseudonym: Elopez04 CommentsThis article talks about the creation of the most powerful operation system of Apple in their computers. Also talks about of the history and the responsabilities of the CEO of Apple company with this invention. Pseudonym: miaama9 CommentsIn the past I had heard about Linux but wanted to get more information about it. This article went over the basics and made a strong case as to why I should switch to it. Pseudonym: zigma1220 CommentsThis web page gives a list of ten programming languages that are useful and important now days, because in this time the more you know about computers and programs is better. Pseudonym: bugwithani18 CommentsMore information about language programs. Pseudonym: chats7 CommentsA simple and better explanation of what a programming language is. Pseudonym: espno007 CommentsThis information comes directly from the site. It gives a brief description and clearly defines what Java is. Pseudonym: Jak CommentsThis page introduces you to how the Java programming language works and what makes it unique as a object oriented programing language. Pseudonym: thaliaexists CommentsGoes into more insight about the History of FORTRAN Pseudonym: jcdmb1019 CommentsI wanted to know more about Linux, so I went to their website to find out more details about it. There is a link called learn Linux, and it gives you insight on what Linux is about and how to use it. Pseudonym: jvill283 CommentsIn this paper it explains in more detail how the languages such as COBOL and FORTRAN are applied. COBOL leans more toward finding solutions to business problems, whereas FORTRAN, has a much more diverse range to what it applies to. Some of these areas include; scientific, mathematical, statistical, and engineering due to its "rapid number-crunching ability". Pseudonym: Striker13 CommentsThis article is used as a guide to understanding the notations of programming language. Pseudonym: hesbee CommentsThis site gave a deeper illustration of the differences between Multitasking and Multiprocessing plus similar concepts and terms associated with them. Pseudonym: Mickey19 CommentsThis webpage was very helpful for me to understand the definition of Computer Software, and know that is a program that enables a computer to perform a specific task. Pseudonym: Marlene Terrazas Commentsexplains how software improves and helps management Pseudonym: totx4119 CommentsThis article investigates the disruption of instant messaging on tasks needed to be done on a computer or related to a job. This document also compares task that have a high stimulus and low stimulus determining which one has more of a disrupting outcome. The researchers also attempt to determine all the different types of interruptions. Pseudonym: sm2468& CommentsThe artical talks about software and how it enables a computer to perform a specific task, as opposed to the physical components of the system (hardware). It talks about the different software applications, such as word processor,operating system, which enables other software to run properly. Pseudonym: JonahHill CommentsThis article explains how important software is in business and how top companies use software to thrive. Pseudonym: BarbaraNell CommentsExplanations are congruent with the text/slides and contain links. Pseudonym: BarbaraNell CommentsAccording to a May 2014 update there are 196 providers Pseudonym: phantom CommentsOn this web page I learned that every time I use my computer since the moment I turn on the computer several programs are running. every program is been write it by someone and test it by someone, so everything we do in any computer, there is gonna be programs running. linux and windows use the same operating system they are written in c and c++. Pseudonym: Luna493 CommentsThis sites explains what Linux is, and how it works as an operating system. Pseudonym: Watermelon CommentsThe website teaches the fundamental knowledge and techniques of Programming. It teaches how the pieces of a language git together to create more than the sum of the parts. Pseudonym: TC13 CommentsThis site goes in depth to help you better understand computer languages. Pseudonym: lrthcis1 CommentsThis website explains what HTML means and how do we use it. It provides several references about introduction of the language, a guide and elements of HTML. It explains how to develop web content with HTML. Pseudonym: jl.delc CommentsI think is pretty interesting to know the ranking of the different languages systems, and to know to what kind of types are applicable. Pseudonym: AA756 CommentsIn addition to the power point slides and the material covered in the lectures, this website also gives addition information such as; java and the other generations of languages. Pseudonym: Lampard55 CommentsThe website explains how speech recognition technology works and where its headed. The creation of universal translators and having computers be able to recognize meaning of words is the future of this technology which will usher in the 5th generation of programming language. Pseudonym: Isamara CommentsThis website provided me with the definition of the term and it goes into a deeper explanation of what it is. Pseudonym: Hannah Hunt CommentsThis webpage describes and explains what HTML is and how it works. It also describes tags and gives a few examples of html written code. I found it pretty easy to understand and it was interesting to learn how HTML works. Pseudonym: isacesquivel CommentsThis is a great article that discusses how MIT Researchers have developed a computer software that will make internet browsing 3 times faster. This software is called REMY. This relates because,Computer-designed algorithms are being used for controlling network congestion; yield transmission rates two to three times as high as those designed by humans. Pseudonym: mrsangryowl CommentsI like this article because it discusses the definition as well as the benefits/disadvantages of first generation programming. Pseudonym: Harmon1982 CommentsOperating Systems Tells what an operating system is, a brief description of each type of operating system, and also lists the operating systems. this is a web site where you can get help with computer issues and get some tips to better understand it. it's an interesting site. Pseudonym: tshaba01 CommentsAfter a long time of wondering why my computer run so slow, even after getting new software and anti spyware, I finally know why that happen. Even if i keep with the newest technology, my files where place all thru my computer, and by utilizing the disk defacement, the speed of my computer improved. Pseudonym: Onrole8911<3 CommentsHearing in class about the web languages and other types of languages made me think about the computers for a moment. I never had thought all the codes will be considered to be a language, now with the information I obtained in class as well with this article I am able to see how important learning about this it really is and beneficial, not only on the future and as a possible job but for our own understanding. Pseudonym: mmedi06 CommentsThis article was very specific on computer software, it also gave plenty of information as well as the history on computer software. Pseudonym: Anna CommentsThis site gave the definition of software, its function and use in details. Pseudonym: Mlle.C CommentsGood reasons exist for favoring an in-house solution, as well as to outsource. This article talks about some of the arguments of each side depending on the scenario the project has. Pseudonym: 91dasher CommentsThis website goes into more detail on the various types of programming languages including others that were not spoken about during the lecture. Pseudonym: lrodr40 CommentsThis website provides more information on the different information systems software there are. I founded this website to be very helpful, is tells us how systems work, and how they can be used. Pseudonym: Dumbo CommentsThis Site gives one information on how an operating system works with pages of great detail on the CPU, interfaces, memory and charts to show the processes taken. Very informative! Pseudonym: BBW69 CommentsThis article attempts to simplify the complexity of technology within our legal system. The article is useful for readers because it explains different terminology (freeware and shareware), explains the limitations users have in the use of purchased software, and advises users on what typical software license contracts contain. Pseudonym: 083010 CommentsGives a specific and detailed definition of what machine language is, what it was used for, and where it came from. Pseudonym: chango4 CommentsIt is a useful website to disintegrated and analyze every component through the software history. Pseudonym: oneal CommentsThis website is useful in listing links as well as briefly describing the links the vast amount of programming languages ranging from object-oriented languages, to text-formatting languages, to functional languages and so on. Great website for an unknowledgeable person. Pseudonym: strawberry CommentsThe article in this website lists a number of programs available in 2014 that computer users should know how to use. This is useful because it helps readers understand and become updated in todays technology which is a great part in todays business world. Pseudonym: funky54 CommentsThis article goes through a little bit of the history of software systems. Something that made software easy for me to relate to was when, " computer software is the language in which a computer speaks', was said. This helped me comprehend the objective a little better. The article then goes into the different major types of software: programming, system, application, malware, adware, inventory management, utility, and data backup & recovery software. Pseudonym: RE1211RR CommentsExplain the steps to defragment a disk on a windows computer Pseudonym: zoom24 CommentsIn this website you can learn what is a computer software. Pseudonym: Benito Juarez CommentsBabbage had made plans in 1834 for a new kind of calculating machine (although the Difference Engine was not finished), an Analytical Engine. His Parliamentary sponsors refused to support a second machine with the first unfinished, but Babbage found sympathy for his new project abroad. In 1842, an Italian mathematician, Louis Menebrea, published a memoir in French on the subject of the Analytical Engine. Babbage enlisted Ada as translator for the memoir, and during a nine-month period in 1842-43, she worked feverishly on the article and a set of Notes she appended to it. These are the source of her enduring fame. Pseudonym: Phatlex CommentsThis website provides a brief explanation of machine language as well as a diagram Pseudonym: Gringo19 CommentsA brief, conclusive, summary of the five generations of computer languages Pseudonym: Acts238 CommentsWikipedia has a concise definition and explanation of how computer languages operate. It helps me understand this concept better. Pseudonym: Arone Carruthers Comments5GL was developed heavily in the 1980's and 1990's One of the main differences advancing from 4GL to 5GL was problem solving. 5GL's use mathematic logic along with set instructions and constraints to freely solve problems by using applications it is also said that 5GL will someday replace all problem solving languages Pseudonym: Arone Carruthers CommentsI was curious as to how big a yottabyte was other than a series of numbers. A yottabyte would take up the size of rhode island and deleware for physical space to be able to store data. Having this much storage would cost around 100 trillion dollars to produce. In 2008 the world's combined GDP was 61 trillion dollars based on the article Pseudonym: ricalavi2 CommentsDescription and definition of Computer Languages Pseudonym: SummerLove CommentsThis article is in depth and is easy to understand it goes over subjects like application software, system software, and malicious software Pseudonym: asalaz51 CommentsI understand what is a software, and whats the function of it in a computer. Pseudonym: geev12 Commentsgroupware is formed for people to achieve their goals. Pseudonym: kevinhart CommentsIt was very detailed and informative. Pseudonym: LEBRONJAMES CommentsElectronic mail was first used by Ray Tomlinson in 197 it then became widely spread and more commonly used in 1996. Electronic mail is a faster way to communicate through the internet. Now, emails are the primary choice of communication used by professionals and individuals. An email must contain valid special characters such as: "@" ".com" and must belong to an email address. Such as. gmail, yahoo, aol, and so on. Pseudonym: Reginageorge CommentsThis explains pretty good Pseudonym: Batman CommentsDecent website. could've been put together better though Pseudonym: Draske CommentsGreat way to get software going Pseudonym: Yaya92481 CommentsLots of information that pertains to chapter 4. Pseudonym: SerPrime CommentsThe website covers how Linux OS systems became popular and what consequences may arise from its sudden rise in popularity Pseudonym: mmmmm CommentsBasic info comparing linux and windows. Pseudonym: Helena Stroud Commentsmmhmmm.... Pseudonym: Fuuse CommentsGood site, provided well description of each OS function. Pseudonym: The Guru CommentsLinux is one of three main operating systems being used today. It is harder to use than operating systems like windows and mac but it offers more flexibility and configuration options. Pseudonym: Acct92F CommentsI didn't really understand what middleware was, and this website described more about it. They even explained basic and advanced middleware which helped. Pseudonym: Pitbull1 CommentsThis site is great, and has trustworthy information! Pseudonym: tequilasunrise CommentsSpecific information about operating systems, very interesting. Pseudonym: dgrove CommentsDetailed information on the 5 types of programming generation languages. Pseudonym: gold46 CommentsThis article is very informative about system software. It provides more insight that is not covered in the lecture slides. Pseudonym: ja0911 CommentsIt has good information!!!! Pseudonym: Sury CommentsThis web side describe the many differences between desktop publishing and Word processing. With desktop publishing, users can easily manipulate text and graphics and try new ideas. In contrast to this, word processing tools are adding more page layout features. Thus, the line that draws the difference between the two hardly exists now. Pseudonym: ceazy CommentsWow, so many codes with few numbers. Pseudonym: Z06Ken CommentsThis site is a very good how to on how to defragment a disk on your computer. You can also defragment your whole computer but only one disk at a time. a disk is your drives. C drive , D drive or even an F drive. WikiHow lists 7 ways to defragment your disk drives and also tellsy ou what you don't have to do which is very helpful. Straight and to the point with a very interesting topic to discuss. Step by step process that allows anyone to follow along to make their computer run smoother or just clear up unwanted space. Pseudonym: Seymour Cummings Commentsi chose to look this topic up because it was covered in class but i wanted to know a little bit more about what an application software is. Pseudonym: Seymour Cummings Commentsi chose to look this topic up because it was covered in class but i wanted to know a little bit more about what an application software is. Pseudonym: penny5 CommentsI was interested in learning more about Linux and the services it provides. This website helped me answer any question I and about it. Pseudonym: El Barto CommentsThe fundamentals of an operating system. Pseudonym: pooh213 CommentsThis website shows "commonly used features in a side-by-side format". I did not understand much besides the programming tools Pseudonym: uerka007 Commentswebsite gives some great additional information about web languages. Pseudonym: Hannah Montana CommentsThe article briefly explains what a computer language is. Pseudonym: GirlAlmighty5S CommentsThis article talks about CASE. CASE basically helps to organize and control the development of software specially it keeps track of big and large software projects. CASE also let designers, code writers, testers, planners, and managers to see the progress of the project. It basically is used as a checkpoint of the project. The advantage of using CASE is that the development process emphasized on testing and redesign. Overall, this article is very informative. Pseudonym: Frozen2014 CommentsI think this article is very interesting. This article talks about the history of instant messaging. I had always thought that instant messaging was available with all the computers but it is a software allows text messages to be sent real time. It needs to be downloaded to each computer wishing to communicate. Pseudonym: 2jayzee CommentsEasy to follow info about computer language generations. Pseudonym: 2jayzee CommentsShort definition of CASE systems Pseudonym: 2jayzee CommentsWhat is java and why do we need it?.. By Pseudonym: DJCTreyCinco Commentsinteresting article about why MIS is necessary. Pseudonym: rivermonkey0726 CommentsThis website was very helpful. Pseudonym: akire23 CommentsIt explains machine language well, in a way that is easy for we as humans to understand. Pseudonym: Reyna<3 CommentsA program is written as a series of human understandable computer instructions that can be read by a compiler and linker, and translated into machine code so that a computer can understand and run it. Pseudonym: Reginageorge Commentsgreat article! it explains better Pseudonym: Reginageorge Commentsgreat article! it explains better Pseudonym: beniquajones CommentsThe site was very detailed to the point where it also gave the history about Java as well as examples of syntax. The definition of Java match the definition that we went over in class, which was a general-purpose computer language. Although some people do not like to use wikipedia as reference, I found that it was very helpful in this case. Pseudonym: oagonzalez90 CommentsPresident Obama is aware of the outside hacker that wanted to damage the United States in many ways, for this reason he would not tolerate that and he would go against them in many ways, for example " by freezing assets in the United States, barring Americans from doing business with them and blocking them from entering the country. They would be cut off from American goods and technology." which I think is good becuase they need to protect the US from hackers Pseudonym: pollo92 Commentsthis website guys you the a list of all the programming languages in alphabetical order Pseudonym: elwizzo#79 CommentsThe website I found it to be a little informative. Explains somewhat the second generation language Pseudonym: elwizzo#15 CommentsThe website I found it to be a little informative. Explains somewhat the second generation language Pseudonym: crazy CommentsWow, so many codes with a few numbers. Had to re submitted typed my pseudonym wrong. Pseudonym: birdman CommentsThis is the most noted site for software in the world. Microsoft Office is the most widely COTS software used in the world. Pseudonym: CDJ24 CommentsBasic wiki that gives an example of a 5th Gen programming language, using the Mercury programming language as an example. Pseudonym: Jessica Commentsbriefly but well explained Pseudonym: Perla1043! CommentsJust a summary of what programming language is and its associatied parts Pseudonym: Perla1043! CommentsPretty short definition of what adds is and its mapping capabilities Pseudonym: Saydie CommentsOperating systems preform many different functions for computers. One of these functions is "booting the computer", which is the function responsible for starting and restarting the computer. In addition, operating systems also control various tasks such as the mouse, keyboard, and printers. Also, there are user interfaces that preform tasks such as opening menus or, typing in specific commands. Lastly, operating systems provides file management and handles system resources. Pseudonym: El Pantera CommentsThis website is very straight to the point and easy to understand when information regarding computers tend to get complicated when getting more involved with its terminologies. Pseudonym: Bradley CommentszxlZd5 Pseudonym: GoldenTabs CommentswRJerT |