Office Hours

203 COBA
Phone: (915) 747 -
FAX: (915) 747 - 5126
( PLEASE include Class & Time in heading)
My Office hours are intended to correspond to to the
meeting times of the class. Generally, I try to have office hours before and/or after the
class. I will be generally be available before and after class:
Monday and
Wednesday (MW) From
12:00 PM to 1:30 PM
Monday and Wednesday (MW) From 3:00 PM to
6:00 PM
I will, of course, be available at other times, BY
APPOINTMENT. As necessary, you may either schedule a meeting with me, or through
the departmental secretary, Ms. Margie Cedillo (747 -
7748). Scheduling through the latter source is subject to
confirmation. If there is adequate time available before you wish to see me, please
contact me via Email.

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