wpe41.gif (23084 bytes)CIS5394: Decision Making and Expert Systems
(Current Issues in CIS)
Spring 2004

Topic Questions

You are required to submit 1 question for each topic area (See the course schedule for due dates)

Why Are you required to submit a question? There are two reasons:

It will help you prepare for the quizzes
Your question will be posted and available to ALL students to help them prepare

Note: In accordance with the two objectives: It doesn't make sense to submit trivial questions. You know I will not ask you a question like "What is a bit?". So why would you submit a trivial question? It doesn't help you or your fellow students.

If you submit good questions, I will eventually add them to the review questions page (I will also give you credit for it, but only if you give permission. Your name in lights!!). All questions submitted will be found at the Student Question Page found at the Additional Material Page.

This page was last updated on 01/19/04