Course Comments
1. To communicate with me, and As far as the first is concerned, this is where you might say things like "I can't get the submission form to work", "There is an error on slide 21 of ..", etc. Things that you might normally email me about (and still can) but don't really require a direct response from me to you. They are the types of comments which I will try and do something about, and which might lead to a posting in the Student Notices Page. The second part has to do with expression of your (anonymous) opinions about the course. The only time I get feedback from students is about 2-3 months after the class has ended. It doesn't do me, or you, much good in terms of making changes for our class.
I would really appreciate your comments. I have put together a submission form which can be submitted anonymously. Comments submitted will be posted to this web page. You are required to make two (2) submissions throughout the semester: One at midterm, and the other at the end of the semester. Use the Midterm Evaluation Submission Page and the Final Evaluation Submission Form. Check the course schedule for the due date. This page was last updated on 01/20/04. |