Biography Submission
course is intended to to promote networking and interaction among students. Each
of you are required to submit a short, one or two paragraph, statement about who you
are, and what your goals are. NOTE that this information will be put on line, so
that everyone in class can read it.
You are to include, at a minimum
(You are encouraged to add more information):
Your Name, (email address
is optional, but recommended) and where you were born and raised (Age is optional) |
Why you
entered the program at UTEP and what you expect to get out of the program |
What you like and dislike
about this course |
What you
consider to be your strengths (don't be modest). |
Where you
would like to see yourself (i.e., professionally and personally) 10 years
from now. |
See the Students Page for some
sample submissions. 
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